Mission Vocation

How do I know if I'm being called to religious life?

Everyone has a purpose and a vocation. God calls some people to be single, some to be married and some are called to consecrated religious life. Priests and religious brothers dedicate their lives to Christ through service to God’s people. For Divine Word Missionaries, that work can take them almost anywhere in the world!

So how can you know if God is calling you to religious life?

Fr Dan Bauer in Taiwan.jpgThe best way to discern your vocation is to set aside time each day to have a real conversation with God. Whether at church, in your home or your favorite spot in nature, prayer should be a conversation. Listening can only happen in the silence that comes when you’ve put aside your worries and calm your soul enough to hear God’s voice. Reading the Scriptures or writing down your thoughts will also help. 

When you feel ready to talk about your discernment, Divine Word Missionary Vocation Directors are here to help. They can assist you with your discernment, tell you more about religious formation and answer any questions you have. Making contact in no way commits you to the program. It’s simply an opportunity for you to find out more about being a Catholic Missionary. You don’t need to be certain of God’s call before the conversation – our Vocation Directors understand that the discernment process requires a great deal of time and reflection because they have experienced it themselves! 

Who are Divine Word Missionaries?

Divine Word Missionary Priests and Brothers share the Word of God with those who may not have heard the Good News. They live the lessons of the Gospels by serving the poor and marginalized, people of other cultures and faith traditions and all faith seekers. They serve in more than 80 countries around the world and are members of the Society of the Divine Word, the largest international missionary order of men in the Catholic Church. Founded in 1875 by St. Arnold Janssen, the order has a rich and diverse history. 

As you consider God’s plan for you, keep an open and generous heart. If you trust God, your heart will be available for anything the Lord asks of you. 

His mission is our mission. Could it be yours?

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Fr Jim Heiar -600x350.jpg

"I was born about 30 miles south of Dubuque, Iowa and went to high school in Bellevue. After my sophomore year, I felt a calling, not just to the priesthood or religious life, but in particular, to the missionary way of life."

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Young adults with candles

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