Manos juntas en oración con un rosario

Solicita la Oración

El Santísimo Sacramento en custodia, cruz y velas.

Te ofrecemos nuestra oración

Si encuentra apoyo y consuelo al saber que estamos orando por usted, ingrese sus pedidos a continuación y lo apoyaremos con nuestra oración.

Oremos juntos para que el Dios de la bondad bendiga sus luchas. Nuestro muro de oración permite también a los visitantes a conectarse como una comunidad por medio de la oración y en el amor de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo.

Cualquiera sea su intención, el saber que alguien está orando por ti te ayudará a encontrar paz y a desarrollar la fuerza interior para enfrentar las dificultades que experimentas.

Marque a continuación si desea que nos comuniquemos con usted. Le diremos quién orará por usted y trataremos de apoyarlo con palabras de aliento.

Muro de Oración

Haga una oración en las intenciones abajo.

Pray for Ms. Daranee Teapthong, who is undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer. God willing, I'd like to feel love and lightness. Exception: medical technicians. Grace assists persons in their recovery.

- Dominic Yingyos , Tailandia

Pray for Thai priest Fr. Thomas Arthit Wongwai, who is in charge of the Tha Rae-Nong Saeng Archdiocese. Even if his liver cancer has advanced to the fourth stage, scientific medicine and a monastic lifestyle may be beneficial.

- Dominic Yingyos , Tailandia

Pray for Mr. Boontipat Pattamakhom, who has terminal lymphoma. God, please intervene to halt the cancer. Let us help to lessen his pain. This has enabled him to return to a happy life.

- Dominic Yingyos , Tailandia

Meu avô (99 anos) está muito doente e com dificuldade em "partir"... Peço a misericórdia divina para ele e que aconteça o que for melhor. Muito obrigada!

- Natalia, Ribeirao Preto Brasil

Prosze I swiatlo ducha swietego ktoro drogo mam isc prosze o to zeby sie polepszylo w moim zyciu prosze o droge Panie Jezu zebym wkroczyl w swoim zyciu na dobra Droge prosze o znaki w swoim zyciu prosze Jezu

- Martin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

I have a major life decision to make. It is a difficult one. It is not a clear path. I want to make the right decision, in line with God's Will for my life. I need clarity and wisdom from our Lord above. Please pray that God opens the right door & shines a light on the path that is in line with His Will. I trust Him wholeheartedly. Pray I experience His peace and comfort. Please pray for His Divine Direction & Protection going forward. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Bogu Wiadomo i o łaski Święte i zdrowie dla całej rodziny

- Alicja, Poniszowice Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Jezu Zabierx odemnie te cierpienia od mojej mamy

- Martin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

Prosze o swiatlo o to Zeby Jesus pokazal mi droge ktoredy mam isc ustalem w miejscu I niewiem ktoredy mam isc moge stac wyjsc I niewiem ktoredy I gdzie mam isc prosze o pomoc modlitwe dla mnie

- Martin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

27 Pazdiernika obchodzimy z zona 51 rocznice slubu, prosze o modlitwe Danuta i Jozek Wiecek, Donacje przesle.

- JOZEF, Katowice Polonia

Prosze o modlitwe za moja Corke Milene,ktora pogubila sie w Tym Swiecie, aby znalazla wlasciwa droge .Niech Bog nad Nia czuwa. " Jezu Ty sie tym zajmnij"

- Anita, Wallington NJ Estados Unidos

My sister in law Virginia (Corky) Rauen is having some procedures done for her health and would like to ask your prayer. Thank you, David Rauen

- Virginia, Epworth Estados Unidos

Pray for Mr. Boontipat Padmakhom, a terminal lymphoma sufferer. May God relieve his agony and provide him a better quality of life.

- Dominic Yingyos , Tailandia

Pray for Ms. Daranee Teapthong, a patient with breast cancer, so that God's merciful rays of radiation therapy and His healing touch can help eradicate her cancerous cells.

- Dominic Yingyos, Tailandia

I have been sentenced to 45 days in jail. My anxiety and fear is severe. I ask prayers for this.

- Sean, Roseville Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego syna Szymona żeby zmienił tryb życia , żeby był zdrowy , żeby na co dzień żył z Bogiem i według Jego przykazań . Boże otocz swoimi łaskami Jego dzieci i całą rodzinę żebyśmy znowu mogli żyć w miłości i szacunku . Matko Boza strzeż mojego syna od wszelkiego zła i wskaż mu drogę życia . Proszę o łaskę spokoju i miłości w mojej rodzinie. Bóg zapłać Ewa z USA

- Ewa, Clarksburg Estados Unidos

Prosze I ratunek w moim zyciu poprostu siegnelem dna chcem wyjsc z tego Boze nie pozwol zeby moim wrogowie wysmiewali sie zemnie Jezu Gdzie jestes pomoz mi daj MI znak odwage sily prosze o modlitwe za mnie

- Marcin

Bogu wiadomo

- anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Pray that the Holy Spirit may comfort and uplift Gerard Ratchachanont Tewinsatit, who feels called by the Lord, as he moves to The Archdiocese of Tharae Nongsaeng Theological College.

- Dominic Yingyos , Bangkok Tailandia

Prayers for Ms. Daranee Teapthong's sore muscles. following the surgical removal of a cancerous tumor beneath the breast. May the arm regain its range of motion and the discomfort subside. Radiation treatment is accessible now.

- Dominic Yingyos , Bangkok Tailandia

Please pray for my father, MICHAEL, who is almost 80. He just had a serious procedure for a retriggering episode of atrial fibrillation. He could barely breathe prior to this. I thank God that it was successful, but he is in a very weakened state right now and has no appetite. Please pray that he begins eating, that this heals up immediately, and he experiences a full recovery and complete restoration. Thank you. God bless.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o uzdrowienie mojej mamy.

- Damian, Radom Polonia

Por mi salud, fortaleza, resitencia, y renovación física, mental, emocional y espiritual, por la sanación de mi interior, paz mental y emocional, paz en mis adentros, libertad interior y liberación espiritual. Especialmente pido por mi conversión. Todo lo anterior también pido por mi madre, padre y hermanos, por Enzo, Lorenzo, Nelida, Potamio, Enrique, Mabel, Ramón David, Miguel, Juan, Paty, por mis amigos y enemigos, y por quienes oré hoy.

- Francisco Emilio, Yataity del Norte Paraguay

Por la Salud y sanidad de Magola Quintero Torres y Andrés Barros Hernández Por las intenciones laborales de Andrés Felipe Barros Quintero para que el Señor por medio de la santísima virgen Maria y San José le conceda un empleo digno, estable y bien remunerado.

- ANDRES FELIPE, valledupar Colombia

Prosze o odzyskanie auta w mojej sprawie o to zebym mogl odzyskac auto ktore mi zabrano zeby sie udalo mi odzyskac

- Marcin

Please pray for God's intervention in my sufferings at work against bullying and scheming, for the blessing of my work and healing from illnesses

- Eva , Košice Eslovaquia

O uzdrowienie z choroby dla Wojtka i dla Danuty.

- Joanna, Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Prosba o modlitwe dla Marcina rainko blagam ratunku ustalem w miejscu moje zycie nie ma sensu zyje z dnia na dzien ratunku

- Marcin, Ridgewood

Za Marcina Rainko o plasz Matki Bozej o laski o plaszcz schronienia o radosc dla malgorzaty o dobra materialne

- Marcin

Bogu Wiadome

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Za Pawła Kopczyńskiego o zdrowie i płaszcz łask Maryji nad Jego całą rodziną

- Klaudia, Jabłonna Polonia

Prosze o modlitwe o uzdrowienie dla 2- letniej Emilki z choroby nowotworowej.

- Krystyna, Estados Unidos

Prosze was o modlitwe o zdrowie I Boze blogoslawiestwo o radosc o uwolkienie od zlego od zlego oka Jezu ,,,,,.........ufam.tobie ratuj mnie szybkooo prosze o ratunek ciezko mi jest

- Marcin, Ridgewood

Prosze za mojego syna Lukasza, o zdrowie ,Opieke Boza i wszelka pomoc ktora jest mu potrzebna. O Boza Opieke dla mojego syna Piotrka w jego ciezkiej i niebezpiecznej pracy. Prosze Boga o wszelkie potrzebne Laski dla mojej rodziny. Kazimiera z USA

- Kazimiera, Darien Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mojego Syna Mateusza o łaskę uzdrowienia i powrót do zdrowia. Bóg zapłać.

- Marzena , Sosnowiec Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego syna Filipa o łaskę uzdrowienia i powrót do pełni sił

- Karolina, Stare Kosiny Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie i moją rodzinę, gdy brak mi już sił

- Elwira, Górażdże Polonia



Proszę o modlitwę za mego brata i jego rodzinę

- Dorota, Palatine Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwę o nawrócenie i uwolnienie mojego męża Kamila, przemianę Jego serca, powrót do rodziny, uratowanie malżeństwa, odbudowanie wzajemnej miłości oraz uleczenie Synka z padaczki

- Agnieszka, Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę o cud uzdrowienia z choroby nowotworowej

- Kazimiera, Polska Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę uwalniającą, aby padma moich niepowodzeń dobiegły końca.... zarówno w relacjach z ludźmi, życiu zawodowym, życiu uczuciowym. Każdego dnia odczuwam głęboki smutek, rozczarowanie .. tak jakby ktoś panował nad moim życiem i chciał tylko nieszczęść ... to nie jest normalne co się dzieje w moim życiu, proszę o modlitwę opadłam z sił. Proszę o opiekę Boską , by Pan Bóg uratował moje życie.. uwolnił mnie. Aman.

- Sandra , Wodzisław Śląski Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę o rozwiązanie moich problemów zdrowotnych i o pokój serca i duszy.

- Asia

Pido oracion por la sanidad espiritual y mental de mi hijo Khristopher Romero Torres

- Mercedes Valentina, Arequipa Perú

Please pray for me as I go through the healing process after prostate cancer surgery. Also include me in your prayers during our dark times, and when the world almost turns its back on us. These I request from you, my brethren, in the powerful name of Jesus.

- Nong, BOWIE Estados Unidos

Please pray for my sister who has cancer, please pray that the chemo will take care of the cancer and that she will be healed from this disease and please pray that going forward things will get better for her

- Glenda

prosze o dobre relacje z moja mama prosze o radosc prosze o to Co mam robic w zycia o madrosc odwage

- Malgorzata, Usa

Der Brethren, Please Pray to Almighty God to have Mercy upon Me & hear All of My Prayers & Soon Answer them ,Amen. May Almighty God Bless You All, Amen. I Pray this in Holy Faith in the Mighty Name of Our Lord God & Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen. Yours in Christ, Lavan(S.LNavaratnam).

- Satiyajit Lavan, Colombo Sri Lanka

Boże Mój wielbię Ciebie. Dziękuję za to ze mogę nieść razem z Tobą krzyż. Dziękuję też za otrzymane łaski. Za Twoja obecność w moim życiu. Proszę Cię o wszelkie potrzebne łaski dla Janusza. Aby posługa kapłańską dawała mu satysfakcję. Radość doczesną i zaprowadziła do radości wiecznej.

- Urszula, Wrocław Polonia

❤️❤️O ZDROWIE ❤️❤️

- Danuta, Włocławek Polonia

Pray for me

- Anthony, TALLAHASSEE Estados Unidos

I lost my way and got into some legal troubles. I stand to lose my job, my license and my freedom. I am trying to renew my relationship with the Lord. Prayers to help with legal situation and relationship with our Lord would be greatly appreciated.

- Jason, Bismarck Estados Unidos

Prosze o opieke Boza Oraz Opieke Matki Bozej Dla marcina Rainko I Malgorzaty Rainko o zdrowie o szczesscie w zyciu Oraz o dobra materialne jak I duchowe o zdrowie

- Marcin, Usa

I jave lost my stamina and energy out of the sudden feeling tired and weary all the time I hardly work or take care of my 3 little kids. The doctors cannot find the reason and their medicines don't work. Let us pray and rebuke that condition and resist whatever is behind it commanding it to leave my body in Christ's authority, we speak to you fatigue go out , you sleepiness get out in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ

- Daniel, Głogów Polonia

Prayers for peace, peace of mind, mercy, and forgiveness. Prayers for guidance and protection during difficult times for my family and I, so that we may be free of the fear of uncertainty. Prayers for courage and bravery. Prayers for God's Favor and good fortune.

- Christopher, Estados Unidos

Dobry Boze prosze prosze o uzdrowienie z choroby nowotworowej dla Katharine Di Benedetto

- Maria, Garfield Estados Unidos

Señor por favor impón tus manos de sanidad física- mental- psicológica- espiritual- laboral - económica- profesional y deportiva, para poder movernos a través de tu espíritu santo, para ser luz interior para todos juntos y cada uno individual, Gracias señor por responder mis oraciones y darnos respuestas amen, señor por favor sea tu abriendo las puertas de los cielos y derrama sobre todos y cada uno de nosotros, bendición laboral y económica.

- anael, cali Colombia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia rodziców chorych na chorobę nowotworową, o zdrowie dla siostry chorej na nerwicę oraz o siłę, pokój, wiarę, nadzieję i miłość dla całej rodziny

- Adam, Polonia

Z prośbą o trzeźwość i zdrowie dla Marcina, poprawę relacji i kontaktów z dziećmi. O dary Ducha Świętego, Błogosławieństwo Boże, wzmocnienie wiary i o pomoc w nowej pracy oraz o zdrowie.

- Justyna, Chorzów Polonia

Prosze o modlitwę o cudowne uzdrowienie mojego biodra. Proszę o ulge w bólu,aby było w pełni sprawne. Oraz jeśli taka wola Pana, aby obyło się bez operacji. Bóg zapłać za modlitwę.

- Beata, Ełk Polonia

Prosze we wszyskich moich intencjach . Bog zaplac !

- Magdalena, SHIPLEY Reino Unido

Proszę o modlitwę,abym wyzdrowiała z endometriozy, schizofrenii i insulinooporności...aby zniknęły torbiele na jajnikach i poprawiły się wyniki cholesterolu. Proszę też za wszystkie kobiety, które mają podobne problemy zdrowotne do moich. Jezu, Ty się tym zajmij! Wielkie Bóg Zapłać

- Magdalena, Lublin Polonia

Prosze O modlitwe O odwage w milosci w zyciu o sily dla mnie mojej mamy Malgorzaty Rainko o dobra materialne

- Marcin, Usa

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji o zdrowie,potrzebne łaski i dary ducha świętego dla mnie całej mojej rodziny i znajomych oraz dla bliskich zmarłych o łaskę nieba.

- Agnieszka , Sosnowiec Polonia

I have been undergoing Helicobacter pylori eradication antibiotic therapy Let us pray so it would be successful and let us rebuke inflammation caused by it commanding that bacteria to die and all the symptoms with it in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ

- Daniel, Glogow ,Poland Polonia

peço por fernando Gimenez Colago sobrinho, Leonardo Tarcisio Gimenez, Regiane Gimenez Tusikas, Jose Eduardo Tusikas, familias, Gimenez, Colago, Duarte, rajh Reick, Alves Bratkauskas Anna Rajh, Vidal obrigada Deus abençoe

- Regiane , Bertioga Brasil

Pray Valentine's fly to settle in B'lore, Neha inBank job govt job in Bangalore, Nikita in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore, Neha, Nikki to be blessed with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners having no parents who will keep Vellu Judy with them, bless them to settle in same house in B'lore, Bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore, heal Nehas throat and eyes,heal Neha Nikitaseyes

- Valentine Judy , Dharwad India

Please pray that I have a good doctor appointment today. That my blood test results are all normal. That I have a good blood pressure reading and that I remain calm, free of anxiety and stress. Also for a good outcome for another test that will be done today. Blessings, Amen!

- Amber, Regina Canadá

pray for my family will have a safe and good day. pray for my marriage and family pray for Liz and Scott,Tom and Alysha,Mary and Nate marriages and families pray for Ryan and Kylie pray for Ryan conversion,health test and family good catholic spouse pray for Aiden,Ella,Addy,Noelle,Willa.Olivia,Finley,Milo,Colette,Makenzie,Maizy,Jameson behaves,health,speech,good students pray for AF is good wife,mother,grandma,babysitter,cleaner,cook,declutter,

- annette, laporte Estados Unidos

Aby Jezus błogosławił mój post, wzmocnił moją wiarę i dał mi pełne uzdrowienie duszy

- Kasia, Floryda Estados Unidos

Prosze O modlitwe Dla marcina Rainko

- Marcin, Usa

Proszę, o modlitwę o to, aby sprawa Bogu wiadome, która próbuje zakończyć mój narzeczony i ja od kilku lat w końcu się powiodła, chodzi o sprawę finansowa, która umożliwiłaby nam w końcu wzięcie ślubu, wyjście z biedy oraz zamówienie wielu Mszy świętych w intencji zlamania przekleństwa na nas ciążącego. Proszę niech Bóg da błogosławieństwo tym sprawom, złamie przeklenstwo, trwa to już wiele lat a czas się kończy. Dziękuję za wstawiennictwo.

- Urszula, Tarnow Polonia

Prosze o modlitwe o uratowanie mojej rodziny, o nawrocenie meza, o poradzenie sobie z ciezarem zdrady , pomoc w wychowaniu dzieci, aby na nowo uwerzyly w Boga i otrzymaly dar nadziei. O dar wiary, nadziei i milosci dla nas wszystkich. Bog zaplac.

- Malgorzata

Kindly please intercede for me to find a good job soon.

- Sandy

Prosze o modlitwe o uwolnienie mnie z klamstwa o oszczerswto o to zebym zyl W zyciu prosze Wpadlem w pulapke I sie zatrzymalem w zyciu Nie jestem w stanie wyjsc z domu Nie jestem w stanie rozmawiac prosze o uwolnienie mnie od bez sensu zycia o odwage ducha

- Marcin

Prayers for the safe return of a sweet teenager, Anna and her family.

- Maureen, Sherwood Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Saint Petersburg Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie z niewoli kłamstwa i nawrócenie mojego syna, o uzdrowienie relacji w jego małżeństwie, o uzdrowienie żony, o trwałość związku, o powrót do wierności, oraz odbudowanie miłości i wspólną opiekę małżonków nad synem

- Izabela, Warszawa Polonia

Niech będzie uwielbiony Jezus Chrystus. Prawdziwy Bóg I prawdziwy Człowiek Proszę o modlitwę w intencji Michała. Aby Dobry Bóg obdarzył go zdrowiem i umacniał jego wiarę. Proszę o potrzebne dla niego łaski i realizację planów jeśli jest to zgodne z wola Najwyższego. Dziękuję za to ze jesteś Królem Królów a ja mogę się do Ciebie modlić.

- Urszula , Polonia

This is a special request I ask in need to live in the light move forward from the past obsticles that gets in the way from suffered from a lost of life give me a chance to see the light help me to have peace and healing cause me rest in my innerparts help me to some type of way to live for the future.

- Ommettress, Miami Estados Unidos

Please pray for my sister who was told she has cancer, please pray that she will be healed from this disease and please pray that things in life will get better for her

- Glenda, Topeka Estados Unidos

First, I want to give praise, honor and glory to the LORD and his son Jesus. Please urgently pray that God will heal my mother and I from our diseases. Thank you.

- Shannon, Somerset, NJ USA Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże.Bardzo prosze o Modlitwe za Mojego Syna Krzysztofa u Uwolnienie syna ze Wszystkich zniewolen Narkotykow,Pijanstwa ,Kradziezy ,Agresji i Złosci oraz z Wszystkich Zranien od Narodzin do teraz.O Uzdrowienie syna na Ciele ,Umysle i Duszy.O Nawrocenie syna i wiare i powrot do Kosciola. Jak Wielkie Spustoszenie i Pustke mamy w domu przez Krzysia Zniewolenia ktorymi jest dreczony,Krzywdzac Siebie Samego i Nas Rodzicow.O Nawrocenie Dzieci

- Teresa, Oslo Noruega

Prosze o modlitwe Goska Rainko o powrot do zdrowia o Boze Blogoslawinstwo opieke Matki bozej o nagle zdrowie Oraz dla jak syna ktory zostal skrzywdzony przez ludzi Nie moze sie otworzyc na ludzi I Nie Moze juz nic zrobic zeby Stal sie Bozy cud!.byli dobrymi ludzmi prosze o modlitwe Za nich Bog zaplac prosze o dobra materialne

- Malgorzata , Ridgewood Estados Unidos

First, I want to give praise, honor and glory to the LORD and his son Jesus. Please urgently pray that God will heal my mother and I from our diseases. Thank you.

- Shannon, Somerset, NJ USA Estados Unidos

Healing for Ike, Margaret (depression), Dominik. Anita and family, Hip, Rose, Clare, Diane, Eleanor, Paul, Kathy, Norma, Bruce, Bill, Misty, Julie, Joy, John. Karen, Ken, Amie, Ralph, George, Nancy, Grace, Bart, Rick, Cathy all of our Friends, and myself our country. Special intention Mike, Micha, Jill, Cathy, Hunter, Anita, Brian

- Mike, Statesville Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie w mojej trudniej sytuacji abym wkoncu mogła być z osobą która bardzo kocham i wiem że ona kocha mnie

- Sabina , Gorlice Polonia

Proszę o szczęśliwe donoszenie przezemnie ciąży i urodzenie zdrowego dziecka

- Małgorzata , Raszyn Polonia

Please pray for guidance and for God's will

- Mark Preston , Cullman Estados Unidos

W intencji zdrowia Kory, o skuteczne leczenie...

- Agnieszka, Koszalin Polonia

i'm currently unemployed and now i am interviewing for a new career opportunity. Need your help and prayers to secure a new job. Jesus I trust in you.

- mat, REHOBOTH Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za mojego zmarlego dzis w nocy Ojca. Niech spoczywa w spokoju.

- Bozena, Springfield Estados Unidos

Prosze o dobre intencje dla mnie Marcina Rainko zeby moje intencje byly zgodne zawsze z Wala Boza

- Marcin, NYC

Good morning, boy am I in a big mess. Pray along with me that I immediately find gainful employment. A financial blessing. He is a cleaver one and sneaks in. Something is not right in my life. Not sure where i am going, lonely and depressed. I need prayers hope n faith

- Vince, Akron Estados Unidos

pls pray for the soul of my husband marcus bryant who died march 29.2024. May his soul rest in peace and be able to go to heaven

- jenny, fairfax Estados Unidos

Proszę o nawrócenie mojego chłopaka. Boże spraw żeby poszedł do spowiedzi. A jeżeli on nie jest dla mnie, oddal go ode mnie. Ale nie moja wola, niech Twoja się stanie. Przyjmę wszystko co mi dasz. Amen

- M, Polonia

Moj krzyz z dnia na dzien ciezszy niewiem co robic prosze o modlitwe za marcina

- Marcin, NYC

Please pray for my sister who has cancer please pray that she will be healed from this disease and please pray that things will get better for her

- Glenda, T Estados Unidos

Prosze o ratunek dla siebie mam pustke niewiem co mam robic prosze o swiatlo

- Marcin, NYC

Prosze o modlitwe o cud poczecia. Dziekuje.

- Dorota, Estados Unidos

Proszę o powodzenie w bardzo ważnym egzaminie od którego zależy cała moja ścieżka zawodowa. I proszę o to bym była lepszą żoną i mamą dla moich dzieci.

- Marta, Katowice Polonia

Prosze o uwolnienie mnie od lenistwa braku checi od przeklenstw od zlych czarow od zlego oka

- Marcin, Nyc Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za wstawiennictwem Świętego Józefa o szczęśliwy wybór i łaskę pięknej ,dobrej, wiernej, roztropnej i świętej żony, której mógłbym powierzyć moje życie i złączyć się z nią mocą łaski sakramentalnego małżeństwa.

- Tomasz , Warszawa Polonia

For the repose of the souls of Brittany Maynard

- Br Alex , Stockbridge Estados Unidos

Please pray for me a great paying job ,for me to be able to support my family and bills ,and have some extra to help and support the poor in this world

- Donald, Henderson Estados Unidos

O zgodę w małżeństwie i rodzinie i pozytywne rozpatrzenie sprawy w pracy

- Tomasz, Kościerzyna Polonia

Need a good prayer to my financal issues

- viktoria, valdosta Estados Unidos

Anthony Roberts prayer request ( blessings and covering over my life) Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” Isaiah 55:11 KJV so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Malachi 3:10 King James V

- Anthony, Tallahassee Estados Unidos

Please pray for the healing, safety, and economic needs of Janet, isela and flaca

- james, Estados Unidos

Maryjo proszę o szybki powrót do zdrowia dla Krzyśka. Uwolnienie od dializ żeby nerki zaczęły pracować. Uwolnienie od tabletek. O nowe lepsze życie. Bóg zapłać

- Agnieszka , NY Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji za drowie mojego Szwagra który będzie miał jutro 4 operację z powodu nowotworu i o nawrócenie Miej Go Boże w swojej opiece, uchroń go od złego i daj mu szansę by mogł żyć.

- Karolina, Lublin Polonia

Proszę o pomyślny zabieg endoskopię i dobre wyniki dla Paulinki. Niech Dobry Bóg prowadzi wszystko. Amen

- Agnieszka , NY Estados Unidos

We offer up the precious blood of Jesus in union with all holy masses ever said throughout the world for ivica vidakovic and all holy souls in purgatory now and forever in the name of Jesus with the holy spirit for the glory of God. Amen alleluia

- Ankica, Westmead Australia Australia

pray for my family will have a safe and good day. pray for my marriage and family pray for special intention mass to go to pray for Liz and Scott,Tom and Alysha,Mary and Nate marriages and families pray for Ryan and Kylie pray for Ryan conversion,health,job,test,finds good catholic spouse pray for Aiden,Ella,Addy,Noelle,Willa.Olivia,Finley,Milo,Colette,Makenzie,Maizy,Jameson behaves,health,speech,good students pray for AF is good wife,mother,

- annette, laporte Estados Unidos

Healing for Ike, Margaret (depression), Dominik. Anita and family, Hip, Rose, Clare, Diane, Eleanor, Paul, Kathy, Norma, Bruce, Bill, Misty, Julie, Joy, John. Karen, Ken, Amiee, Nancy, Grace, Bart, Rick, Cathy all of our Friends, and myself our country. Special intention Mike, Micha, Jill, Cathy, Hunter, Brian, Anita

- Mike, Statesville Estados Unidos

Prosze o to zeby moj krzyz bylo lekki Dla marcina

- Marcin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

Please pray that I always do what would please Jesus. Also i need prayers for job security. Its a scary time and I am so afraid of losing my job. I don't know why. Please pray i do well in my job, and am considered a valuable contributor. Please. Also, prayers for the good health & well being of all my family, and for my own health . Thank you, and God Bless you all.

- Deborah, Estados Unidos

Modlmy sie o odwage dla mnie I dla mojej mamy Malgorzaty prosze uwolnijcie dusze z depresji lekow strachow bezensu zycia niepowodzen w rodzinie mojej sile do walki I wole prosze o checi do Zycia

- Marcin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za Marcina Rainko zeby sie zmienilo w zyciu cos ustalem W miejscu zamknolem Sie chce zebym zyl prosze o to zebym mogl zaczac rozmawiac

- Marcin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

Pray that jesus forgives My sins. During My dead i receive mercy and salvation. Good health, protection that i can walk to catholic church. Protection, salvation to My parents bertta and otto, My son gape, Birgitta and Seppo, Kalevi and Aino, Reijo, Juho, Elviira. Good friends to do domestica tasks and shop food.

- Alexandra, Helsinki Finlandia



please pray. I didn't get paid for about 3 days of work with a substitute teaching company. And they underpaid me for at least two days. Please pray for my finances and that a get help. Thank you.

- Ren, Los Angeles Estados Unidos

Hold me up in prayer to the LORD, that He will bless my health and my doctor visit will be blessed by Him. Patrick from VA

- Patrick, Disputanta Estados Unidos

Healing for Ike, Margaret (depression), Dominik. Anita and family, Hip, Rose, Clare, Diane, Eleanor, Paul, Kathy, Norma, Bruce, Bill, Misty, Julie, Joy, John. Karen, Ken, Nancy, Grace, Bart, Rick, Cathy all of our Friends, and myself our country. Special intention Mike, Micha, Jill, Cathy, Hunter, Anita, Brian

- Mike, Statesville Estados Unidos

Please Lord deliver me from these legal issues that I'm facing, I'm overwhelmed with stress and need your help. This is effecting my life in negative ways please let the District Attorney think with their hearts and not with their egos. I give my problems to you because it is to big for me to control.

- Kimberly, Austin Estados Unidos

Pray for every area of my life

- Anthony, Tallahassee Estados Unidos

Prosze o przemiane serca dla siebie

- Marcin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

O łaskę nawrócenia żywej wiary szczerej spowiedź świętej dary ducha Świętego dla wszystkich pogubionych w rodzinie i wieczną radość dla Kasi i wszystkich zmarłych z rodziny

- Teresa, Marengo Estados Unidos

O to zebym Nie przespal zycia o dary ducha swietego

- Marcin, New York

Za Dusze w czyscu cierpioce .Za zmarlych Z rodziny Rainko.Oraz o zdrowie dla Rodziny Rainko

- Marcin, Ridgewood Estados Unidos

Prosze o radosc w moim I dla mojej Mamy Malgorzaty Zeby wszystko w zycie sie nam ukladalo I ulozylo Dla mnie tez o odwage o to zebym sie otworzyl na ludzi i o to zebym mogl znalezc sens w swoim zyciu o zdrowie I Boze Blogoslwienstwo opieke O potrzebne Laski Boze

- Marcin

Prosze ratuj mnie Od biedy Jezu prosze o lepsze zycie o swiatlo o to zeby szatan sie odsunol odemnie I mojej mamy

- Marcin

Bardzo Proszę o modlitwę za mnie by Jezus uwolnił i uzdrowił mnie ze stanu zapalnego ucha- Trąbki słuchowej w uchu i by mój zabieg chirurgiczny u dentysty przeszedł bez żadnych komplikacji i infekcji oby problemy depresyjne i gastryczne ustąpiły i leki na boreliozę działały bez skutków ubocznych i bym wyzbyła się złego ducha lenistwa .Dziękuję Monika

- Monika, Chicago Estados Unidos

My name is Infant Sebastian, My wife's name is Jennifer Louis, Our Children Aaiden Joel and Karyn Gabrielle. Please pray for us and also please pray for me Infant Sebastian for my career, may Jesus Christ lead me according to his will.

- Infant, India India

Proszę o modlitwę o wybawienie z udręki, wskazanie drogi, którą mam pójść i o siłę, bym potrafił nią pójść. Jezu, ufam Twemu miłosierdziu.

- Daniel, Polonia

O Miłosierdzie Boże dla + Daniela Półchłopka

- Wojciech, Haczów Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego męża Zbigniewa ,który jest bardzo chory,i zyje w głębokiej nienawisci i zawiści do mnie i naszego syna Oliviera ,aby mu Bóg przywrócił miłość i spokój

- Marzena, GIŻYCKO Polonia

Please pray that my mom is accepted to Green Bay rehabilitation hospital and that Medicare covers it. She deserves an opportunity to become stronger Please pray.

- Audrey, Kaukauna Estados Unidos

Am KIRUNGI kindly requesting you to stand with me in my prayers this month I want to start a business but am jobless and no money seen and i want to be financially blessed in all areas of my life for wealth, prosperity and abundance to serve God and bless those in need by God's will i will be glad to include in your prayers

- Kirungi , Gulu city Uganda

Proszę o modlitwe błagalną o przemianę serca męża Marcina. Otwarcie serca na działanie łaski Bożej. Nawrócenie i przemianę życia. Błogosławieństwo Boże dla całej rodziny 4 dzieci

- Beata, Dobczyn Polonia

Z okazji Wielkiego Czwartku życzę wszystkim księżom niegasnącej miłości do Eucharystii gorliwości oraz siły potrzebnej do głoszenia Dobrej Nowiny a także obfitych owoców duszpasterskiej pracy Dziękuję za modlitwy z moich intencji Urszula Wrocław

- Urszula, Wrocław Polonia

♥️♥️PROSZĘ ♥️

- Danuta, Włocławek Polonia

I’m so excited my broken Marriage has been restored. “We recently made up, even though it was difficult. It’s been more than a month now, and everything feels like it’s returned to normal. He has begun to treat me better, and it’s been a healing process for both of us. The nightmare that had lasted for almost 2 years before we broke up is finally over. It’s like we fell in love all over again! We’ve both put the past behind us, and are trying to

- Thiago, México

Proszę o uwolnienie i uzdrowienie. W intencji Panu Bogu wiadomej

- Mateusz

♥️Bardzo proszę ♥️o MODLITWĘ o UZDROWIENIE

- Danuta , Włocławek Polonia

Please pray for us. My spouse betrayed me & I'm struggling with recovery due to intrusive thoughts & anger outbursts that further damage my marriage. Please pray for my healing & God's will for our marriage relationship. I am not sure if my husband is still active in the infidelity so please pray for his salvation. May we honor God. Pray God will heal my mind & fill me with His love, compassion & kindness so I can complete my assignment on earth.

- Jane, Estados Unidos

Please pray for the healing and job needs of isela, janet, and james

- james, Estados Unidos

Please pray for my beloved wife joanna she has cancer. I love her & can't go on without her. Your continuing / ongoing prayers are needed. WE NEED A MIRACLE ! Lord hear our prayer.

- Eugeniusz, Passaic Estados Unidos

Intencja Bogu Znana

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Proszę podziękować Panu Bogu że synek żyje i bardzo proszę o szybki powrót do zdrowia Aleksandra . Z wdzięcznością do ludzi które się modlą

- Kasia, Siedlce Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę o dar potomstwa dla nas z mężem, abym mogła zajść w upragnioną ciążę i urodzić zdrowe dziecko.

- Aneta, Legionowo Polonia

The Lord says in Thessalonians 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful, & He will strengthen you & protect you from the evil one." Please be in agreement w me that he will protect my beloved Gene from all evil influences at his workplace that is filled with constant strife, retaliation, hostility, gossip, jealousy, & perversion

- Jennifer , Estados Unidos

Please pray for my beloved wife Lucy - in remission 18 months from stage 4 gastric cancer - we fear it has returned. I love her & can't go on without her. Your continuing / ongoing prayers are needed. WE NEED A MIRACLE ! Lord hear our prayer.

- jerry, corona Estados Unidos

I am asking God to make a way for my fiancé to come home early from the Army so we can get married. He needs a lot of money to take care of his expenses before he leaves. God is the one who connected us and I know He is able to make a miracle when there seems to be no way. I am believing God fixes the issue early. Also praying my fiancé's walk with God in our journey. Thank you. God Bless you all Cathy

- CATHY, ST LOUIS Estados Unidos

PRAISE THE LORD , My sister ASHA NITINKUMAR KHANDAGALE is suffering from KIDNEY FAILURE AND SLOW HEART PUMPING. Due to some Heart medicines allergy , ANGIOEDEMA skin problem also coming to her face , lips and eyes. Requesting you humbly to please pray for HEALING KIDNEYS, IMPROVING HEART PUMPING and relief from skin allergy ANGIOEDEMA. Please pray in coming Sunday Church Service also. Your precious miraculous prayers can save my s


Proszę o modlitwe za moje dzieci i za mnie żebym miała siłę i cierpliwość pokonywać trudy codzienności. Bóg zapłać.

- bernadetta, middletown Estados Unidos

I pray for the soul of Michael J Fox and his family, Emma Thompson and Meghan Kelly. Thank you Tracey , Brisbane

- Tracey, Coorparoo, QLD, 4151 Australia

Consider my intentions especially a Petition to have JESUS MARY JOESEPH SAINTS RITA and JUDE intercede in behalf of Sister Agnes who is terminal. Please pray for a miracle. Time sensitive. She celebrated her 25 jubilee in 2023 and is a Carmelite nun. Please also pray for my brother Brian friend Randy who have cancer and Collene recovering from surgery and Aunt Rosie. Thank you. GOD BLESS. Tim

- Tim, Edgeley Estados Unidos

My mum is in a coma, she has double pneumonia, aggressive COVID, and her lungs are destroyed. Let us rebuke that condition and command all the damaging processes in her body to retreat. Join me in speaking about the problem and praying for full and fast recovery.

- Daniel, Głogów Polonia

My prayer is for Justin Michael Driscoll, 32 year old father of twin five year old girls. Justin had a bowel resection two weeks ago and is now septic. He is in a lot of pain. Prayers for healing, prayers for pain relief. Prayers for wholeness, prayers for guidance for the surgeons and medical staff caring for Justin. I thank my fellow Catholics for all of your prayers on his behalf.

- Diane, Elgin Estados Unidos

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,bless them with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic healthy life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,Heal Neha Nikit

- Valentine Judy , Dharwad India

Pido por mi salud y felicidad, por el éxito en mi noviazgo y matrimonio, que esté casada por el civil y por la iglesia, muy felices y bendecidos. Por la salud de Lilith. Porque Juan, José Angel mi hermano, Gabriel, tengan un muy buen trabajo, porque Dios bendiga, prospere y haga muy feliz el matrimonio de Lilith y Juan. Porque a mi mamá se le revierta el artritis. Porque se revierta mi condición de diabetes. Porque tenga un muy buen esposo. Porqu

- Sandra, Ags. México

Prosze o modlitwe za moja siostre Izabele, ktora jest w szpitalu. Badania trwaja, prosze o uzdrowienie Jej z tego co przechodzi.

- Ewa, Elkridge Estados Unidos

Hello bracie, jestem teraz przy mamie w szpitalu, ma sepsę, zgódźmy się w modlitwie aby wyzdrowiała i żyła, amen.

- Daniel, Głogów Polonia

Dear Family in Christ. Please pray for Elizabeth Mischelle McMurty; she goes by Mischelle. She had a minor stroke this week and needs healing. Thank you, in advance, for all of your prayers, Joanne

- Joanne, HOLIDAY Estados Unidos

My mother, Bonnie Bray, is dealing with some complications, likely from colon cancer; due to a mass, her kidney function is impaired. We would love and appreciate prayers for her wonderful and timely medical professionals, improved and excellent kidney function, calm, relaxed nervous system, and complete healing. Thank you!

- Rachel , Portland Estados Unidos

I have a very serious unspoken issue that I need prayer for. God knows all things, and He thoroughly understands every aspect of this. Pray that God will untangle it. Pray that God will completely solve it. Pray that God will answer and address it. Pray that God will MOVE in response to this unspoken prayer, give me wisdom and understanding in this area, and bring deliverance and complete victory over this area. Pray that many powerful prayer war

- Seth, Estados Unidos

Consider my intentions especially a Petition to have JESUS intercede in behalf of Sr. Agnes who is terminal. Please pray for a miracle. Time sensitive. She celebrated her 25 jubilee in 2023 and is a Carmelite nun. GOD BLESS.

- Tim, Edgeley Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Consider my intentions especially a Petition to have JESUS intercede in behalf of Sr. Agnes who is terminal. Please pray for a miracle. Time sensitive. GOD BLESS.

- Tim, Edgeley Estados Unidos

Pray for my dire financial situation (Poverty)--also i must find a new place to live or face homelessness.

- Pat, evesham Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego tatę Bronisława, żeby dobry Bóg uwolnił go od nałogu

- Izabela, Polonia

Please pray that no weapons formed against me and my husband and family will prosper, and for peace that surpasses all understanding, strength and perseverance and joy for us in Jesus mighty name. Pray for salvation for our entire family. May the Lord bless us and keep us; the Lord make his face shine on us and be gracious to us; the Lord turn his face toward us and give us peace.Numbers 6:24-26

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

Consider my intentions especially a Petition to have JESUS intercede in behalf of Sr. Agnes who is terminal. Please pray for a miracle. GOD BLESS. Time sensitive

- Tim, Edgeley Estados Unidos

Please pray for Ingrid Smith from Melbourne, Florida to leave Florida for good. She is in need of her own house. She has been homeless before and people took advantage of her. However, she is strong willed. She really wants to leave her abusive situation, but jobs are not regular. Pray for good fortune and opportunities to open up for her in the year 2024 so that she can leave Florida for good. She is asking for a financial blessing. She is exper

- Ingrid , Palm bay Estados Unidos

Consider my intentions especially a Petition to have JESUS intercede in behalf of Sr. Agnes who is terminal. Please pray for a miracle.

- Tim, Edgeley Estados Unidos

Consider my intentions especially Petition to have JESUS intercede in behalf of Sr. Agnes who is terminal.

- Tim, Edgeley Estados Unidos

Concider my intentions especially Petition to have JESUS intercede in behalf of Sr. Agnes who is terminal.

- Tim, Estados Unidos

Prośba o bezproblemowe ukończenie studiów z dobrymi ocenami i świetlaną przyszłość. Sukces jako naturalne środowisko

- Bartłomiej, Łódź Polonia

Pokornie proszę o modlitwę w mojej intencji

- Jakub, Siedlce Polonia

I am exchange student in usa and I dont have any friends here. I feel so alone and people at school dont like me. Please pray for me

- ania, omaha Estados Unidos

Please pray for my son-in-law Heitor's 92-year-old grandmother in Brazil. Her body is not accepting the metal joint in her leg. She has a bowel obstruction and is in intensive care.

- Timothy, Las Vegas Estados Unidos

Błagam o modlitwę w intencji mojego męża Jana o uzdrowienie go z choroby nowotworowej.

- Maria, Wronki Polonia

please pray for me that im healed from the folllowing conditions sleep apnea 2 mild asthma 3 learning disablites 4 trigger finger 5 obesity 6 worries 7 allergies, ex 100%

- sante, new port richey Estados Unidos

Please pray for Jessica, that she would be nice. And that she would do all her school work ontime and finish all unfinished work. And that she can get tot he school bus and go to school ontime every day. Thank you.

- Amanda

Please pray for my wife Ruby she just been promoted as supervisor but her coworkers are making life miserable trying to get her fired. Also prayer for my niece Diane she is homeless and has been living like this for years now. She just became a born again Christian and encountering attacks from the enemy

- Michael, pakwaw lake Canadá

Proszę o modlitwę w imieniu Magdy. Oby udalo sie jej przezwyciężyć chorobę i wrócić jak najszybciej do kochajacej ją rodziny i przyjaciół.

- Monika , Polonia

Pray for me first I want to thank Jesus for saving my life so so many times for providing for me in times of troubles & enough to help people in some small ways. I have many troubles now Home, health, finances please Lord Jesus I invite & give You all my troubles to resolve & take care of grant me victory, peace & Love. Thank you in advance for your merciful answer. Pray & help everyone around the world. Amen

- Regina, Staten Island Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Pray for Neha, Nikita to be blessed with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic healthy life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always,bless them to settle very close to each other, in one house itself,bless their finances lives intentions prayers studies future health.

- Valentine Judy, Dharwad India

1. That Our Lord Christ Jesus shall place His Healing Hands on my mother, Charlotte Hanrahan, who suffered a stroke on January 17, 2024. She has very minimal feeling on her left side and cannot use her left leg or arm. She is verbal and can move her right side. Mom is a loving and caring woman, and we still need her on this earth. One way to help this occur is to secure a Inpatient Hospital Stroke Rehab Center that will work with her.

- Robert, Highland Estados Unidos


- DOUGLAS , PARMA Estados Unidos

Abym jak najszybciej uwolniła się od toksycznego męża (związek zawarty przez ślub cywilny) i odzyskała pokój ducha.

- WIOLETTA , Białystok Polonia

Por todas las almas y difuntos y por todas las INTENCIONES DE CARLOS, incluidas en todas las santas misas encargadas por mi en toda mi vida. Por el alma de mi padre. Gracias.

- carlos, madrid España

In Jesus name I pray for my friend Bobbie who is trapped in an abusive relationship and a toxic cycle. Please grant her the strength and courage to break free, stay free and find healing. Mend her relationship with her children and remove all trauma bonding, stubbornness, codependency and possessiveness that binds her. May Your will and blessings prevail in her life, leading her to a safe and fulfilling future. In Your name, I humbly ask for her

- Lucinda

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji księdza Janusza H z waszego kościoła. Aby Dobry Pan Bóg zawsze mu błogosławił. Obdarzył wieloma łaskami zdrowiem I wytrwałością. Aby na końcu swej posługi kapłańskiej mógł ujrzeć Boga żywego i osiągnąć szczęście wieczne. .Panie Boże prowadź i bądź drogowskazem dla wszystkich chrześcijan Urszula Wrocław

- Urszula, Wrocław Polonia

Panie Jezu proszę o łaskę dobrej pracy w miejcu zamieszkania

- Lucyna, Chojnice Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Please pray that Michael blues cancer is gone

- Michele, Coronach Canadá

Proszę Boga o pomoc i ochronę dziedzictwa oraz o pomoc przed rodzinnymi spiskami

- Marián , Košice Eslovaquia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia Agnieszki z nawrotowych, bakteryjnych infekcji układu moczowego.

- Agnieszka , Gdańsk Polonia

Prosze o modlitwe za zdrowie moich rodzicow Maraianny i Kazimerza Duszak

- Anna, plainville Estados Unidos

O znalezenie pracy w it

- Jacek, Highlands Ranch Estados Unidos

Prisze o modlitwę straciłem sens życia Deoresja lęki nerwica Związki się rozpadają Boje się ze coś złego jest we mnie

- Sławomir, Siedlce Polonia

I am currently taking a class in learning Cybersecurity and want to pass. I want to be able to learn the basic stuff and the harder material without difficulty. I have no problem studying.

- Gregory, New York Estados Unidos

Please pray for me I have under huge spiritual physically, financially, spiritually along with my family in need of the Lord intervention over my life in need of the Lord presence

- Joseph, Kzn Sudáfrica


- JOLANTA, O Polonia

are scheduled to perform a central line (also called skin-tunneled central venous catheters) procedure on my mother for future chemo and fluid flush treatments. Please pray for the doctors who perform and all who assist to get the knowledge from the Holy Spirit to perform the procedure very well for my mother to have it useful for the treatment. Please provide the complete cure for the brain tumor for my mother. Please pray for my son Francis to

- Bensilal, Newark Estados Unidos

Please pray that Jesus will remove the migraine headache Meeghan has right now. Thank you.

- Margaret , Calgary Canadá

Can you pray for me for the spirit of lust, anxiety, and depression to leave at once? I am covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Ghost.

- Arnie, Frederick Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji Moniki R .o jak najszybszy powrót do zdrowia o uzdrowienie i uwolnienie z bardzo poważnego zatrucia pokarmowego ,zapalenia jelita i woreczka żółciowego i by leczenie boreliozy było skuteczne .Dziękuję

- Monika Basia, Estados Unidos

Bless Neha, Nikita, with suitable loving holy understanding rich healthy life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them, bless them to settle very close to each other in Blore,bless their studies, future health finances lives intentions prayers.

- Neha Nikita , Dharwad India

Boze Ojcze, Jezu, Mario, Matko Boga, z serca dziekuje za wysluchanie moich prosb, a bylo ich wiele ostatnio. Tak bardzo wdzieczna jestem, dziekuje Jezu ze jestes, ze zawsze do Ciebie zwrocic sie moge, ze zawsze spelniasz moje prosby. Tak bardzo moja rodzina Cie potrzebuje, prosze badz zawsze obecny w naszym zyciu. Wskaz Matko moim dzieciom i wnukom droge do Serca Jezusa, by juz nie bladzili. Jezu, ufam Tobie!

- Barbara, Rutherfordton Estados Unidos

Por eterno descanso de todos mis familiares fallecidos, hasta las más lejanas generaciones, por la salvación y que Dios asista en su última hora a mi madre, mi hermana, mis familiares y a Patricia Fattor y toda su familia y a mí, pecador infiel. Por el eterno descanso de las almas tanto de mi padre Luis Anibal Caruso como de mi gran amigo el cura párroco Pbro. Gustavo Daniel Romero.

- Luis Martin, Villa Maria Argentina

Proszę o modlitwę w mojej intencji o szybkie obniżenie bardzo wysokiego pulsu i unormowanie ciśnienia oraz by straszne bóle głowy minęły i problemy gastryczne wraz z Helicobacter pylori .Dziękuję bardzo Monika

- Monika, Estados Unidos

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the year 2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering in B'lore with high package, bless Vellu, Judy with good health, good jobs in B'lore, heal Neha Nikitaseyes and uterus, heal Judy from cancer, depression, anxietyphobiapanic attacks, phobia, insomnia, healing from ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems.Blesd N

- Neha Nikita , Dharwad India

Please pray for complete and total healing of my colon and stomach, that they be restored to perfect health and function. Pray that there are no polyps, inflammation, disease, or abnormalities of any kind in my colon or stomach. Pray for perfect functioning of my colon and stomach. Please pray for total and complete healing of my colon and stomach and that again, pray that they be restored to optimal state of wellness and health.

- Jeff, Tucson Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę do dobrego Boga za mojego ciężko chorego na raka płuc męża Roberta. Prośba o cud uzdrowienia

- Krystyna , Katowice Polonia

proszę o uzdrowienie oczek 5letniego Kubusia.

- teresa , Radzionków Polonia

Please pray for my grandmother in Venezuela. She does not open her eyes anymore, she no longer walks, she barely speaks, and she does not recognize her children. Please heal her Lord, please allow my mother to visit her and if it must be Your time to take her then please Lord let her remember her family and let her enjoy her last days without agony. Bring our family peace, Lord.

- Gianna, Davie Estados Unidos

O zdrowie dla Lilianki aby nie miała anemii zeza wirusa i prawidłowo się rozwijała o Bożą mądrość dla lekarzy którzy ją leczą o opiekę Matki Bożej i potrzebne łaski dla jej rodziców i brata Jakuba

- Halina, Mielnik Polonia

O wyzdrowienie Shastri

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Please pray for Sharon of Virginia, that God will intervene in her situation regarding her grand sons, who are almost 20. They disrespect her, use her, steal, unappreciative, drugs, the list goes on. Please ask the LORD to open her eyes! Ask the Holy Spirit to touch er heart. I want to do the LORD"S work with her but this problem with her grand sons is a major problem. Pray also that Tyler, her grandson, joins the military. We need your prayer c

- Patrick, Disputanta Estados Unidos

god is good. i am thnkful for gods grace and blessings. i pray for job security and loving relationships in 2024

- Lilburn, Fairbanks Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

discord arthritis cataracs favor protection

- elaine, hershey Estados Unidos

Please pray for complete and total healing of my colon and stomach, that they be restored to perfect health and function. Pray that there are no polyps, inflammation, disease, or abnormalities of any kind in my colon or stomach. Pray for perfect functioning of my colon and stomach. Please pray for total and complete healing of my colon and stomach and that again, pray that they be restored to optimal state of wellness and health.

- Jeff, Tucson Estados Unidos

Please pray for CHRIS M, a victim of profound medical malpractice. After being neglected by his doctor, he reached senior professionals for help. They made things much worse. CHRIS is now without care. Pray he finds the best lawyer to ensure justice prevails. These professionals must be removed from medicine to prevent further harm to him & other patients. Pray that CHRIST protects him & he stays spiritually, mentally & physically strong. Thanks.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

I pray for my own physical, emotional and spiritual needs. I request prayer for the souls in Purgatory. I pray for the salvation of Prince Harry and Jack Nicolson. Blessings Tracey

- Tracey, Coorparoo, QLD, 4151 Australia

Please pray for the healing of Isela and Janeth, that the insurance may cover the hospitalization, and for her work

- james, Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojej córki Moniki - Bóg wie wszystko , Maryja zna jej problemy. Proszę o modlitwę w intencji Charlesa, jest w rozpaczy, depresji, chorobie, ma wielkie kłopoty finansowe- aby dobry Bóg wydostał go z tego wszystkiego i uzdrowił. Proszę o modlitwę za mnie

- Elżbieta, Ksawerów Polonia

Please pray for Robert Cletus Driscoll (Deceased) Please pray for his eternal rest!!!!!

- Alfred, Machias, Maine 04654 USA

Anthony roberts Angelic assistance cover my life and to continuously fight for me and to help me New friends For god to make it right Exceeding abundantly above all can ask or think Malachi -3:10 I tell you the truth, if someone says to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. (Mark 11:23) Sho i repent for the knowing and

- anthony , tallahassee Estados Unidos

Pray for Sheryl Conway healing. She is a young mother satan is attacking her with disease, her family needs her, the church needs her, i need her as a friend

- Sheryl, Albuquerque Estados Unidos


- BOZENA, PALATINE Estados Unidos

Prośba błagalna o szturm modlitewny. Brak mi już sił - dlatego proszę i błagam o modlitwy za mój powrót do zdrowia, za zdrowie mojej kochanej żony, o pozytywne rozwiązanie sytuacji beznadziejnej i w moich Bogu wiadomych intencjach. Bóg zapłać. Grzegorz

- Grzegorz, Poznań Polonia

O dar uzdrowienia tarczycy dla moich dzieci.

- ANNA, Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Proszę bardzo o modlitwę o uwolnienie mnie od wszystkiego złorzeczenia, zła, przekleństwa, czarów, zaklęć, magii, zazdrości i uroków które mogły być na mnie narzucone przez Piotra, jego rodzine i kogoś innego, przez zazdrość i przez ich chodzenie po wrózkach. Proszę o przerwanie, urwanie i zablokowanie konsekwencji tego złorzeczenia, czarów, zaklęć, magii i zła jak najszybciej dzisiaj. Proszę o uwolnienie mnie i przecięcie tego zła dzisiaj

- Sylvia

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in Bangalore in the year 2024, bless Neha with Bank job govt job in Bangalore, Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in Bangalore, bless Neha Nikita Anusha with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic healthy life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with good now and always, bless Neha Nikita to settle very clo

- Valentine Judy , Dharwad India

finances stress cataracs arthritis

- elaine, hershey Estados Unidos

Panie Jezu . Wielbię Ciebie. Dziękuję za udaną operację męża. Dziękuję za to , że jesteś obecny w naszym życiu. Jezu ufam Tobie.

- Urszula , Wrocław Polonia

Proszę o ratunek i naprawę związku między Pawłem P. i mną Sylvia, żeby Paweł do mnie Sylvi wrócil, zeby Pawel pierwszy do mnie napisal w tym tygodniu i zeby Pawel odnowil kontakt ze mna Sylvia jak najszybciej w Grudniu 2023. Proszę żeby Paweł zawarł sakrament małżeństwa ze mną Sylvia, żeby Paweł został moim Sylvi meżem jak najszybciej w 2024.

- Sylvia, Chicago Estados Unidos

Please pray that all depression, oppression, anxiety and hopelessness will be removed from Meeghan and that Jesus will give her hope for her future. Thank you.

- Margaret , Calgary Canadá

Please pray for my grandson Keith Shepherd, who is missing his left ventricle of his heart. He has had one open heart surgery so far. He is strong very bright and an adored little guy in our family. Thank you for this blessing, Lord.

- Melissa, Seeley Lake Estados Unidos

I am asking for prey for my sister Paula White and Jim Hobbie they was a horrible car wreck Paula has a broken pelvic and broken hip broken leg and Jim had a very bad broken leg it was cut open down to the bone they both had to have surgery

- Kimberly, Wake Forest Estados Unidos

Prayer needed for: financial blessing,work,business,famiy,etc. In gods glory for Mr. Giral.

- RICARDO, Fullerton Estados Unidos

please pray for my godfather Joaquim Silva that he is at peace with his father in heavan. today is a very sad day for his family as it marks one day today that he was taken from us. may god grant him peace and may he be the angel watching over his family especially his grandson.

- Lucas, Toronto Canadá


- DOUGLAS, PARMA Estados Unidos

In thanksgiving for the progress of healing being seen in Jonathan and Caitlin's relationship and Jonathans lower back. Please continue your prayers for this couple. Thank You and God's blessings upon you.

- Daniel, ANDERSON ISLAND Estados Unidos

Panie Jezu pomóż mi pokonć lęki, stany depresyjne i wyjść na prostą. Jezu ty się tym zajmij

- janusz, Gorzow wlkp Polonia

i need god to bless me with money for CHRISTMAS

- shereese, atlantic city new jersey Estados Unidos

Błagam o modlitwę o cud uzdrowienia mojej rodziny ze skutków udaru. Bóg zapłać.

- Anna, Płock Polonia

Prosze o ratunek zwiazku miedzy Pawlem P. i mna Sylvia jak najszybciej w Listopadzie 2023. Prosze zeby Pawel odnowil kontakt ze mna i wrocil do mnie Sylvi jak najszybciej w 2023. Prosze o wzajemna milosc miedzy Pawlem i mna Sylvia, zeby Pawel P. zostal moim Sylvi mezem, zebysmy zawarli sakrament malzenstwa ze soba jak najszybciej w 2024 r.

- Sylvia, Chicago Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za moją rodzinę. Mamy nastolatka który urodził się z autyzmem i dodatkowo od 6 lat cierpi na zaburzenia komupulsywno obsesyjne - OCD. Jest nam ciężko, żona ma stałą opiekę nad synem. Ja nie raz jako tata zrobiłem głupie rzeczy czego żałuję. Żona chce rozwodu. Proszę o modlitwę za naszą rodzinę aby Pan Bóg pomógł nam i się nad nami zlitował w tej beznadziejnej sytuacji. Bóg zapłać. Krzysztof.

- Krzysztof , Katowice Polonia

I've prayed about my vocation to join the Air Force but I was misdiagnosed with asthma as a small child. Please pray for me to follow God's Will and if it is to join the Air Force then to remove all obstacles. Thy Will be done God.

- Byron

Please pray for the healing from cancer for Felipe Hernandez. He has a young family who need him and his prognosis is not good. He’s on his third experimental treatment! This is urgent!

- Joy, HB Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojej rodziny. O zdrowie Błogosławieństwo Boże i wszelkie potrzebne łaski. Niech Matka Boża otoczy opieka i wspiera nas.

- Urszula, Wrocław Polonia

Please pray for my sister Silvy who is still so very young ...only 59 ... she is very ill ....please ask for the illness to be removed and her body free of pain ...I am the only one in the family that knows and I am heartbroken for her and all of us .... I beg you ask that the tumor and cancer be removed ....she has always been the one to pray and help others she needs all our help ...I have been praying and am waiting for a miracle for h

- Agi, Montreal Canadá

Please pray for complete healing for Shawna Perry-physical and emotional. Pray for wisdom, strength and clarity for her. In Jesus name.

- Shawna, Estados Unidos

Please pray for my 25 year old daughter, who is a school teacher (South LA). She battles a bladder condition and currently has upper respiratory infection. She has a lot of fluid in her ear. Her ear drum burst/tore yesterday. Please pray for her healing. Thank you.

- G, Thibodaux, LA Islas menores alejadas de EE. UU.

Proszę o modlitwę w trudnej sprawie sądowej która odbędzie się jutro o godz 14 proszę módlcie się za mnie

- Sławek, Radom Polonia

Please pray for Meeghan and Margaret who lost a close family member yesterday. Thank you.

- Margaret , Calgary, AB. Canadá

For the continued healing of Jonathan's and Caitlin's relationship and emotions and for the healing of Jonathan's back and the families COVID

- Daniel, ANDERSON ISLAND Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji naprawy relacji z ukochanym na drodze pojednania i w pokonywaniu trudności. Abyśmy umieli pokochać siebie na nowo.

- Krystyna, Poznań Polonia

Please pray God to grant us(you, your loved ones, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook) complete and permanent turning back to Him and complete union with His Son when all our bodies are alive. So that each of us may become the true property of the one true God, serving only Him and living forever.

- Ha-young, Seoul Corea del Sur

Please pray for Bryce as he navigates this hard time in his life to overcome fear and be able to move forward. He is struggling with avoiding as a coping mechanism to avoid getting hurt. Please bless him to know he is loved and to be vulnerable.

- Jordan, Salt Lake City Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojego syna, Boże ratuj go i jego rodzinę.

- Bogusława, Wieprz Polonia

I ask for prayers for my financial and professional life, the grace of receiving the call where I sent my resume to be able to honor my expenses. I beg the intercession of Our Lady of the Apocalypse to defeat the head of the serpent that has been persecuting me professionally.

- Lilian Aparecida Silva, Brasil

Cierpie na depresje,moja choroba postepuje,i uniemozliwia mi wiele planow zyciowych,prosze o wiele modlitwy abym pokonal ja,z serca dziekuje

- Janusz, Chicago, Illinois, Stany Zjednoczone Estados Unidos

Peço oração pela libertação de toda calúnia na minha família, a libertação de toda inveja na minha vida profissional e estudos. Pela paz na nossa família pelo fim de toda intriga, discórdia e mal. Peço pelas almas dos purgatórios, pelos falecidos e pela libertação de todos os antepassados de pecado da minha família.


Proszę o modlitwę za mój związek, który uległ rozpadowi. Błagam Pana aby mój ukochany chciał wrócić i naprawić razem nasze błędy. Brakuje mi go

- Agnieszka , Lubelskie Polonia

O cud uzdrowienia ze złośliwego guza mózgu dla mojego syna Mateusza

- Bożena , Kraków

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za chorą mamę Kasię.

- Kinga, Kobiór Polonia

Szczęść Boże, bardzo proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojej córki Magdaleny o łaskę dobrego, wierzącego i praktykującego męża dla niej. Bóg zapłać

- Hanna, Śrem Polonia

For my son Jonathan and his wife Caitlin for their marriage and the healing of his back and emotions.

- Daniel, ANDERSON ISLAND Estados Unidos

Please pray for Kenneth Mohler 60 years old in icu at Vanderbilt hospital in Nashville tn . He had nasal surgery and blood clots in his lungs , 2 went thru his heart already . Please pray for them to be gone and healing .

- Cindy, Murray Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o rozwiązanie trudnej sprawy dla Michala

- Urszula, Wrocław Polonia

Please pray for my finances. I do paralegal and process server work. Thank you.

- Ren, Los Angeles Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za Lizę o uzdrowienie lewej piersi -podejrzenie nowotworu. Prosi Liza

- Liza, Łódź Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę w rozwiązaniu trudnej sytuacji w pracy praz o ochronę dla naszej rodziny.

- Karol, Kraków Polonia

My business has been struggling I'm months behind on payments I need a miracle to pay off my debts trucking has been a struggle since covid

- Steve , Rusagonis Canadá

pido oracion: sufri un accidente laboral, hace aproximadamente 10 meses y quede con sintomas de: falta de sueno,zumbido en los oidos,contraccion en mi cuello, dolor de cabeza y mis nervios quedaron sensibles,

- TOMAS, Gardena Estados Unidos

Please pray for Kia; a 4 year old girl; currently hospitalized with a brain illness. Doctor’s have not yet, been able to diagnose the medical problem. Thank you.

- Margaret , Calgary Canadá

Please pray for our family's finances. A month ago I lost 75% of my income and my husband lost his job this week. We have no savings and things are piling up quickly. Please pray that work will come to us soon. I feel horrible asking for prayers when others are so much more deserving, but we are in desperate need of a financial blessing. Thank you!

- LIsa, Waco Estados Unidos

Please pray for my daughter Anella Rose, asking God to grant her the miracle of sobriety, from drugs, today and every day, as long as she lives. May he wrap her in his light and love, protect her from evil, and heal her body, mind and soul. May Anella Rose accept his help and embrace sobriety. Into your hands O Lord, I entrust my daughter. May your will be done. In Jesus Name I Pray.

- Erica, Seymour Estados Unidos

This might sound strange I am a musician I grew up playing music but over the last few years every time I pick up an instrument I would start feeling sick or something happens that would stop me from continuing. I would just stop because I feel so weak and depressed. I believe it is a spiritual problem that I am facing but how do you pray against it or make it stop? Please pray for me

- Michael, Pakwaw Lake Canadá

Please pray for my son Peter for wisdom in his finances and an encounter with Jesus and for my daughter Danielle for a breakthrough in every area of her life

- louella, Melbourne Australia

Hello there, I’m requesting prayers for NEIL. NEIL has a major operation this MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, to have a tumour removed on his intestine. It is a very risky surgery with a high chance of major complications (including possible death). Please pray that his surgery is a huge success, that Christ carries him and his family through all of this, and that NEIL recovers quickly so he can return to living pain-free and healthy. Thank you. We ask this

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray for my small, family owned business that God will bless it and make it prosperous. I am a widow that took over my husband's business and need help, guidance, discernment and sales to keep us going. Thank you for your kind prayers.

- Carol, Roselle Estados Unidos


- JOZEF, Katowice Polonia

My request is for my former employers. Their names are Dave and Lori Cummings. Dave is having serious heart issues and was scheduled for a heart ablation on 10/23/23, but he went into cardiac arrest the previous Tuesday afternoon at the office. His wife and secretary had to give him chest compressions to resuscitate him. He made it, but now they're no longer doing the ablation because he now needs a transplant. Please pray for his heart, health,

- Stephen, Kansas City Estados Unidos

Please pray for healing for Eric Shawn Machiskinic Sepengoose who is in ICU in Regina his heart stopped once already Also pray for my two sons Shane and Garry who are addicted to drugs and are in jail so they will walk in Christ walk

- Isabelle , Spruce grove Alberta Canadá

Will you please pray for God to send me private pay psychotherapy clients?

- Hunter

Por el retorno a la iglesia de mi pareja y sus hijos por liberacion de cristian luis christopher edwin grecia ian Gloria

- Gloria Maria , Caguas P.r Puerto Rico

Pidiendo por la curación de mi glaucoma, recuperación de mi vista y curación de mi catarata y diabetes

- Charlie , Greenacres Estados Unidos

Prosze Cie Panie Boze o uzdrowienie mojej mamy Teodory, o lepsze wyniki, utrzymanie funkcji nerek i kiedy juz Twoja wola, o otrzymanie i szczesliwy przeszczep nowej darowanej nerki, prosze cie Panie o sile dla mamy na codzień, o uzdrowienie kolana i o sile w ciele i duszy, zeby zawsze byla tak silna jak do tej pory. Kocham cie Panie Boze i dziekuje za wszystkie wysluchane prosby

- Edyta, Chicago Estados Unidos

Please pray for God's healing and God's strength for Yvonne as she recovers from her heart surgery and please pray that the lord will make Yvonne more and more stronger every day and please pray that the lord will make a way for me to see Yvonne because it still looks very impossible for me to see her

- Mary, Greenwich Estados Unidos

I request prayers for all the sick people in the world , I also request prayers for my family my parents my grandparents and my Aunt. I also request for my Godfather who recently passed away and a family friend as well. May God help and heal everyone that is sick in this world. Amen

- Lucas , Toronto Canadá

Prosze o modlitwe w intencji moich synow Davida, Mateusza i Dmitriego. O ochrone przed wszelkim zlem. Jozef, Stany Zjednoczone

- Jozef, Rancho Santa Margarita Estados Unidos


- GEORGE, SAN DIEGO Estados Unidos

Healing from my head to my toes very sick

- Dennis, shannon Estados Unidos

O cud uzdrowienia męża Bogusława Ignacego aby odzyskał mowę pamięć samodzielność nie miał omamów po udarze o Bożą mądrość dla lekarzy którzy go leczą o siły zdrowie wiarę dla mnie i bliskich oraz opiekę Bożą dla nieprzyjaciół

- Halina, Mielnik Polonia

I am praying for Divine Healing from Glaucoma and for God's favour.

- Uchenna

Prosze o uzdrowienie duszy i ciala.

- Dorota

O wyzdrowienie Marcina

- Jozef , Saint Petersburg Estados Unidos

requesting for prayers that I maybe delivered from any cancer specially breast cancer because my mother and maternal aunt passed away from it. praying that my son and wife be financially stable. I'm also praying that my relationship with James be healed. Thank you prayer warriors

- suzette, spring Estados Unidos

O cud abym dostała w przyszłym tygodniu pracę (Jezu Ty wiesz gdzie)

- Aleksandra , Otwock

I just had 2 surgeries- one to place a stint in the tube between my pancreas and liver. The second was to remove my galbatter. I am diabetic and do not heal fast. I have encountered complications and in SO much pain. I am very seeded in my faith and ask ou Lord, Jesus to place his healing hands on my body and take away the pain. In Jesus name I pray! Please pray that the pain subsidies by God's healing hands. Thank you so much for the prayers.

- Sue, Phoenix Estados Unidos

Pido Oracion para la liberacion de mi hermana karina Abad Quine esta haciendo atacada por el demonio. No tiene Paz.

- Jacqueline, Corona Estados Unidos

Protect me against evil both seen and unseen evil and danger in every category

- charles, Brooklyn Estados Unidos

Pray for healing of Judy's ligament tear of left upper arm.Pray for Valentine's family to settle in Bangalore in the year 2024.Pray for Neha to be placed in Bank job govt job in Bangalore, Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, Vellu Judy to be placed in good jobs in Bangalore, Pray that Neha Nikita with settle with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu J

- Valentine Judy , Dharwad India

Za zmarłego tatę - śp. Bogusława Strusińskiego

- Ula, ciechanów Polonia

Prayers for protection against evil forces

- Dominic , Accra Ghana

Pray for healing of Judy from ligament tear of, upper left arm.

- Valentine Judy , Dharwad India

My daughter Melissa's business is failing. She loves the Lord and prays daily. The downward trend in the economy has crippled her business, which is run by the Good Book. She has six employees to pay. Please pray for a return of her clients to her once thriving business and pray that her husband Vinnie's mortgage business also gets revived. THANK YOU FOR CARING FOR THEM AND PRAYING FOR THEM.

- Sally, Venice Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże Chciałabym prosić o pomoc w swojej intencji.Dziekuje, Emilia, Proszę o modlitwę w sprawie bardzo ważnej, by udało mi się utrzymać pracę i utrzymać awans na który pracuje od 8lat żeby nie popełniła błędów bo będzie mnie to kosztować utratę pracy i by atmosfera była spokojna i dobra ., Prosze, by nie być wplatplątana w intrygę w pracy nie jestem winna jej nie chce miec problemow zadnych prosze, ciężko pracowałem na pozycje w

- Em, W Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Pray my marriage is saved and my husband returns home

- Melissa, Estados Unidos

O wyzdrowienie dla Marcina

- Anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Please pray for Hamp(Sir). He needs help and it is urgent. Thank you very much.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Please pray for my overall emotional, mental and physical well being. Presently, I have problems with my digestive system, feel tired and fatigued, have floaters in my eyes (last 4 years) and ringing in my left ear since 2008. There has always been some or other health concern bothering me from last 33 years. Can someone please intercede and pray for my health and peace for my remainder life. I earnestly beg to you all that pray for my forgiven

- Ajay, Rego Park Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za moje narzeczeństwo, które się rozpadło. O dar szczerej rozmowy, zrozumienia i miłości. Proszę o możliwość naprawy i odrodzenia się naszej relacji.

- Krysia, Polonia

Pray for Valentine's family to settle in Bangalore in the year 2024, bless Neha with Bank job govt job in Bangalore Nikita to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in Bangalore, bless VelluJudy with good health good jobs in Bangalore, bless Neha Nikita Anusha with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy in their homes, healNehas and Nikitaseyes and uterus heal them completel

- Valentine Judy , Dharwad India

O wszelkie łaski dla mojej córeczki Lenki z okazji dzisiejszych 9 urodzin. Robert Barański.

- Robert , Jasło Polonia

Pray to find the thief who stole my car as well as the car.

- mary, Sydney Canadá

Lord Jesus please be with the lawyer and judge that they will sentence Nyree to drug court. with mental counseling.. and a job,. In Jesus name Amen

- Glo, Locust Grove Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji wybudzenia ze śpiączki oraz powrotu do zdrowia dla mojego męża Damiana.

- Aneta , Chojnice Polonia

A friend of mine was in a horrible tractor trailer accident where his truck flipped and then caught on fire. He suffered 75% body burns. He is in a coma right now. They have no idea when he might wake. He is having multiple surgeries. He has a wife and two small children who are terrible devastated. Please pray for healing that only God can provide.

- leah, Knoxville Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o zdrowie mojej córki Justyny. Proszę również o modlitwę za zmarłych z naszej rodziny: Bronisławy, Zofii, Zofii, Kazimierza, Czesława. Bóg zapłać.

- Kasia, Elbląg Polonia



Intencja blagalna o laske nawrocenia i uwolnienia od zlego oraz cud uzdrowienia psychicznego i fizycznego dla Lukasza. Serdeczne Bog zaplac

- Maria, Chicago Estados Unidos

I'm requesting prayers for Chris M who is in a legal battle fighting for his medical and human rights. He is in a perilous situation. He is fighting for his life, and for the lives of many others who are adversely impacted by this serious situation. Please pray CHRIS finds legal representation to ensure justice prevails. Pray the Holy Spirit always protects and shields him, and that Christ carries him, and keeps him healthy and strong. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

almighty Lord in heavens, please help Julie E. get a green card much sooner and for her stolen green card to be returned to her soon. Please have Julie's job be secure and prosperous and to stop laying off people. Amen

- Julie, Eatontown Estados Unidos

I humbly ask for prayers for my pregnancy, my baby's well-being, and my overall health. I have an ultrasound scan again today to check on a cyst on the placenta I was told I had in my anatomy scan. I pray my God may all be well with my baby girl and me. For a health and strong baby, a health and safe labor and delivery. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

- Jessica, Santa Maria Estados Unidos

That my son ANTONIO MIGUEL LAGURA will be guided by the holy spirit during his BAR examinations on Sep 17, 20 and 24, 2023. That what ever result he may be humbled and learn to accept the will of God.

- Bernadette , Cebu Filipinas

Proszę o modlitwę o wyzwolenie z niewybieranej samotności i o dar spotkania miłości odwzajemnionej w sercu drugiego człowieka. Dziękuję

- Henryk, Polonia

Please pray for Shirlene, Sylvia, Jerrod and Jodie. Ella also needs prayer as well as Corletta. Regina needs prayer and so does Tyree, Tyrone, Toney and Dereck. Sandra, Rachel and Joye also need prayer as well as Lynette. Their friends, family members, neighbors, associates, affiliates, colleagues and relatives also need prayer. Thank you very much.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za zdrowie mojej mamy.

- Malgorzata, Coachella Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za Anie ,Zosie i Davida ,o ochronę od chorób złych ludzi i wszystkiego co nie pochodzi od Ciebie Boże . Maryjo otocz ta mloda rodzina swoim płaszczem Amen

- Jolanta, St.Thomas Canadá

Please pray for God's healing and God's strength for Yvonne as she recovers from her heart surgery and please pray that she has a speedy recovery and please pray that the lord will make a way for me to see Yvonne again

- Mary, Greenwich Estados Unidos

prosze o modlitwe o uzdrowienie żebym mógł chodzić prosze o pomoc żebym mógł chodzić mój tel. 605-076-334 leszek łomża

- leszek, lublin Polonia

To rid myself of all unhealthy habits and care for my temple

- Miguel , Racine Estados Unidos

Please pray for me. My job is under attack. They are doing layoffs. I need a miracle that the Lord puts a strong hedge of protection. I am all alone and i have no one to help me out. I just recently moved and i am physically not doing well. I cannot sleep, confusion, anxiety, depression, panic attacks. HELP. I need great favor with all concerned.. Please pray for my mother Diane Wade she just switched Doctors and needs help with all these

- Lacy, Hillsboro Estados Unidos

Ruego mucha e intensa oración por mi. El Señor sabe lo que necesito.Dios les bendiga.

- Conchi, Provincia de Avila España

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Proszę o wsparcie w modlitwie o łaskę macierzyństwa dla Kasi I Karola

- Kasia, Ostrów Wielkopolski Polonia

Please pray with me for a miracle to heal the conflict between my friend Kathy Thomas and I. Thank You

- Michael, Saint Paul Estados Unidos

Por favor, unámonos en oración por la salud del Padre Francisco Torres Muñoz; el poder de la oración no puede sanar y calmarle los terribles dolores que está sufriendo. Amén

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna , Pinellas Park FL Estados Unidos

Dear Abba, Renew my father, Walford, in health and in strength. Give our family a testimony of healing to share with others. Strengthen and comfort my mother, Althea, at this time. Bless the hands, minds, and hearts of the medical staff involved. Give them wisdom, discernment, and gentleness. Thank you for hearing my prayer and answering me. Your mercy endures forever. Love, Andrea

- Andrea, Toronto Canadá

Please pray for Magnus and Stan. They need help in life and it is urgent. They are getting confused about their purposes in life. Their friends, family members, associates, neighbors, affiliates, colleagues and relatives also need prayer. Thank you very much.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

My daughter Lee Anne, who is in Canada, is pregnant and in her 5th month. We are now told that as per her last scan they feel that there be a down syndrome. She is going for a blood test tomorrow. I request you to pray for her test to be normal with no trace of down syndrome or any abnormality . Pray for a Normal Pregnancy, a Normal delivery and a Normal healthy child.

- Pascoal, SALCETE, SOUTH GOA India

I am asking for prayers for my son Scott. That he find his soul mate and a relationship that is compatible for him for a life partner. I also ask for prayer for my daughter Melissa. May she find peach and stability, and health in her life.

- CYNTHIA, Pasadena CA 91107 Estados Unidos

Please pray for my son Tommy Ethridge. He passed to heaven unexpectedly. His ex wife, estranged for several years, is posting that she's married to someone, their divorce was not quite finalized, wants to control the services, have my son cremated and use his ashes to make necklaces and tatoo ink. She wants to split ashes. She cant pay much, so I am worried of what she might do, unless her authority over the burial is turned over to his family.

- CYNTHIA, Pasadena, CA 91107 Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za nowonarodzone dziecko Lucas James ktory ma problem z sercem i infekcja oka przebywa na intensywnej terapii i za zdrowie jego mamy Luizy

- Bernarda, ANSONIA Estados Unidos

Please pray for the islands of Hawaii and those affected by the emergencies that they are having. Thank you very much.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Please pray, I work as a freelance paralegal and I'm getting distracted. And I know it's things unseen. I need prayer that God protect me from distractions and things unseen from trying to stop me from working. Please pray for my productivity. That the Lord blocks things from trying to stop me from working. Thank you.

- Ren, Los Angeles Estados Unidos

Please pray for CHRIS M, harmed by his psychiatrist. He sought help from the powers that be and was mistreated by them. He is in pursuit of a lawyer to represent him. Please pray that the right person comes forward who will ensure justice prevails, and that his doctor and the professionals who’ve harmed him are removed from medical care. Pray this does not happen to other patients, and Chris is always protected and leans on Christ. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Hello there, I am requesting prayers for ILYA, a 9-year-old boy with an aggressive B-cell lymphoma cancer, causing him much pain. Sadly, he is dying. Please pray for a full miracle healing and recovery. Pray that he is strong and courageous, and that he realizes Christ is right by his side. Also pray for his mother, Nadya (and family), that they lean on Him in everything. We ask this in His name. Amen. Thank you. God bless. Chris

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

-prayer to see dreams and visions and prophecy and miracles -Deliverance from murmuring and disrespect -Lord of the harvest, proclaiming that you will thrust me into Hollywood as a labourer of Christ in modeling -Receive the blessing of the accumulated prayers of the saints past -No more destroyed destinies! No cloned destinies! -break through religious and racial barriers, reject territoriality, spiritual pride

- sandra, Canadá

I am going through an emotional storm at the moment. Please help me ask for God's devine power upon my life to overcome and be delivered from all obstacles, spiritual warfares, depression, emotional pain, heartbreak, evilous plans, traps and envy. In the mighty name of Jesus

- Glenford , Toronto Canadá

kindly please pray for immediate reconciliation between Brenda and my parents. that the wonderful and loving relationship they had before the incident last week returns asap, in jesus name i ask amen

- joseph, yonkers Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uratowania naszego małżeństwa Małgorzaty I Arkadiusza o przemianę serca męża odrodzenie miłości I wierności małżeńskiej oraz światło I Dary Ducha Świętego Dziękuję

- Małgorzata, Zamość Polonia

I am humbly asking for your prayers. I've been suffering of lots of pain on my infected foot for long time. And struggle with my breathing everytime I walk or move. It's a struggle everyday as I force myself on living my daily life and working believing the Lord if beside me always. My apologies for whinning but don't know where else to go.Thank you very much and God bless. Douglas

- douglas, Rochelle Park Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji syna Mateusza o uwolnienie z uzależnień...o powrót do zdrowia .... prosi mama.

- Maria, Sosnowiec Polonia

Please pray for MORGAN. She deals with mental illness and is addicted to marijuana. She has been abusive to her grandmother and is taking over her grandma’s home. The family is going to begin an intervention. They want to help her find her own place, get a job, and get the professional help she needs. Pray that everything goes smoothly, and she is receptive. Pray she recovers and finds hope/purpose, and that Christ guides all of them. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

For the Grace of love, forgiveness and all that’s needed to bind the family. With the Blessed Mary and the Saints I humble ask for help.

- Bartosz i Artur, Chicago Estados Unidos

Please pray for me, my heart is very sorrowful. I have been through alot and at the moment going through a lot of hurt and pain. These memories keep resurfacing and impacting me negatively. Please help me ask the Lord and savior to pour his love in my heart and deliver me from all these sad memories, hurts and pains in the mighty name of Jesus.

- Glenford , Canadá

Please pray that the cancer on my kidneys are removed by surgery and I'm healthy again. I have surgery on September 25, 2023. Please pray that the cancer does NOT grow. I'm scared!

- Elma, San Jose Estados Unidos

Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol LORD GOD restore my marriage we need a miracle thank you

- Sally, Rialto Estados Unidos

i need god remove all bad enegry in my life

- John, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam

That my digestive issues get better, that the biopsy is negative, and that the meds will help. Peace in my heart and less anxiety.

- Miriam, Brunswick Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Saint Petersburg Estados Unidos

In need of finding a compatible spouse for brother

- Matt, San Antonio Estados Unidos

Be able to retire young, having saved for next and future generations, not working hard but working smart, putting money to work, having financial freedom, not depending on others, financial independence, being able to help siblings financially and not ask for help from others and being able to help others who are in need. Being able to travel around the world without financial burden. Being able to pay all the bill at the right time. Not living

- Matt, San Antonio Estados Unidos

Please pray for Stan, Sherrie, Shirley, Hamp(Sir), Clifton, Marc, Brian and Sean. Also please pray for Ansol and Lance, Donovan, Doug and Dexter also need prayer. Their friends, family members, neighbors, affiliates, associates and colleagues also need help through prayer. Thank you very much.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

W tej chwili operowany jest mój kochany mąż Krzysztof Bautro - wstawiane są by-passy. Przyjął przed operacją sakrament chorych i wszystko powierzyliśmy Panu Bogu i Matce Bożej. Proszę o modlitwę o szczęśliwą operację i szybki powrót do zdrowia i sił. Pozdrawiam serdecznie Grażyna Bautro

- Grażyna , Toruń Polonia

Protect me and my whole family tree against seen and unseen danger in every category and remove the curse from passed ancestors tree to current times

- charles, Brooklyn Estados Unidos

EMERGENCY PRAYERS for JENNIFER J with Stage-4 cancer. She is currently in CARDIAC ARREST due to the tumour. No medical interventions can be taken. It is in GOD’S HANDS NOW. Pray for a FULL MIRACLE HEALING here and a full life. She is a strong believer, and she has brought many to the LORD with her unyielding faith. She has a husband and 3 young children. Pray they all lean on CHRIST and ALL remain strong believers lifelong. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę o zdrowie dla mojej Mamy Ireny. O pomoc w jej walce z rakiem.

- Gabriela, Lituania

Lisa, our daughter, has extreme anxiety. At this time she is struggling with her son going away to college, and breast surgery again. She was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago. Please keep her in your prayers as her surgery is July 28. Healing for our daughter

- Lisa, Cary Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o cud usunięciu stwierdzonej wady genetycznej, zespołu Downa u mojej nienarodzonej córeczki. Bóg zapłać.

- Paulina , Polonia

Pray for menchie ramos. She is battling with heart disease. Shes always get tired easily. Pray for a healing miracle. God bless. To God be the Glory.

- Menchie , Calapan Filipinas

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, Saint Petersburg Estados Unidos

Please pray for RILEY FAITH. She is very close to losing her battle with cancer. Pray for a HEALING MIRACLE. She needs a SURGEON immediately. She needs a LIVER TRANSPLANT and a PORTAL VEIN STENT to survive. Also, she needs a new drug called KEYTRUDA. More than anything, she needs a healing miracle that only God can provide. Pray for a miracle now, and for God’s love and strength for her and her family. Jesus is by their side. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o dar zdrowia dla męża i szczęśliwy przebieg operacji.

- Monika, Stanowice

Witam, Bardzo proszę o modlitwę w intencji pomyślnego przebiegu operacji mojego Tatusia Marka. Tata jest w ciężkim stanie, ma raka wątroby, będzie miał poważny zabieg we środę. Prosimy o pomoc poprzez Waszą modlitwę. Bóg zapłać. Patrycja

- Patrycja , Killarney Irlanda

Proszę o modlitwę za ŚP Damian Dymka ,który zmarł w wieku 29 lat w wyniku wypadku drogowego spowodowanego przez pijanego policjanta a także za nas jego rodziców,mieliśmy tylko jego I jest nam bardo ciężko .Jeżeli jest to możliwe za sprawcę też.

- Andrzej, Garfield Estados Unidos

Pray for conversion and eternal salvation of Sweta

- Xavier, Panaji India

Please pray for Robert Cletus Driscoll (Deceased)... Please pray for his eternal rest. He was only 33 years old when he died. Drugs took his life; he lost everything to drugs.

- Alfred, Machias Estados Unidos

Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw stroke, mind's eye needs total restoration, her speech is impaired, needs help talking, heal emotional trauma, loss, loneliness, depression, heal sleep disorder and nasal cavity desperate need due to BROKENNESS, heal Akashic records, they need clearing, heal center of consciousness, she needs help talking to herself after suffering a brain aneurysm, send millions of angels and archangel Pahalia, lift up Cordelia V

- Viola Cleo , Kingston Canadá

For all the souls in purgatory for whom nobody prays.

- Anna, New Britain Estados Unidos

Por la salud del cuerpo y del alma de Pablo José Cuello Ciarniello, para que tenga una santa muerte, confesado y alcance la Vida eterna. Amén.

- Pablo José, Rosario Argentina

right leg arthritis and right eye vision.

- elaine, hershey Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

please help me stop lying, cheating, and taking dilaudid


Proszę o Boże błogosławieństwo i wstawiennictwo Matki Bożej w odbudowie związku z Anią na fundamentach wiary, miłości i szacunku. Z pokornym sercem proszę o siłę i mądrość do koniecznych zmian w moim życiu. Matko Boża, wspieraj nas na drodze pojednania, pomagając pokonać trudności. Modlę się, by Ania dostrzegła pozytywne zmiany i dała szansę udowodnienia mojej miłości do niej i Boga. Proszę o przychylność Ani, jej rodziny i znajomych.

- Tomek, Kraków Polonia

Hello there, I’m requesting prayers again for RILEY FAITH, the 5-year-old dealing with cancer who is now in a hospice. Her family is asking that everyone join together in pray at 7 PM tonight. If you can join in, it would be greatly appreciated. Together, we can move mountains. Thank you. Pray for a full healing miracle for this precious little girl. We ask this in His name. Amen. Thank you. God bless. Chris

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

I'd like to request continued prayer for RILEY FAITH. She's the 5-year-old dealing with cancer. She is really struggling now and has been placed in a hospice. She's been in a lot of pain and is really struggling. Please pray for a miracle healing here, that she is able to heal from this. Pray for strength, for hope, and for courage. Pray that she is carried in Jesus’ arms and that she feels HIS love and healing power. Pray her for family as well.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

O uwolnienie Tomka z nałogów portali internetowych, o łaskę odbudowania zaufania między Monika I Tomaszem, o dar miłości i szacunku. O skruchę serca Tomka. Dziękuję za modlitwę za nami.

- Monika, Szczecin Polonia

Bogy Wiadomo

- Anna , Pinellas Park Estados Unidos

Pray the PANDEMIC ENDS. Countries are still struggling. China is nearing 65 million cases weekly (XBB variant). Pray it is contained & that people worldwide follow all safety measures. As Christians we must set an example (love & protect all). We never want to infect others (sickness/death), especially the unsaved. We want ALL to be saved. Pray for long COVID sufferers & that governments/health units mandate masks/vaccines so this pandemic ends.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray that God's will be done for Dawn Michele

- Dawn Michele, Gates Mills Estados Unidos

pray for my family will have a safe and good day. pray for my marriage and family pray for Liz and Scott,Tom and Alysha,Mary and Nate marriages and families pray for Ryan and Kylie pray for Ryan conversion,health,job,finds good catholic spouse pray for AF is good babysitter,cleaner,cook,declutter,organizer,driver pray for AF and family can lose weight,exercise and eat healthy pray for Annette can be more included in business and can be a needed

- Annette, laporte Estados Unidos

I need urgent prayers for anxiety and fear, pray for forgiveness for me, Almighty God should remove all spirit of fear and anxiety from my life I deserve immediate healing, please pray for me.

- Johnson, canada Canadá

Please pray that my daughter and I don't loose our housing voucher. I get SSI and she works part-time. We need it to help pay rent.

- Tuwanna, Bossier Louisiana Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o łaskę uzdrowienia, o przywrócenie słuch. Nie umiem sobie z tym poradzić. Bóg zapłać za każdą modlitwę.

- Kamila

Prośba do Trójcy Św o Dary Ducha Św i potrzebne łaski dla mojej rodziny.

- Joanna, River Grove Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe do Ojca w Niebie o cud uzdrowienia z choroby nowotworowej, boje sie osierocic moja corke, ktora tez jest chora i wymaga opieki. Prosze tylko o modlitwe "Ojcze nasz", moja wiara nie pozwala zeby modlic sie do Maryi i Swietych. Dziekuje

- Marta

Please pray for my finances. I need some help. Thank you.

- Ren, Los Angeles Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- annaB, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- anna , St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Prosze Boga o cud uzdrowienia dla mojego męża Wojtka z choroby nowotworowej.

- Joanna, Waddell Estados Unidos

Pary that My Mom Joann will be healed Body mind and spirit. She's 83 taking care of my Pop w dementia for 14 years. She is tired, stressed and needs him to be placed in a facility. Pop is getting very difficult to take care of so she needs to focus on herself! Please pray for complete restoration of her confidence, strength and joy! Healed from the top of her head to her toes.

- joann, Camp Hill Estados Unidos

For the repose of the souls of Fr. Francis Curran and Fr. Victor Lambur.

- Rob

For complete healing for our son.

- Bernadette, San Gabriel Estados Unidos

Pido por la sanación integral de mi hermana María Luisa Molina de la Hoz, con un forma de cáncer muy agresivo.

- Kathia , Valledupar Colombia

Please restore my hearing. Please let the doctor see me. Please restore my hearing.

- Debra, Tinley Park Estados Unidos

For M.D. to receive the Eucharist and to see the Truth.

- Tarah, Mulvane Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za zdrowie męża mojej przyjaciółki. By choroba opuściła go i w ich domu znów zawitała radość. Dziękuję

- Monika , Zendek Polonia

I pray that my guy friend, Jesse would open up to me, that he would overcome his trauma/fear of getting hurt (his past), and ask me to become his girlfriend.

- Christine, Canadá

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Please pray for me to reunite with Katarina. She is the love of my life, and we are separated due to frustration, anger and the influence of others in our relationship. I ask for the opportunity to reunite with her, and bring her and her daughters closer to Him and His sacraments.

- Chuck, Burlington Canadá

I'd like to request prayer for RILEY FAITH. She's a 5-year-old dealing with cancer. She's been in a lot of pain and is really struggling. She just had an ultrasound. Please pray for a miracle here. Pray that she is able to continue in the clinical trial that will help her heal. Pray for a miracle healing, for strength, for hope, and courage. That she is carried in Jesus’ arms and always feels God’s love. Pray for her family too. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Pido por mi salud mental, espiritual y del alma y para que pronto pueda regresar a trabajar y Dios los bendiga a Misioneros Del Verbo Divino por todas sus oraciones!

- Arturo, North Hollywood Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

I request prayer for my own spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Thank you! Tracey Australia

- Tracey, Coorparoo, QLD, 4151 Australia

Please pray in earnest ( North Western Florida USA) for Scott Brendon Joseph Dube: Medical Physicist who is purportedly suffering from acute symptoms of being exposed to COVID -19

- MichelleDube , Brackettville Estados Unidos

Please pray for Sherrie, Stan, Clifton and Shirley. Also Hamp(Sir), Donovan, Doug, Dexter and David need prayer along with Marc, Brian and Sean plus Ansol and Lance. Their friends, family members, neighbors and affiliates also need prayer in addition to their colleagues. Thank you in advance we give praise.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Pido oración para que el niñito Kevin Juan se sanado de todas sus enfermedades, discapacidades, malformaciones,traumas,males y temores y para que no sufra y que Dios lo bendiga y lo libere,sane y salve de cuerpo,alma y espiritu. y que Jesús lo cubra con la sangre de sus llagas y la Virgen con su manto para que el mal no pueda verlo ni tocarlo nunca mas.Que Jesús y la Virgen lo bendigan y lo protejan siempre.Que Kevin goce de mucha felicidad y con

- moni, Argentina

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Senhor Jesus, pelas mãos Imaculadas de Maria, Vossa e nossa Mãe; restaurai minha família e dar-nos a salvação eterna.

- Marileuda , Fortaleza Brasil

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji znalezienia pracy

- Joanna, Polonia

pray for my family will have a safe and good day. pray for my marriage and family pray for Liz and Scott,Tom and Alysha,Mary and Nate marriages and families pray for Ryan and Kylie pray for Ryan conversion,health,job,finds good catholic spouse pray for Aiden,Ella,Addy,Noelle,Willa.Olivia,Finley,Milo,Colette,Makeznie,Maizy,Jameson behaves,health,speech good students pray for.AFis good babysitter,cleaner,cook,declutter,organizer,driver a intention

- Annette, laporte Estados Unidos

Please pray for CHRIS M who is seeking justice after being harmed by his doctor & several medical professionals. Other patients are at risk of being harmed. Pray he finds a lawyer, is protected & justice prevails. Also pray for JENNIFER J with Stage-4 cancer. There was progress, but recently she is struggling a lot. Please continue praying for her healing miracle. Pray that Chris, Jennifer, and her family lean on Christ in everything. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o łaskę spokoju i miłości w rodzinie. O opiekę i o bezpieczeństwo.


Pray for myself and my insurance team to find many people to serve through life and health insurance.

- Kory, Treynor Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwe o uwolnienie Mileny ,Renaty, Piotr, Mateusza od nieprzyjaciela

- milena, Warszawa (wola) Polonia

First of all, thank you to everyone for reading my prayer request. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I am so blessed to have everyone praying for me over my issue. So, the prayer request is for my kidney(s). I have been having problems with my right kidney. But, I also want to pray that my left one is OK. So, on my right kidney, it is enlarged and has some cysts in it that have grown. Please, please, pray that TODAY they will be able to t

- Jeff, Tucson Estados Unidos

Please pray for Andrew David Immanuel Aceves. His college doesn’t want to renew his scholarships and financial for next year. His grades are excellent and he has financial need. His counselor who puts his package together resents him getting assistance and scholarships so she has tried to withhold both before. He needs this money so he can finish his last year.

- Melissa

Beloved brothers and sisters, This is a request to join us in prayer for the children of Myanmar, their friend and relatives, and everybody who prays for them or practices generosity or supportive acts, for democracy, non violence, rule of law, children´s rights and human rights through forgiveness of sins by Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and needed acts and blessings, by the holy sheep, the holy spirit, God, the community of saints, the church, the

- Richard , Vancouver Canadá

Prosze o modlitwe za mojego syna .

- Joanna, Tinley Park Estados Unidos


- moses, kampala Uganda

Please pray for my brother to stop talking with these scammers online that are old enough to be his daughters and to find a woman his own age

- maria, Wasaga Beach Canadá

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

My name is Tony and I would like to request prayers for the following : God's continuous guidance and protection against the plans of the enemy and spiritual attacks That all will go well with my upcoming trip to Jamaica on May 8th ,2023 and that I will return to Canada safely and in good order A Financial blessing Thank you so very much.

- Tony, Ontario Canadá

Prosze o modlitwe za corke Dominike za uzdrowienie z choroby

- Agnieszka, Kanada

Prayer request for our property issues to be resolved and for the successful completion of our housing renovation Prayer request for the extension of my dad's visa Prayer request for a good job

- Nicole, Manama Baréin

Prosze Boga i Swieta Rodzine o uzdrowienie mojej przyjaciolki. Bog pozwolil jej pokonac wiele ciezkich chorob, a teraz jeszcze rak, boje sie ze sie zalamie. Janie Pawle II prosze, wstaw sie do Boga w jej imieniu. Serdecznie dziekuje!

- Barbara, Estados Unidos

Pokornie prosze o modlitwe w mojej intencji. O pozytwny przebieg i wynik operacji. Bardzo sie boje, wiem, ze nie zasluguje na Boze milosierdzie, mimo to mam nadzieje. Gdybym jednak musiala odejsc, blagam Boga o wybaczenie. Bardzo prosze Jana Pawla II o wstawiennictwo u Boga w mojej intencji.

- Barbara, Estados Unidos

i am trying to rescue some Ukraine refugees and help them come to Canada. i have spent all my savings and available credit and am still 8000$ short for plane tickets. my credit rating is not very good because of some trouble when i was younger but all my bills are paid and i am an honest man. Please pray that the loan i applied for will be approved so that i can help these people.

- michael, abbotsford Canadá


- JAROSŁAW, żywiec Polonia

Szczęść Boże Pokorniuchno proszę o modlitwę wstawienniczą za mojego szwagra Dariusza o cud jego uzdrowienia z nowotworu złośliwego z przerzutami oraz o siły i ufność w Boże Miłosierdzie dla niego i jego rodziny. Bóg zapłać.

- Elżbieta, Warszawa Polonia

Proszę w mojej intencji znanej Bogu. Dziękuję. Please pray for me in my intentions known to God.

- Anna , Szczecin Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Saint Petersburg Estados Unidos

Por favor, unámonos en oración por la salud física, mental, emocional y espiritual de Jorge Hernán Jaramillo Ossa; Gracias

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Por favor, unámonos en oración por la salud de Carlos Julio Hernández y Melba Aristizabal de Gaviria que están hospitalizados y delicados de salud.

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Prosze o modlitwe w intencji uzdrowienia chorej Kasi leżącej w tej chwili w szpitalu w ciężkim stanie

- Romuald, Des Plaines Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Saint Petersburg Estados Unidos

Por favor, unámonos en oración por el descanso eterno de Jaime Andres Posada

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji syna Adama o łaskę uwolnienia od nienawiści, gniewu, braku przebaczenia, myśli samobójczych, przekleństwa, o łaskę uzdrowienia jego serca zranionego przez toksyczne kobiety, uzdrowienie z nerwicy , łaskę nawrócenia i znalezienia dobrej żony. Proszę o modlitwę w intencji syna Piotra, który utracił wiarę w seminarium duchownym , o łaskę powrotu do Boga - zrozpaczona matka.

- Lilianna , Witonia Polonia


- moses, kampala Uganda

Proszę o uzdrowienie z choroby nowotworowej dla s. Celiny, aby mogła żyć w pokoju i z radością chwalić Pana.

- s.Celina, wrocław Polonia

Prayers that those who owe me money reimburse me and no longer bully me.

- Adelheid , Calgary Canadá

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna , Pinellas Park, FL Estados Unidos

Por favor, unámonos en oración por el descanso eterno de Jaime Andres Posada

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Por favor, unámonos en oración por las necesidades de Maria, Borbon y su hija Maria Alejandra

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Hello, my name is Clint and I have a prayer request. I ask that you pray for me that God will deliver me from my fear of rejection and will give me the courage to ask women out on dates and for me to have the ability to ask one of them to be my girlfriend. Please pray that God will unite me with my soul mate and that He will guide me to the right one. If it's His plan to have her ask me out, then pray for that too, and pray that the two of us can

- Clint, Choctaw Estados Unidos

I pray for my family, /husband Edward, children Joan, Ann and Michael, siblings Karen, Edward, David and their families to be delivered and set free from all evil spirits and to be Divinely connected to God Almighty and live a holy and blessed lives. For financial breakthrough, for our businesses to be profitable and freedom from debt. I pray for joy & peace that surpasses ALL understanding for myself & family, my community and the world. I

- Lucy, Alberta Canadá

o dobrego chłopaka

- Elżbieta, Polonia

Pray for the end of abortion in the world, specifically in my home state of Illinois.

- MaryJean, Springfield Estados Unidos

18 y/o Bruce Lane fell 20-30 feet days ago in a work accident falling from a roof sustaining a major head injury, & some other major injuries. He has had two major surgeries in last few days. He remains in critical condition in a Kansas City hospital. He is from Missouri. Tonight the doctors have shared with the family that he may not make it through the night and that his body is shutting down. Please pray with us for a MIRACLE HEALING for BRUCE

- Courtney, victoria Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

I ask for healing of mind, body and Spirit for myself and for my son. Please heal the roots of all emotional, physical ailments, compressions and and allow new physical and thought patterns to emerge that will hold new and vital patterns. Please open our minds and hearts to the true Oneness that we are as a human body, and bless us to be helpful to others. I ask also for improved financial circumstances quickly so we can continue forward.

- Lara, Centreville Estados Unidos

My friend Therese Maximilian has her wedding fixing ceremony today and tomorrow, i.e, 31st Mar and 1st Apr. Kindly intercede for both the Families and for her and her fiance especially for the will of God to be done. In Christ and the Immaculata!

- Lis Maria

for pope francis and dad to have a speedy recovery and get all help and healing from healthcare employees for world peace and an end to all wars on earth

- maria, Montréal Canadá

I am asking for my husband Matthew he had a cancerous tumor and his appendix removed yesterday 03/28/23, now today he is not feeling well he has a fever and is feeling hot and rapid heartbeat and he is not eating please pray for him. I am also praying for financial Blessings

- Ruth, brooklyn Estados Unidos

Praying for my mother, Ksenija, that she may be completely healed of her numerous health conditions, through the intercession of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. We pray to the Lord.

- Olesja, Toronto Canadá

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation an

- Phil, Torrance Estados Unidos


- moses, kampala Uganda

Please pray for me. My creatinine levels came back low. I pray God will restore it back to I ask for prayer for God to heal my heart and blood pressure back to normal. Blood tests came back for at risk for heart disease. I ask God to heal my heart rate and blood pressure to correct itself and be in the normal range.

- Jennie, Kingston Canadá

Por la Sanidad del corazony la conversion de mis hijos, esposo y mia, por mi restauracion matrimonial

- Karyna, Torreón México

Prosze za wstawiennictwem Św. Józefa o Dary Ducha Świetego i pozytywne załatwienie sprawy dla syna; Jezu Ty sie tym zajmij

- Maria, Sun City Estados Unidos

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation an

- Phil, Torrance Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za Bartka i jego ciezarna zone Morgan. Oczekuja dziecka a jego praca jest zagrozona. O ukojenie duchowe , szczesliwe rozwiazanie i prace dla Bartka

- Marta, Estados Unidos

Please pray for Father Gustavo

- Jen, Toronto Canadá

Por favor unámonos en oración por la salud de Emanuel Suárez

- Karla , Bogotá Colombia

Please pray for my daughter Ceaira she recently was laid off from her job and has file for unemployment but has not received her first check or confirmation of the unemployment benefits. She has bills that are due. Please pray that no weapon formed against her will prosper and that the Lord would grant her favor to obtain the right job for her from the Lord and that she will prosper and find favor with both God and man. Pray Gods will for her

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

Please pray in agreement with me: Dear Heavenly Father we thank you in advance for hearing and answering this prayer. We pray that all Americans be drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ to receive salvation in him alone. We pray that people will read and study the Bible and meditate on the Word of God to abide in your word. We pray for repentance and revival for personal relationships with Jesus to be established and strengthened. We pray for restora

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę w mojej intencji znanej Bogu. Please pray for me in my Intention known to God.

- Anna, Szczecin Polonia

Please pray for John, Debbie and Wayne They all need help and so do their family as well as their friends. Thank you very much.

- John,Wayne & Deborah, Chicago Estados Unidos

insomnia incontinence arthritis breakthroughs

- elaine, hershey Estados Unidos

Señor clamo a ti en nombre de Jesús por mi hijo Anibal Alexander Arauz Rodríguez por liberación total de lo que le acusan y protección ante la experiencia tan dura que está viviendo. Madre Santísima es tu hijo consagrado a ti desde antes de su nacimiento cúbrelo con tu manto , protegelo, pido tu auxilio como madre.

- Anibal Alexander, Panama Panamá

Prosze o modlitwe o uzdrowienie, jestem ciezko chora, bardzo sie boje smierci i osierocic corke.

- Marta, Slupsk Polonia

That my son Chris renews his relationship with me his father. May he renew his relationship with Our Lord and his Mother.

- Dave, Huntington,Indiana 46750 Estados Unidos

Lord I have struggled with pornography and lustful perverse fanatics for 40 plus years. I have begged for freedom. Help me Lord please. I can't do this by my own power. Please pray for me. I need His help and deliverance. Father I call on the name of Christ Jesus. Please!

- Jason, Estados Unidos

For last 1 and half month, I am having stomach problems and pain in my back. Also, I don’t know why I smoke and consume alcohol when I do not need both. May be it’s my loneliness. I request you to please intercede and pray for my peace of mind, good health and permanent abstinence from smoking and drinking. Thank you, regards and God bless

- Ajay, REGO PARK Estados Unidos

Pray for Ingrid Smith from Melbourne, Florida. She needs her own house. She has been homeless before and people took advantage of her. She needs a financial breakthrough. She is living with someone who is trying to manipulate her into committing suicide, however she is very strong. She wants to leave, but job is not regular. It is a struggle. Pray for good fortune, luck and opportunities to open up for her to leave Florida for good.

- Ingrid , Melbourne Estados Unidos

Prayer for security at my job and deliverance.

- Ruth , NY Estados Unidos

Please pray, I'm working on my dissertation for my PhD, and I only have one chapter left to write to get my degree. I'm having problems because something that I can't even see is trying to put me to sleep whenever I write it. it's only 4:29 pm here in Los Angeles, and I'm struggling. I know something is not wanting me to finish. I'm really in a bind. I'm struggling to finish the last chapter only because something keeps trying to put me to sleep

- Ren, Los Angeles Estados Unidos

Joseph is suffering from a condition where any physical activity will cause him to become physically sick. Doctors have not been able to diagnose his illness. Please pray for his recovery.

- Joseph, Polk City Estados Unidos

Please pray that I recover my Mini DV Tapes that was stolen out of my relatives Car. I cannot afford to lose those memories recorded on those Mini DV Tapes for any reason. Church, please pray to the Lord that he will one day answer this prayer with a Yes. Thank you in advance.Please pray that I recover my Mini DV Tapes that was stolen out of my relatives Car. I cannot afford to lose those memories recorded on those Mini DV Tapes for any reason.

- Theo, Fairless Hills Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

Please pray for Robert, Spencer, Nicole and Jennifer. They all need help and so do their family as well as their friends. Thank you very much.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Imploro su oración por mi esposo para que Dios cambie su corazón y retorne a casa para luchar por nuestra familia, que Dios le llene su corazón de amor, lo libere de orgullo, rencores, materialismo, malas decisiones, que corrija su comportamiento y se entregue a Dios y para que encuentre personas que lo guíen por el camino del bien. Dios ayudame. Amén

- Daniela , Distrito Federal México

Por las necesidades de todos los miembros de las familias Marciales, Zota Acosta; Rodriguez Perez, Torre Muñoz, Carranza, Neira, Suárez Carranza, Huertas, Peralta, Sanchez Angarita, Borbon, potes Ferreira, Castillo Hernandez, por la salud de todos los enfermos, por el descanso eterno de todos los difuntos por el perdón de los pecados de todos los agonizantes.

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Please pray for Roque and Nataline Rodrigues to be blessed with their jobs back and for the gift of desired house. And all prayers, intentions to be answered. For peace, protection, good health and grace of God in the family. For Roque Rodrigues business proposal to be approved soon, and to earn abundant profit in share trading business everyday. For abundant and miracluous blessings in finances. For protection and safety of the family.

- Roque, Virar Palghar India

Muy buenas tardes, les pido por favor oración por Emanuel Suárez Carranza; por su salud y sus necesidades

- Kyci, Bogotá Colombia

Panie Boze, dziekuje Ci za wszystkie łaski, jakie otrzymuje ja i moja rodzina. Prosze o dalsza opieke nad nami i Boze Blogoslawienstwo, a takze o łaski Ducha Swietego dla moich dzieci, wnuczat i calej rodziny. Proszę o modlitwę w intencji ślubu sacramentalnrgo Renaty i Mariusza. Jezu ufam Tobie.

- Mariusz, Staten Island Estados Unidos

O zdrowie dla Krzysztofa i uwolnienie z nałogu oraz pomyślne ukończenie studiów

- Ela, Chicago Estados Unidos

Oración por la niñita Magaly, fue operada y está en estado crítico, la quieren desconectar. Oremos para que nuestro Padre Celestial le otorgue su pronta sanacion.

- ANGELICA, Riverside Estados Unidos

Hello, my name is Michele. Please pray that God will help me to get into a religious community I am trying to get into!! Thank you and God bless you for your prayers!!

- Michele, New York Estados Unidos

Panie Boze, dziekuje Ci za wszystkie dary, jakie otrzymuje ja i moja rodzina. Prosze o dalsza opieke nad nami, o zdrowie i Boze Blogoslawienstwo, a takze o Dary DUcha Swietego dla moich dzieci, wnuczat i calej rodziny. Jezu, ufam Tobie.

- Ela, Marlborough Estados Unidos

Please pray for Kristina, Khan, Khamani, Kameron, Ja, Kevin and Sir. They are in need of help. Thank you very much.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Pido x restauracion familiar y romper cadenas separacion generacional, por los padres de mi pareja sientan temor de Dios y permitan que el restaure su hogar y lo lleven por el buen camino del amor, la unión del núcleo familiar y los dones espirituales, que Dios libere a mi pareja de los espíritus del orgullo, materialismo, narcisismo, egoísmo, división, maltrato, olvido, abandono y cambie su corazón por el camino del perdón y regreso a casa. AMÉN

- Daniela , Distrito federal México

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation an

- Phil, Torrance Estados Unidos

I have diabetes Id love to be apart of a prayer group

- Chad , west Kelowna

Por las necesidades de Emanuel Suárez Carranza

- Karla , Bogotá Colombia

For the repose of the soul of Anthony T and for all the needs of his family, especially his son.

- Anthony, Richmond Estados Unidos

Please pray, I put in for a paid study and they interviewed me and liked me. I'm just waiting for confirmation. It's good money and Jesus knows my finances need some help right now. Thank you

- Ren, Long Beach Estados Unidos

Hello I have a urgent prayer request for my disability , the was missing information in the file that needed be corrected, This have been so much stress around this all , place pray well for all of this . place . God Bless Johann

- Johann, Merit Bc Canadá

En acción de gracias por el trabajo de Camilo Mària y por el bebé Salvador Timaran Mària (de un mes de edad) que hoy le dieron salida del Hospital porque ya comenzó a aumentar de peso

- Karla , Bogotá Colombia

- God remove the CERB overpayment. The T.D. Visa that my EX left God please that. -Pass my GED Diplomia and have wisdom and Knowledge. It's been awhile. - God I need a financial Break as well as Mina Sam my soon to be Husband in Jesus name _ God bless Rosie and Mina Sam In our soon marriage.

- Rosie , Edmonton Canadá

Please pray again for RACHEL S. She is still having a lot of emotional challenges and encountering bullying at work. Please pray that she stays mentally strong and heals, and that she is protected. Please pray again for JENNIFER J, with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. She's been given days, but she keeps on persevering. Pray for a miracle healing here. Also pray for her husband and three little children. Pray that they all lean on Christ. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o modlitwę o uleczenie mnie z Corona virus. Jezu Ty wszystko możesz. Ulecz mnie z tej strasznej choroby i strzeż od wszelkich powikłań po niej. Miej w opiece moje dzieci, męża i mnie Jezu Ufam Tobie

- Beata, Lisle Estados Unidos

God Your glory and majesty are unmatched in the universe, and Your voice alone is enough to move mountains and drain oceans. I boldly come to Your presence today to restore my daughter who was in an accident received a head injury and she is still trying to regain her speech. In Jesus name bind any strongholds hindrance her from healing. We command the defeated strongman to leave. In Jesus name purge her body, mind, speech, soul and spirit for co

- Maeve

Dear Priest, Dear Pastor, Would you please pray for us? I would like to ask for prayers of healing in mind, body and spirit for my Mom Natalia Anikushina and myself Maxim Anikushin I would like to add the words: Dear Lord, I am coming to you through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Please block and delete all attacks that might have happened to our health and prevent and block all future attacks. In Jesus name, Amen

- Maxim, New York Estados Unidos


- MICHAEL, Estados Unidos

Someone I love is going through an extremely difficult time. I am very worried about him. Please pray that he is safe and protected. Thank you so kindly. I am deeply grateful.

- Elizabeth, Las Vegas Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

Szczesc Boze. Prosze o Modlitwe za mojego syna Krzysztofa ,o Syna Nawrocenie i Wiare . O Opamietanie Syna . O uzdrowienie Syna ze Wszystkich Zniewolen , Uzdrowienie Syna Krzysztofa na Ciele , Duszy i na Umysle ,oraz aby syn znalazl Dobra Prace i Dobra Dziewczyne . Bog Zaplac

- Teresa, Oslo Noruega

Prosze o laske I prosbe o pomoc w moim samotnym zyciu.

- Barbara , Brooklyn Estados Unidos

Joyce M. W. of Chateauguay, Quebec is getting better: THANK you VERY MUCH for your Prayers. But, she still is VERY ILL. Please Pray that she gets her Full Health back and becomes Totally Healthy again? Please Pray she gets her Appetite back and can eat more? And please Pray that she can get better sleep, fall to sleep easier and has a better quality of sleep? Sorry if Offend by asking so much? But, please do Pray all this? Thanks

- Michael, Montreal Canadá

Les pido por favor su oración por Carlos Flórez Tovar que está pasando graves dificultades económicas que lo agobian y para que Dios le ayude a sanar su alma y su corazón por tantas faltas de amor y perdón de sus padres, hermana y familiares que le generaron muchas heridas y traumas a lo largo de su vida para que sea sanado, liberado, desatado, renovado, convertido y salvado. Que reciba salud y prosperidad todos los días de su vida.

- Paula, Bogotá Colombia

Les pido por favor orar por mi familia Velásquez Mejía por la salud de todos sus miembros, el restablecimiento de las relaciones entre todos para que se vayan las peleas, divisiones, críticas, señalamientos, juzgamientos, rechazos, envidias, celos, odios, rencores, resentimientos, faltas de amor y perdón y vuelva la unión, armonía, paz, amor, perdón y reconciliación.

- Paula, Bogotá Colombia

Please pray for my Mom, she got an insurance for my brother that is affordable. he has disabilities. She is having a hard time because the insurance wants her to log onto legend browser 42 hours a month. She isn't that techie savvy. Please pray that she figures it out, she was crying on the phone over it. Thank you.

- Ren, Los Angeles Estados Unidos

blood of Jesus Christ prayer request Powerful prayer protection for 2023 and beyond And for god to use me to spread his word to millions and exstend my life for that purpose for many more years. I’m believing god for: Salvation for me and whole family & those lost & don’t know Jesus Christ. Repentance to god and all I may have misled unwaringly. Protection & God keep his warrior angels round me consistently through 2023 and beyond. Protectio

- Anthony, Lake wales Estados Unidos

Please pray for The people of flight 227. Their was also a mass killing in New York where two people were shot. We need than in our lives as they are ministers in training. God needs them to raise up and tell others about their life. Their friends, family members and neighbors also need prayer. Their colleagues and affiliates as well as their associates need prayer as well. Thank you in advance.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w mojej intencji. O potrzebne łaski. Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uwolnienia mnie od dręczeń, lęku, strachu, paniki i niepokoju. O siłę w walce z depresją, o nadzieję, pokorę i cierpliwość w chorobie, trudach i znojach. O pozytywny przebieg operacji, oraz jak najszybszy termin jeśli to jest zgodne z wolą Bożą. O miłość, nadzieję w sercu. Uwolnienie od grzechów.

- Aleksandra , Warszawa Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

I’m requesting urgent prayer for ALAN THIBEAU. He was just diagnosed with several brain tumours. One of them is inoperable. He has an operation tomorrow to try and remove one of the major ones. Please pray for a miracle healing here, for comfort, peace, hope, and a full recovery for ALAN. Pray that he and his wife, Anna, his son, Andrew, and his siblings, lean fully on Christ in all of this. That they trust Him fully. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o spokój w rodzinie, o opiekę i ochronę. O siłę i wiarę.


Please pray for Magdenela, Mirabelle and Madelaine. Also please pray for Porsha, Wendy and John. Their friends, family members and neighbors need support through prayer. Thank you.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Hi. Please pray for my healing. Thank you, Darko Irgolič

- Darko, Lenart Eslovenia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Joanna, Tuscaloosa Estados Unidos

I beg to pray for me and two classmates to stop discrimination. Five years of retaliations against us continuing. Five years suffering at the university where we are studying study. Please lord of misericord helps us.

- Maria Elena, Merced, California Estados Unidos

Dear Friends, Please, please pray for my dear son, Evan who is in a very dark place. He has turned away from all who love him and our hearts are broken. Pray for his eyes to open to God’s love and for his happy homecoming. In Jesus’ name let us pray. Your faithful friend in Christ, Lisa

- Lisa, Wall Estados Unidos

Please pray for RACHEL S who has lived in an emotionally abusive home for years. She found the courage to leave home. She is currently in a women’s shelter. She also deals with mental illness & PTSD. Pray that she heals, stays mentally strong & courageous, stays safe at the shelter, remains protected from her parents, and finds her own home. Pray that she finds peace and is successful in her work and her life. Thanks.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

I’m requesting prayers for Buffalo Bills player, DAMAR HAMLIN. Last night, after a hard hit, he went into cardiac arrest on the field and is now in critical condition in the hospital. Please pray for a full and strong recovery. Pray for strength, courage, hope, and that Christ carries him through this. Pray also for his family as they stand by his side. That they all lean on our Lord, trusting Him to heal Damar. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o modlitwę za Maję, o zerwanie węzłów psychicznej choroby dziedzicznej , o zdrowy rozwój w zdrowej rodzinie.

- EMILA, katy wroclawskie Polonia

Please pray urgently for BABY SAMMY, a 2-year-old boy with leukemia. He is in the hospital struggling with an intense infection. Please pray that this infection clears up and that there is a healing miracle that takes away the cancer completely. That he is strong and can live a full life cancer-free. Pray also for his mom, Roxy, and the family through all of this. That they lean on Christ in everything. Thank you .

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Błagam o modlitwę o uzdrowienie I przedłużenie umowy o pracę Bóg zapłać

- Dorota, Wola Szkucka Polonia

Please prayer for Abeer Sayage. She has had cancer in different area of her body and has been able up to this point to conquer it. It is now in her liver and they are not giving her a good prognosis. she has one more treatment and if it doesn't help, they say there is nothing more they can do for her. PLEASE PRAY THAT SHE IS HEALED FROM CANCER FOREVER ANYWHERE IN HER BODY. She is the most kindest and giving person and has had a rough life.

- Beverly, PARMA Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże, Proszę o modlitwę o zdrowie i opiekę Boża dla kolezanki Kasi która ma nowotwór piersi i będzie miała za 2 godziny następna operacje. Niech Wielki Pan obdarzy lekarzy swoją siła żeby operacja się udała . Big Zapłać

- Ewa, New Market Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże, proszę o modlitwę o opiekę Boża i laske uzdrowienia dla mojego syna Szymona jtofy ma drugi stopien raka jelita cienkiego i za pare tygodni rozpocznie chemię. Ma tylko 39 lat i trójkę małych adoptowanych kochanych dzieci które go tak kochaja i potrzebują. Bóg Zapkac Zrozpaczona matkac

- Ewa, New Market Estados Unidos

A Prayer for Help in Time of Need

- Darko, Eslovenia

Please pray for David Robinson and his wife. David has been battling multiple illnesses for a couple years and is in hospice care.

- David, Deerfield Estados Unidos

I’d like continued prayers for 35-year-old, Jennifer J, with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Doctors say she may only have a few more days, as she contracted pneumonia and has been suffering deeply. Please pray she continues to lean on our Lord. Pray for a miracle healing here, for strength, comfort, hope, and peace. Bless and comfort her three children and husband as well, that they lean on our Lord in all of this. Pray for strength in faith. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray for complete physical healing for Shawna Perry.

- Madison, Estados Unidos

Please pray that my marriage to my husband is saved, that he returns home to me and our 21 month old daughter and that he permanently ends his relationship with our employee. Thank you.

- Melissa, Estados Unidos

Heavenly Father, Your Word says, what God has joined together, let no man separate. You have joined us together and so I give You glory and praise. Lord the enemy has seeped into my family and has cause my spouse to abandon his family. May all the lies and deception be uncovered. For all unfruitful works of darkness be exposed. We ask in Jesus’ name to break all spirits of control, domination, lust, seduction, oppression, anger, hatred, pride, ar

- Keziah, New York Estados Unidos

Hello. I have had a horrific last few years. I have finally found a job in a prison and am messing up a lot. I have made so many mistakes and well I feel like be let go eventually. I am new still but just do not have enough confidence, and feel like I am cutting it. I need to be a little tougher and well more competent. Pray I get competent and wisdom and knowledge in this job and field. Pray I do well....pray God leads me and I hav blessings and

- James, Lost creek Estados Unidos

I’m requesting prayer again for JENNIFER J. She has stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Although we’ve been praying continually and she's gone through many treatments, she is still struggling and has been given weeks by her doctor. Please pray for a miracle healing for Jennifer, for strength, courage, comfort, and peace. Also pray for her family. Pray that her and her family lean on Christ in all of this. He is the true Healer & Comforter. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please let us get the apartment on Nicholas street.

- kathleen, easton Estados Unidos

O laske uzdrowienia ,szczesliwa operacje oraz laske skruszenia sumienia dla Jana

- Anna, Surprise Estados Unidos

I ask for this prayer due to my illness of Metastatic Breast Cancer Stage 4 which has led to lungs and several places in my bones. Here in the last 3 weeks, I had an injury on my left shoulder where the cancer tumor is at which has caused many fractures to my shoulder. I am going to be having Radiation of 8 weeks. I pray that Jesus has been hearing my prayers. I know I can not heal myself. I know Jesus can. I have not always been a prayer I have

- LISA, KNOXVILLE Estados Unidos

Recently broke up with my fiancé, Please pray that God would restore and reconcile our relationship and restore lines of communication between us. That our relationship would be fully redeemed! Humility, forgiveness, Healing peace, miracles! That God would soften her heart

- Justin

Please pray for Jennifer, Heather and Anitra. They need help in a way that people cannot understand. Their friends and family members need help in prayer as well. Their neighbors also need help in prayer. Thank you.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

1 my teaching and research, and the relationship with God; 2 my parents, younger brothers, nephew's, and our future generations’ salvation and health 3. Yanzhen and her parents’ salvation. 4 my depression, and my brother, Bob’s schizophrenia, 5 pray for my younger brother, Eric Lin’s and my future kids. 6, Pray for my friend, Faith, that God would heal her emotional hurt from parents; her courage to ask for help. 7 pray for my relationship with

- Jacob, Potsdam Estados Unidos

Please pray for my son Nicholas tonight. He has been trying very hard to overcome he stutters and suffers from depression. He works very hard and every time he has hope he is knocked down again. I am praying for prayers warriors to pray with me for his healing in mind and body and May God s will be done Amen!

- Natalie, Brossard Canadá

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji ukojenia przytłaczającego lęku i obaw

- Przemysław

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

Please pray that my tests come back benign. Please pray that my whole body heals from within. Thank you for your prayers!

- Jeanenne , San Jose Estados Unidos

We ask for protection and healing for our dear Oliver as he goes through his treatment and for his family we ask for strength, faith and peace.

- Elle, Toronto Canadá

Hello there, I'm requesting prayers for CHANTAL P who was just diagnosed with stage-2 breast cancer. She also has a nasal blood clot. Please pray for a miracle healing from the cancer and from the blood clot. Pray for strength and comfort. Pray she stays hopeful. A positive mindset brings forth chemicals in the brain that heal the body. Pray that she opens her heart to the Lord. He is always beside her. Also pray for her family. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o modlitwę za moją córkę. Bóg zapłać.

- Katarzyna, Żabno

Please pray that God send Mina and Rosie together to get married soon. God please listen to our prayers Amen. Pass my GED Diploma give me the knowledge. amen My God and send me financial freedom. Give me more more send me all that I need in Jesus name

- Rosie

I need to ask for a job for Jacob. He is discouraged, and it is causing stress in our family and in my marriage. I am asking for a job for him by December 2, 2022. Please intercede for us. Thank you.

- Traycee, Saint Charles Estados Unidos

Please pray that my marriage is saved and that my husband Joe returns home to me and our 19 month old daughter. Thank you.

- Melissa

Prosze by Bog poblogoslawil mojego syna zdrowym potomkiem, by spelnil swoje plany i zaznal troche radosci w zyciu procz pracy. Prosze o zdrowie dla mojego drugiego syna, by Bog zechcial udzielic mu madrosci w wychowaniu dzieci. By dzieci szanowaly ojca, by Bog zechcial byc przewodnikiem w tej zagubionej rodzinie. Matko Jezusa, zechciej prosze byc Matka tej rodziny.

- Barbara, Rutherfordton Estados Unidos

Kochany Panie Jezu, proszę Cię o łaskę uzdrowienia mojej rodziny i zabrania od niej dolegliwości, jakie Jej towarzyszą. Proszę, aby ze zdrowiem Mojej rodziny wszystko wróciło do normy, aby nie miała ona ani raka ani żadnej innej choroby i aby nie musiała mieć wykonywanej żadnej operacji ani zabiegu i aby nie trafiła do szpitala. Panie, Ty wiesz najlepiej, jak bardzo kocham moją rodzinę. Bóg zapłać

- Sylwia, Baczyna Polonia

Please pray for recovery from severe depression & anxiety. Thank you for your spiritual support. -Mary, Toronto Canada

- Mary, Toronto Canadá

Prosze o zdrowie dla mamy Sofii, ktora teraz w szpitalu. Wytrwalosci dla niej I skorego powrota do domu.

- Renata , Vilnius Lituania

My prayer is that God will re-connect with me so we can have a relationship, lately i feel so dis-connected from God and alone, in Jesus name amen.

- Paul, Rockford Estados Unidos

Please pray that Jesus will STOP all demonic and satanic attacks against Margaret and that Jesus will also restore her to peace, rest and calm. Thank you.

- Margaret, Calgary Canadá

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

Praying for my son that he be blessed with a healthy baby and praying for my daughter that she be saved from the bondage that she is in and guide her life to a healthy relationship

- Rita, North Brunswick Estados Unidos

Kochany Panie Jezu, proszę Cię o łaskę uzdrowienia mojej Mamy i zabrania od niej dolegliwości, jakie Jej towarzyszą. Proszę, aby ze zdrowiem Mojej Mamy wszystko wróciło do normy, aby nie miała ona ani raka ani żadnej innej choroby i aby nie musiała mieć wykonywanej żadnej operacji ani zabiegu i aby nie trafiła do szpitala. Panie, Ty wiesz najlepiej, jak bardzo kocham moją Mamę, proszę spraw ten cud, aby odeszły od niej te bóle, jakie towarzyszą j

- Eliza, Radom Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia z ciągłych bólów głowy i z przepuklin na kręgoslupie. Bóg zaplac

- Marek, Koszalin Polonia

LINDA C. Linda is a dear friend who has major back surgery on Monday, November 14. She's been struggling with a bad back for years. It's been debilitating. At present, she can't even stand for more than a minute without excruciating pain. Please pray that God guides the surgeon and doctors so that the surgery is a huge success. Pray that her recovery goes smoothly and that she leans on Christ in all of this.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

I am requesting urgent prayer for little Riley Faith. She is only a toddler and they just discovered cancer cells on her liver. She is full of energy but the effects are now starting to take a toll on her. She begins immunotherapy this month. Her parents are asking us to pray for a Christmas miracle. Please pray for a miracle healing, for strength, for courage, and strength of faith for the family. That they lean on Christ continually. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray for my dear friend, Patrick. He is 38 and a pastor’s son. He is addicted to meth and is in homosexuality. He hasn’t yet chosen to go to a rehab. Please pray for his deliverance and surrender to Jesus Christ. Please also pray for restoration of the relationship with his dad. I’ve been praying for 5 years, expecting breakthrough and for God to get the glory. Thank you, God bless.

- Amy, Estados Unidos

Dziękuję za łaski. Proszę o wstawiennictwo za Marka Chojnowskiego i Katarzynę Zalewską. Proszę abyśmy zaczęli ze sobą rozmawiać. Żebyśmy stworzyli wspaniałą rodzinę. Bóg zapłać.

- Marek, Legionowo Polonia


- Andres, RM - Metropolitana Chile

Dear Friends I ask you to pray to our Lord to send a miracle of protection to my family in Santiago of Chile, pray for the safe of my mom Ana Calderon Fabres, my cousin Kathy Castaner Calderon and my nephew Fernando Flores Castaner, pray to God to protect them every day in the street, the bus, the subway, inside of the car and house from criminals, kidnappers, psychopaths, rapists, thieves, those who are shooting, stabbing, beating, those who mak

- Wendy, Santiago Chile

Please pray that I will get a new job at a company who will value my talent and accept me. William and I can get past this rough patch in our relationship and heal us to be grateful to have each other and see the good in each other and future together.

- Priya, Estados Unidos

Za nie uleczalnie chorego Alana Gradowskiego za jego nie spełnione plany i nadzieje by się z iściły na tym świecie.

- Alan, Estados Unidos

heavenly father thank you for the blessings given, I ask you to help me move house, improve my finances and protect my children and keep my enemies away, guide us on the right path and never leave us, that my children always look for you.

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

Recently broke up with my fiancé, Please pray that God would restore and reconcile our relationship and restore lines of communication between us. That our relationship would be fully redeemed! Humility, forgiveness, healing peace, miracles!

- Justin , Pasadena Estados Unidos

I need prayers to improve my health immediately. I can't eat properly, I need to find more foods that I can eat so that I can function while holding down my job while dealing with severe chronic health conditions . I need the medication side effects to end. I need my suffering to end.

- Antoinette, Estados Unidos

Pueden orar porfavor para que Dios me mantenga liberada de todo peligro y de todo mal siempre. Gracias

- Marylin

Please pray for Anne M. Anne struggles from bipolar and extreme anxiety. She has very little confidence and self-esteem. She also lives with much guilt for past actions that were due to her illnesses. She need God's guidance and wisdom here. She is losing optimism and hope for her future. Please pray that she begins to find purpose and meaning in her life and that she leans on Christ to lift her out of her difficulties. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o szturm do Tronu Niebieskiego za moją córkę Katarzynę i wnuki Jasia i Marysię prosząc o Łaskę i Miłosierdzie dla nich.

- Elwira , Górażdże Polonia

Would you please pray that my husband and I will qualify without any problems for Food Stamps. We are both unemployed due to illness, and we are running into obstacles in getting the required info in on time since we both had covid this past month. The food stamps office said we submitted the proof of no income too late. Please pray they will reconsider. Thank you.

- Tara, Niagara Falls Estados Unidos

Proszę o to by Adrian częściej kontaktował się ze mną.

- Barbara, Polonia

With humbled heart, I am asking for your prayers for a successful and positive result on my NCLEX RN exam tomorrow, Oct. 15th. I earnestly pray that I will have the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that I will be able to answer all the test questions correctly and ultimately pass it. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.

- Jean, Vancouver Canadá

I have a job interview on Oct 14th.. Offering up my jobless situation. I had been out of job for an year and 5 months now. I need a supernatural breakthrough in my career and professional life. By the power of the Precious blood of Jesus and the Immaculate Conception, I pray for supernatural - courage, confidence, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to take up and carry out my next job. By the power of the Holy Spirit I pray for confidence!

- Dale, VIRGINIA BEACH Estados Unidos

I wanted prayer for my wife (Ruby)and child (Carilyn) They both have experienced negative things happen to them spiritually. Things have not been good. I need prayer for them to be delivered and set free. I would also like a prayer for my niece Diane to get married she is a believer but always ends up with the wrong crowd ( Drug addicts) Please pray with me regarding these prayer requests, Thank you and God bless you!

- Michael, Pakwaw lake Canadá

Prosze o modlitwy za Anie Czyz ktora miala operacje na drugie biodro i nie poszlo dobrze. Ma otwarta rane, i modle sie aby nie wdala sie infekcja. Po operacji noga stala sie krotsza o 4 cm, a to jest mloda kobieta. Prosze o Boze Milosierdzie i o uzdrowienie, aby lekarze ja wyleczyli. Niech Milosierny Pan Bog ja blogoslawi i je lekarzy i cala rodzine.

- Dorotha, Rancho Santa Margarita Estados Unidos

Lord restore a hundredfold all that the locusts have eaten, give me beauty for ashes for myself, my husband, my children, my siblings, their families all my relatives and friends. Deliver save and protect us from all manifestations of the evil one and give us the Holy Spirit

- Lucy, Calgary Canadá

Proszę o szturm do Tronu Niebieskiego za moją córkę Katarzynę i wnuki Jasia i Marysię,aby Bóg ulitował się nad nimi i obdarzył swoją Łaską i Miłosierdziem

- Elwira , Górażdże Polonia

God's healing of Aunt Carmel's breast cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, John 's increasing spinal stenosis, spinal surgeries & obesity, friends conditions and my COPD.

- Mary, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray for Nickoly; a 5 year old boy; currently hospitalized with a complicated auto-immune disease; that the doctor’s say “has only a short time to live”. Thank you.

- Margaret, Calgary Canadá

Prosze o modlitwe za mojego syna Krzysztofa , o Nawrocenie syna i o Wiare ,o Przemiane Serca Syna i o Przemiane Zycia. O uzdriwienie Syna Krzysztofa ba Ciele , Duszy i Umysle. O znalezienie dobrej i bezpiecznej pracy dla Syna i o Opamietanie Syna. O spokoj i Zgode w Naszym domu i pojednanie. A takze o przeniane Serca mojego Meza Mieczyslawa i o Nawrocenie . Bog Zaplac

- Teresa, Oslo Noruega

Lord Jesus please encourage Nyree as she manage this sober home, and coach this ladies to stay sober , Lord grant her the support she needs from the people that own house and the organization she works for . that they will support her and encourage her. Lord grant her the opportunity to lead lead this ladies to the lord. Jesus. and send her the ladies that need to be in this house..In Jesus name Amen.

- Gloria, Locust Grove Estados Unidos

Please pray for my healing, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, anxiety and heart. Also for my financial situation to improve.

- Margaret, North York Canadá

Please pray with me. Lord Jesus I come to you in thanksgiving. I confess you as my savior and I confess my sins to you. Have mercy on me. Bring this storm to an end. Bless the committee reviewing my case, so they will adjudicate in my favor. Lead me away from temptation. I believe that Your enabling power in me is greater than the forces against me. I rejoice in your name and abide in you. In Jesus’ name I humbly pray. Amen.

- Arvind, Zachary Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

Please pray for my Dad, he just found out yesterday that he has bowel cancer. Please pray that they caught it early enough and that they remove it all when he goes for his surgery. Please pray for his healing and our family to get through this

- Amanda, Northbrook Canadá

i am at a mental hospital can you pray that my parents let me come back home and for healing deliverance and restoration for breast cancer and schizophrenia and that my parents let me come home again

- Christine, Estados Unidos

That our teens going on their Confirmation Retreat Oct 21 to 23, 2021 will encounter Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit in a profound and life changing way.

- Edward, Rio Rancho Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o ratowanie związku. Aby Bóg dał jak najszybciej spowrotem łaskę powrotu, miłości i spokoju serca.

- Mateusz, Polonia

Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, the intercession of the Virgin most powerful and Saint Joseph, we beg you for the defeat of Michigan's proposition 3 and for the Truth to be revealed in the Synod on Synodality.

- Gerard, Houston Estados Unidos

please pray with me. Thankyou Lord that your third heavenly love frequency has permeated now into all matter. All has become heavenly positive, heavenly love, peace, joy, kindness and compassion overflowing, smart, clean, miracles and blessings overflowing, youthful, repaired, supernatural, angelic, beautiful, forgiving, respectful, polite, considerate, reliable, trusting, loyal, heavenly synchronized, heavenly bliss. In Jesus name. Amen

- rebecca, windsor Canadá

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Please for my sons David and Joseph. Haven't seen my son Joseph in months. Thank you.

- steve, Brampton Canadá

Please pray that God will send me a Woman who is to become my Wife, My Marriage Partner throughout life God willing.

- Alex, Upstate New York Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże. Bardzo bym prosiła o modlitwę za zdrowie mojej mamy która jest chora na raka, aby leczenie które podejme ja uzdrowiło. Jezu ufam Tobie.

- Milena, Maszewo Duże Polonia

Job security along with other things.

- Roman, Springfield Estados Unidos

I’m requesting continued prayers for JENNIFER J. She is suffering from stage-4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She has a tumour in her lung and a build up of fluid. It is hard for her to breathe. She is very weak. Please pray for a miracle healing. Pray this tumour clears completely and is obliterated for good. Pray that she receives strength, comfort & peace of mind, and the Holy Spirit heals her whole. Pray she leans on God in all of this. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

My name is Janet Marr I live in Alberta but am requesting prayer for my cousin Fyfe who lives in Vancouver. She has been diagnosed with cancer. She has been open to prayer over the years, but I am requesting prayer for her salvation and healing and for her to be filled with the Holy Spirit. She has been generous to her community. Putting on golf tournaments to raise funds for cancer research for years, along with taking food to those in need.

- Janet, Bluffton Canadá

Bardzo prosze o laske przebaczenia za grzechy w mojej rodzinie i oddalenie kar grzechowych, wszelkich skutkow oraz przklenstw nad nami, nad moimi bracmi Leszkiem, Grzesiem oraz Darkiem oraz cala rodzine. Prosze o uwolnienie Taty oraz Krzysztofa od alkoholizmu oraz laske rozeznania powolan w mojej rodzinie.

- Basia, Monument Estados Unidos

Please Pray for my Employer's contract from my overseas application as a Caregiver. It's been 1 year and I feel frustrated. I pray and hope that God grants my ultimate prayers. Thank you and God Bless!

- L.A, Antipolo Filipinas

Healing from Dravet Syndrome for my grandson Xander Raiden Rodriguez who is just 6 months old.

- Del, El Paso Estados Unidos

Pray for my mother, Lousie. She has an infection from her surgery in her spine and it is leaking. She is on antibiotics and is waiting for emergency surgery to open the incision up again and wash each disc.

- S., London Canadá

Please pray for my sister Maria for he complete healing of all her organs that are failing and her entire body healing from pain and discomfort. Lungs: unable to breath, on oxygen 18-20 hours a day, cancer, water in the lungs, swollen legs. Only our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus is able to heal her, if He will, we are believing in her recovery, Amen and Amen. Thank you Lord

- Caroline, Kamloops, British Columbia Canadá

Prayers for my Uncle HENRI L. Just had his lower leg amputated (diabetes complications). He has been in hospital for 2 weeks due to contracting the C-Difficile disease & pneumonia. There is continuous diabetes spread. Having surgery today above the knee. There is a Covid outbreak on the floor. Please pray for a successful surgery, miracle healing, full recovery, hope, peace & protection from the virus for him and my aunt.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Oto abym w najbliższy wtorek pojechał na wycieczkę, o orędownictwo św. Rity w tej sprawie.

- Szymon, Elbląg Polonia

I need help finding my way.

- Monica, Calgary Canadá

Salud para mi y mi flia, trabajo, prosperidad y crecimiento en mi empresa, para poder seguir generando empleo y bienestar a los nuestros, y de esa manera ayudar a quien necesite. gracias

- Edgard, La Rioja Argentina

I'm (Jamal) asking for prayer for restoration to be restored back to God the Father and for every strongholds to be broken and destroy forever.

- Jamal, NY Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za moja rodzine aby Bog Wszechmogacy nad nimi czuwal I ich blogoslawil.

- Eva, Estados Unidos

I am requesting prayers for DONNA W and SUZIE C. Both of them recently lost their husbands to cancer. This has been a very challenging time for them. Please pray for their comfort, peace of mind, and hope. That they lean on Christ in all of this. Pray that God sends His healing Spirit to them, easing their minds, removing their pain, and providing them with comfort. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Panie Jezu z całego serca proszę o modlitwę za Mnie i za moją karierę. Proszę, aby okazało się, że mogę być p.o. kierownika mojego referatu w Urzędzie i żebym sobie dobrze radziła z tym wyzwaniem. Proszę także, aby moja umowa o pracę została przekształcona na czas nieokreślony i aby moi Przełożeni byli zadowoleni z mojej pracy. Proszę także z całego serca o zdrowie, dobre samopoczucie i jeszcze długie lata życia dla Mnie, mojej Mamy, Babci, Dziad

- Eliza, Radom Polonia

Jessica has a rare sarcoma cancer She has had numerous surgeries and the tumors are back. However, they are now inoperable. She has done chemo and she is running out of options. Please pray for a cure, and peace if one does not come.

- Colleen, Louisville Estados Unidos

We learned that my mother has Stage 4 breast cancer. While total healing may be difficult to achieve, I am praying that she will still live a long and happy life. May she not experience extreme pain brought by her illness. I am requesting to include my mother in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you.

- Mayrll Louise , San Mateo, Rizal Filipinas

Please pray for Habib, Alice and Fatima for guidance, hedge of protection, good health and financial provision; and pray to locate an apartment with kind and considerate landlord in Matosinhos Porto ASAP.

- Annette, Matosinhos Portugal

Please pray for Eleana Pawl - for her health, wellbeing, and gainful employment. Please pray for myself - for my health, wellbeing, and gainful employment. Please pray for my wonderful landlady - that her health remains strong and that she knows how loved she is by the Lord. AMEN

- Daniella, Seattle Estados Unidos

I was in a bad motorcycle accident and suffer from a brain injury and want to walk and talk normal again

- Michael , Taylor Estados Unidos

Praying for deliverance from my enemies and their friends in my building they got into my apartment and stole money and other items. They are constantly harassing me and bragging about what they stole from me. I am asking God to replenish what they stole from me which causes me depression, anxiety and panic attacks, I am asking God for a financial blessing and to make them my footstool and make my life a blessing.

- Ruth, Brooklyn Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe w intencji zbawienia duszy mojego zmarlego meza Marka.Bog zaplac.

- Teresa, Bloomfield Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwa Panu Bogu wiadomej... I spokoj ducha.

- Barbara, CHICAGO Estados Unidos

Please pray for my friends girlfriend, Lori, who is terminally ill. She has lupus, and fibromyalgia, and growths in her lungs that make it hard for her to breathe. Please pray that God heals her and saves her life.

- Max

Please pray for Gene & his adult daughter Melissa that the Lord send a miracle into their relationship now

- Jennifer

Prosze o modlitwe o cudowne uzdrowienie mnie ze Stwardnienia Rozsianego, Fybromayalgi, Oxypital Neuralgi i wszystkiego co nie powinno byc w moim ciele, oraz o wlasciwa droge i sens zycia po naglej smierci meza

- Ewa, Estados Unidos

Please pray for Chris, our son, who is living with us after a nervous breakdown and separation from his wife and children, for healing, provision and faith. Thanks and God bless

- Clare, Sewickley Estados Unidos

I'm requesting prayers for JAY R. Jay had a stroke a month ago. He's lost movement in much of his body. Some paralysis. He's not able to walk on his own yet. Please pray for a complete and full recovery, and that the therapy is successful. Pray that he is strong and resilient, and that he leans on Christ in all of this. Please pray for a healing miracle. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Prosze o blogoslawienstwo Boże i prowadzenie dla Jurka, Aleksandry i Kevina. Bog zaplac.

- Agata, Jever Alemania

za Jarka i Agatę aby odnaleźli drogę do siebie i obdarzyli siebie wzajemną miłoscią i trwali w tej miłosci aż po kres swoich dni

- Agata, Gdynia Polonia

Please pray for my mother who was diagnosed with metastasic breast cancer. The cancer cells spread all over her stomach which affected her liver. Please pray for her total healing.

- Mayrll Louise , San Mateo, Rizal Filipinas

Please pray for my mom, Martha, so she does not have pancreatic cancer and her health to be restored. Thank you

- Minh, huntington beach

My mother name Chhayaben Vinaykumar Shah. She got corona on 23rd Aug 2022. Please pray for her quick healing and good health. In the most precious name of jesus amen.

- Samson, KARAMSAD India

Prayer for the repose of the soul of Songift Austria.

- Alicia, Tarlac City Filipinas

Mój przyjaciel Darek ,partner, bratnia dusza, ma we wtorek operacje , Proszę o modlitwę ,wsparcie, siłę ,energię dla niego, niech wraca do zdrowia

- Teresa

Please pray for my nephew, TAKAI TUUHOLOAKI, who is at the Intensive Care at Sydney Hospital who has been in a COMA since last Sunday. Please pray for God's total healing and for all medications and the work of all doctors and nurses so that my nephew can live again, in the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

- OFA , CARSON Estados Unidos

please pray for our son, Chris, who lives with us and is separated from his wife and two small children, after suffering a nervous breakdown last year. He needs a better job and complete healing in his life and his marriage. Thanks and God bless

- Clare, Sewickley Estados Unidos

Błagam o modlitwę aby Bóg wysłuchał naszej prośbę o upragnionego maleństwa. Tak czekamy na nasze maleństwo.

- Anna, Pruszków Polonia

Dear Partners Please agree with me for the perfect healing and restoration of my mom Masha Let the Lord fulfill His Word that by the stripes of Jesus my mom is healed and perfectly restored in a timely basis May the Lord richly Bless you Sincerely: Jery

- Jery, yambol Bulgaria

God, lead me to where you want me. Break my heart and make it into something useful and pleasing to you. Be with my family during this season of divorce. Help me grow in love for her and our children as I grown in love for You. Help me with my unbelief. Redeem us according to Your will. Bring my ex-wife peace, comfort, and success in the things that bring You glory. Be with our children and liberate them from the consequences of our sins.

- Justin, Jacksonville Estados Unidos

I pray that any possible covid/ monkey pox outbreak will not lead no another economic and social disruption. I pray that people will turn to prayer and God first before any medical intervention.

- Freddy, Amsterdam Países Bajos

proszę o modlitwę bym mogła pozałatwiać pozytywnie może sprawy przez następne dni by Bóg miał mnie w swojej opiece , bym mogła poczuć spoko ciała i duszy

- Margaret , Orland Park Estados Unidos

Will you please pray for God to help me meet the love of my life once and for all?

- Hunter



pray for my beloved wife lucyna stricken with stage 4 gastric cancer grant hee the miracle of remission

- jerry, corona Estados Unidos

Prayer for Vacation Bible School- Monday, August 08 to Friday, August 12/22 9:a.m. - 12:p.m. Pray that all the Children (ages 4-9) will come to know JESUS as their Lord Savior and best Friend. Protect them from the evil one and all harm. May the Leaders all show Love /kindness to all the children. 100 children registered & 40 Volunteers. Thank-you for Praying and May the Lord Bless you All.

- Joan, Shawville Canadá

I'm requesting prayers for Gilles P. Gilles was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. He is suffering a lot and is starting to give up hope and his will to go on. Strength and hope continue to lessen each day. If he loses the will to go on and weakens, they will have to stop treatments. The family is very concerned. Please pray for a healing miracle and the strength and courage to carry on. Pray also for his family at this time. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

I am a mother of 3 and due to the pandemic and increasing cost of living, our family is currently struggling financially. I ended up loaning money to augment our needs. However, I am unable to pay them anymore and they have been overwhelming as some of them are threatening legal actions. The stress from the collectors are also starting to get to me to a point when I thought of taking my own life to make them stop. Please prayfor means to pay all

- Hazel, Taytay Filipinas

Please pray for KIM V. She had a major car accident. She did not receive the compensation she deserved and is dealing with many issues like Crohn’s disease, major back and muscle issues, and extreme memory loss. On Friday, there is a settlement. We are hoping she'll receive full financial backing for the rest of her life. This is extremely necessary. Please pray the Lord provides with this lifelong support. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray that I recover from lingering effects of COVID 19 and pray for all of those who suffer along with me.

- Sheila, North Kingstown, RI Estados Unidos

Hi, where do I begin, I'm raising money to go to ministry school in 22 days, I need $20,000 to go the US to study. I have a looming deadline, my family doesn't support me going, and I am so anxious about it all. Please pray for a miracle.

- Shem, Toronto Canadá

I request continued prayers for MICHAEL W who is suffering deeply from pancreatic cancer. Doctors have given him only a few days. But God is the Ultimate Healer. The Miracle Worker. Please pray with me that a miracle healing is in store for Michael. That the cancer decreases and diminishes to nothing and that he is able to live cancer-free and be a testimony of the power of God's enduring love and healing. Also pray for his family.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji nawrócenia mojego męża, o odrodzenie jego wiary. Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia naszego małżeństwa, o zgodę, pojednanie i wzajemne zrozumienie, o łaskę prawdziwej miłości w naszej rodzinie. Proszę o dary Ducha Świętego dla mnie w tym trudnym czasie.

- Marta, Mikołów Polonia

please pray for me for physical healing and protection and provision for my medical bills after major surgery had blood clots in both my legs and it was emergency surgery. Please pray for me I have five little ones

- Alicia , Wollongong Australia

For the soul of our beloved parents: Antonio and Leonarda ,Teofilo and Feliciana, Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. ~Amen~

- Joyce, Calgary Canadá

Please pray for our son, Chris, who is recovering from a mental breakdown. He is separated from his wife and children and has a poorly paid job. He has not kept up with child support and has had his bank account frozen. Please pray for mercy as he speaks with a judge this week about this, and for his ability to take on his life's responsibilities. He is depressed and hopeless right now. Thanks and God bless.

- Clare, Sewickley Estados Unidos

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation an

- Phil, Torrance Estados Unidos

Bardzo Proszę o modlitwę za moja babcie by szybko wyzdrowiała jest teraz na intensywnej terapii po zawale walczy o życie i ma zatkana żyłę przy sercu i bardzo poważne zapalenie nerek Dziękuje Jezu Ufam Tobie

- Monika , Chicago Estados Unidos

I’ve already requested prayers for MIKE W. who is suffering from pancreatic cancer. However, we just found out that it is Stage-4 and there has been spreading. They’ve only given him weeks. Please pray for a healing miracle here. This is a wonderful man of faith whose testimony of healing would be a true demonstration of God’s healing powers. Pray that there is a complete turn around in his health and that he can live many more years. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray for Marion S. who has Multiple Sclerosis. This has affected her deeply. She had a major fall down the stairs. It was very damaging. She is now having seizures and a lot of memory loss. Please pray seizures come to an end and her memory returns. She is really struggling now from the MS. Please pray for a full healing from all of this. For strength, hope & that she leans on Christ in everything. Pray for her family also. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray for DH he has had alot of mental illness and covid, his elderly and lonely Thank you Jason

- Jason, ADAMSTOWN HEIGHTS Australia

Pido a Dios proteja a la familia Ayala Vázquez de todo daño o mal humanoo no humano, en su ser físico, mental y espiritual. Y la libre con bien de las amenazas humanas que han recibido. Magdalena I Ayala V. Irma Gloria Vázquez D Carmen M Ayala V.


Please pray for MIKE W. who is suffering from pancreatic cancer. There has been spreading to the lungs. He's degrading very quickly & is feeling depressed. Please pray for a miracle healing. Pray he is comforted and at peace. Pray the Holy Spirit of healing comes to him, hovers over him, works through him, and provides him with strength, resilience, and courage. Also pray for his family to stand strong beside him continually. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

That Annie, through the intercession of Saint Stanislaus Papczyński, gets pregnant very soon and goes to term, and gives a very healthy birth.

- Br Alex, Stockbridge, MA Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Please pray for my fiance's employer to turn in the paperwork that's needed for his visa process quickly and for the petition to be approved as soon as possible

- Karin, evans Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za nasze małżeństwo by żona zaprzestała starań rozwodowych abyśmy mogli się porozumieć,odnowić kontakt i ocalić nasze małżeństwo. Boże pomóż nam w tym ciężkim czasie

- Marcin, Nowy Targ Polonia

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation an

- Phil, Torrance Estados Unidos

Hi, i asking for prayer for me and my family. Ive been dealing with a couple health changes and just had a biopsy done for my skin and im just asking for prayer that everything is okay with me physically and for healing as well. Im also asking for prayer for my family for protection because weve been going through all types of spiritual and physical attacks from the enemy. We would greatly appreciate it ! Thank you

- Carlin, Winter Haven Estados Unidos

My daughter, Anne age 51, is going to die if she doesn't go to rehab. She's been in psych wards 8 times since January, but they keep discharging her expecting her to attend an Intensive Outpatient Program. Each time she's discharged she uses cocaine again. "The Experts" say she needs an extended rehab. She wants help, but isn't able to help herself because she is just so sick. Please pray that Jesus will guide Anne to the help she needs.

- Gloria, Shrewsbury Estados Unidos

Please pray for Bryan. He needs help succeeding in his spiritual relationships.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.petersburg Estados Unidos

Pray EDDIE & ANNETTE CRUZ for good health, long life, guidance, hedge of protection and financial blessings.

- Annette, Manila Filipinas

Por mis familiares difuntos: Rosa, Emeterio, Antito, María, Toribio, Antonii, Niko Ojeda, José y su hijo.

- Rosi, Asunción Paraguay

Please pray for Lynette, Saundra, Phillip, Portia, Wendy, John, Sherrie, Khan, Khamani, Kameron and Kristina. Thank you.

- Sherrie, Rockingham Estados Unidos

Please pray for my entire family for a conversion and three children for the gift of their faith to return to them fully.

- Teresa, Edmonton Canadá

Hello there, I am requesting prayers for Jennifer. She has stage-4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma. She’s a mother of 3 beautiful children under the age of 7 and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. She is heading to Florida in hopes of joining a clinical trial that will help her out tremendously with her healing and support. Can you please pray that she is accepted into this trial, and pray for strength, courage, and a miracle healing. Thank you.

- Chris, Ottawa Canadá

Please pray The Lord will bless us with His gifts of rain for the health of our crops, trees and lands. Asking this favor in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Thank you and God Bless all of you.

- Marian, Bucks Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojej Mamy, która jest ciężko chora na nowotwór. Proszę o łaskę uzdrowienia, o siłę na walkę z chorobą i o ukojenie jej cierpienia. Bóg zapłać.

- Magdalena, Winter Park Estados Unidos

Please pray for good health, guidance, hedge of protection and financial blessings

- Annette, Manila Filipinas

Proszę o modlitwę w sprawie znalezienie wartościowej pracy abym miał na życie i mógł w końcu pracować i zarabiać na życie. Proszę was o wsparcie modlitewne aby brak pieniędzy wreszcie się zakończył i życie w Polsce ułożyło się Pozytywnie Dziękuję za wsparcie modlitewne.

- Paweł , Rzeszów Polonia

Bardzo prosze o modlitwe w intencji mojej rodziny. W intencji mojej corki Iwony i mojego siostrzenca Rafala o laske nawrocenia, o swiatlo Ducha sw. O wiare i milosc. Bog zaplac

- Jadwiga, Köln Alemania

Dylan Rounds is missing. Dylan Rounds, a 19-year-old Idaho native who struck off on his own as a farmer in Utah, last spoke to family on May 28, according to authorities. There is fear of foul play. Please pray for Dylan and pray for his safe return. Please pray for Dylan's family and friends. May God have mercy on them all!!!

- Alfred, Machias Estados Unidos

For my great grandaughter who just turned one year old last week. She woke up this moring and then became unresponsive and is in the ICU.

- Karen, St. Louis Estados Unidos

For complete trust in God and the patience and peace of heart and mind to wait on Him

- Nikhil, Estados Unidos

Serdecznie prosze o modlitwe dla mojego syna ktory zaczyna nowy etap w swoim zycie.

- Edyta, Cresskill Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia mojej tarczycy i nerwicy , powikłań po operacji onkologicznej o powrót do sił i do pracy.Nie mam już sił błagam o pomoc.Bog zapłac

- Krystyna, Węgierska Górka

Prosze o modlitę za narzeczoną o jej zdrowie i przygotowanie do sakramentu małżeństwa 4.08.22 Natalia i Ryszard Borutkowie

- Ryszard, Bielsko-Biała Polonia

Please pray Rick contacts me today, and all is ok. Also, please pray Rick is able to get to get qualified help and start working a lot less hours, and we get married this year. Thank you

- Barbara, Indianapolis Estados Unidos

Please pray for my wife Doris as she travels to Tulsa Oklahoma to help my daughter pack for moving to another home as well as helping my son and his family with COVID. Please pray that she does not contract the COVID Virus and yet still has a wonderful visit with her children and her grandchildren. Thank you so much.

- Mark, Magnolia Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za moja rodzine: Karola, Kamila, Wiolete z rodzina i Martyne z rodzina

- Elzbieta , Lomza Polonia

Proszę o ulgę w cierpieniu, w chorobie nowotworowej, oraz pomyślną operację w najbliższym czasie

- Marek, Zamość Polonia

Please pray for the repose of the soul my father, Antonio B. Manzon. Thank you.

- Melmar, Filipinas

please prayer for my nursing license transfer from ontario to alberta. so i do not need to leave my kids alone. please help me out. christie clock give me good news about license transfer done next week .please god help her to make positive result for my report .please help me.

- AMAn

O nawrocenie mojego rodzenstwa i ich rodzin. Ty Boze mozesz wszstko!!

- ANETA, BROOKLYN Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Joanne, Tuscaloosa Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Can you please pray for me. I need a miracle that God will provide for my needs.

- Pam, Grand Rapids Estados Unidos

Thanksgiving to Lord God, the forgiveness of my sins, protection from danger and defense from enemies, pray for my personal intention of finishing my college degree, my studies, my education, and someday becoming an Engineer, passing my board exam, and my family's health and prosperity. Special Intention to Family KUDALES.

- Arnold Vincent, Baliuag Bulacan Filipinas

Miracle healing for Barbara Ferguson's allergies/asthma and neck irritation. I am suffering and my strength is getting weaker by the way my body is trying to compensate the fight. Thank you for your prayers and God bless. Barbara.

- Barbara, Warren Estados Unidos

Please help me pray of healing for my sister katherine ibrado from ruptured aneurysm and other complications. That fever and infection meningitis will be healed. To be free from any pain, to get her out of ICU, fast recovery, memory will be back to normal, to have great ct scan and other test results, and perfect therapy result, Please help me pray. Thanks. Im karen ibrado

- Kai ibrado, Filipinas

Proszę o modlitwę za rodzinę. Za męża aby uczynił to co dawno powinien zrobić dla nas. Za córkę aby podołała nowym obowiązkom i była wreszcie szczęśliwa. Aby Maryja odsunęła od mej rodziny osoby złe i zawistne, które źle nam życzą. Aby nie miały do nas dostępu. Aby pewna osoba która znęca się nad swą rodziną odpowiedziała za wszelkie zło które czyni. Jezu ufam tobie.

- Anna, Nowy Sącz Polonia

Peço oração para curar a minha depressao e sentir alegria em viver.

- Ana, Loures Portugal

Please pray for Gods Mercy for my brother Miroslaw Kowalczyk. He is in critical condition and I think he has not been to confession for the longest time. May God be mercifull to him.

- Anna, Fort Mill Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże! Serdecznie proszę o modlitwę w intencji powołania do kapłaństwa dla Józefa, prośba o zdrowie dla Marianny i dla całej Rodziny. Chwalmy Pana! Józef Polska

- Józef, RUSINÓW Polonia

Prosze o Dary Ducha Swietego dla mnie i mojej rodziny, milosc, pojednanie przebaczenie i zgode dla nas, a o uzdrowienie z choroby psychicznej Roberta. O laske wiary, madrosci i spowiedzi dla Roberta i Rafala i wyjscie z nalogow i uzywek. Bog zaplac.

- Elzbieta, Brooklyn Estados Unidos

Complete healing and recovery from huge infected wounds and job security. Upliftment in spirit.

- douglas, Linden Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Please pray for my mother, Ma. Nene Aviso Orteza. She's in critical condition right now in the hospital but I do believe prayer works and can do miracles. Yahweh El Shaddai is a God of miracle

- Rina, Masbate Filipinas

Oh Precious powerful blood of Jesus Christ deliver save and protect my children and especially my son Michael. For business financial breakthrough, complete debt repayment

- LUCY, Calgary Canadá

Please pray for those who suffer through the coronavirus and now going around the monkeypox disease. Put an end to these illnesses and let everyone be in peace.

- melissa, bronxville Estados Unidos

May I ask for prayers of healing of the eyes of both my husband Rick and myself. Each of us has problems seeing. My vision is compromised due to the choice I made to have corrective surgery on my eyes. It turned out to be a bad decision in every way. I also am asking the Lord to send a buyer for the motorcycle we have for sale, and the means to pay off our credit card bills. In all all matters, may God's will be done. Amen.

- JaneMarie, Wisconsin Dells Estados Unidos

Oh Precious powerful blood of Jesus Christ deliver save and protect my children and especially my son Michael. For business financial breakthrough, complete debt repayment

- LUCY, Calgary Canadá

Pray for my protection and for my health to be 100% strong and perfect in JESUS mighty name.

- Kevin, Filipinas

I pray for the immediate resolution of the situation that has plagued my business for 10yrs . May it be profitable and may I get the best clients and business partners for the glory of God. Lord hear my cry


Please help me pray of healing for my sister katherine ibrado from ruptured aneurysm and other complications. To get her out of ICU, fast recovery, memory will be back to normal, to be free from any pain, to have great ct scan and other test results, and perfect therapy result, Please help me pray. Thanks. Im karen ibrado

- Karen, Makati Filipinas

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojego zdrowia i calej mojej rodziny i uzdrowienie mnie z depresji

- janusz, Gorzow wlkp Polonia

Please pray for God to heal my son Tobey 16 years old from OCD. Pray for the Lord to help him to not Fear so that he can finish his high school.

- Serena , Robertson Australia

Szczęść Boże, Proszę bardzo o modlitwę abym znalazła pracę w swoim zawodzie oraz o cud przemiany serca dla K. i cud miłości dla mnie i K. Bóg zapłać za modlitwę Natalia

- Natalia , Polonia

Bogu wiadomo

- Joanne, Treasure Island

keep away from harm and defend from enemies, pray for my personal intention

- Arnold Vincent, Baliuag Bulacan Filipinas

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie by Duch Św mnie szybko uzdrowił z grypy ciężkiego zapalenia zatok ,bólu gardła i lewego ucha ,tchawicy i oskrzeli .Dziekuje bardzo .Jezu Ufam Tobie !

- Monika, Niles Estados Unidos

Please pray for my car that the mechanic gets the part for my car and it fits perfect so I can drive my car to work next week.

- Craig, MARYBOROUGH WEST Australia

Im currently 31 weeks pregnant and a couple of weeks ago Ive been diagnosed with placenta insufiency. My baby has fetal growing restriction and she is growing smalled due to my high blood pressure problem. My placenta is working at 80% capacity and theres no cure for it. Doctors are looking to deliver her soon and I feel very afraid that something might happen to my baby girl. Please pray for her and for me. That she will keep growing and that my placenta will keep working and feeding her and giving what she needs to be a strong baby. Also please pray for my anxiety and that the deliver will be with no complications in Jesus name. Thank you

- Thamy, Auckland Nueva Zelanda

please pray for me in struggling in a financial need i dont know how or where i can get financial needs for my daily resources s please help me to pray thankyou

- brett hart, marilao Filipinas

Mam podejrzenie nowotworu piersi... Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mnie w intencji dobrych wyników badań, pozytywnego rokowania i wyzdrowienia Dziękuję

- MARZENA, Warszawa Polonia

Please help me escape an abusive and noisy home environment and quickly find a better, quiet, safe, and affordable place to live.

- Barbara, Pacific Pines Australia

Praying for my mom anita inting to be cured and healed of her multiple myeloma stage 4 cancer. May the Lord God have Mercy on her. In Jesus Name, Amen.

- Mae Rise, Cagayan de oro city Filipinas

I am asking for prayer for my insurance approval for IVIG treatments which keep me healthy and mobile. Thank you, John

- John, Edmonds Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Please pray for our niece for healing in her bones muscles and joints in her legs as moblity is restricted since receiving a covid injection, her doctor agrees that this is from the covid shot and she also needs to receive back wages due to her immoblity because she is a nurse thanks and God Bless

- Brian, hamiota Canadá

Please pray for me to pass my Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electronics Technician Board Examination this April 20,21,22 2022.

- Mary Chloe, Pagadian Filipinas

Please pray : 1. Im living alone as my wife is keeping another man. 2. i have depression, anxiety attack . my wife left me alone in this foreign country where I DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE PERSON TO TALK 3. May God make a WAY for me to my mother Country.

- robert, cosier dr Australia

My Family and I is requesting a prayer for the fast recovery of my older brother ALFRED JOHN ROLLS DACANAY 35 years old also a father of his two lovely daughters; Aica 12 years old & Aissel 8 years old. He had a stroke last March 29, 2022 and already undergone with surgery. But his stats have not been stable since then. He had been in the Intensive Care Unit for 2 weeks now. We miss him here in our home, we all know that he had been feeling down lately due to his relationship with the mother of his children but we are always here for him to support him. For the past few months, before his stroke he had been drinking too much and we tried to talk to him that everything will work out fine. I personally hope for us to pray for him to have courage to fight off his current situation that there is more to life than what he had been worrying about before. That our Lord is just waiting for him to give all his worries and sorrows. We are in need of more prayers for his recovery, I am the youngest of us 5 siblings I’m 29 and currently on my 8 months pregnancy journey and my first baby as well. Things had been so stressful in our home lately and I can’t even visit my brother due to my condition. This is one of the things I can think of to help him. Thank you for your prayers.

- Marla, Dagupan City Filipinas

May God help me because I have this bad habit of being in a rush. God help me to take my time in Jesus' name amen.

- samuel


- shereese, ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Our Father, You are the Alpha and Omega. You have seen my past, You let me reach where I am today, and You already know my future. I know you are a generous provider. You have given me things You know that I need and I thank You for these. I am sorry for the trespasses I have caused. Those trespasses must have added burden to the cross that Jesus bear to redeem us. Forgive me, Father. As of this writing, I am tainted with bits of doubt and anxiety that I know I must shrugged off. I lay these doubts and anxiety to Your care because You are my only refuge and strength. I pray to have a positive and favorable result of the (best bar ever) bar examination I took last February. I hope to pass it together with my friends who deserve it. I also pray that we may become a good lawyers in the future. Most of all, Your will be done, My God. If it is Your will that I or we pass, so be it. I love You.



- shereese, ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY Estados Unidos

Please pray for our son, Chris, who is separated from his wife and two small children. He had a breakdown last year and is still unable to work, although he is applying now for jobs that may work. His wife is very angry with him and says she plans never to let him live with her again. He is lonely and anxious and not using medication because he feels his marriage was the real cause of his breakdown. Please pray for God's mercy and healing for him and his marriage. Thanks and God bless.

- clare, Sewickley Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o łaskę nawrócenia dla moich bliskich, o światło Ducha Świętego, poruszenie serc. Proszę również o rozwiązanie konfliktu pomiędzy mną, a bratem i jego rodziną. Bóg zapłać

- Beata, Gliwice Polonia

There is been some disconnect from the lack of communication between my significant other and me. Today, she admitted that there is something we need to talk about. It is making me anxious now because I don't know what it is, just hope we talk in the next few days and come up with a solution to fix whatever the issues may be. Applying the blood of Jesus over every conversation that nothing will divide us but instead bring healing and a breakthrough that will take us ahead together. In Jesus' name.

- Monish - Fabiola, Elk Grove Estados Unidos

Prosze pomódlcie się za mnie o dobrą spowiedż i uzdrowienie o siłę i wiarę. O zawierzenie Bogu swokego życia. Niech dobre Aniołowie prowadzą w drodze do zbawienia,amen

- Lucja, Redhill Reino Unido

Almighty Father God we have sinned against you and deserve the just punishment for our sins individually and as a nation. We have rejected you in every possible way, but because of your great Love that endures forever. We cry out for your mercy and grace for us, our families and this nation. You said in your word that if we pray to you and repent and turn from the evil we have been doing then you would hear from heaven and forgive our sins. We pray that you would soften our hearts that we would return to the fear of the Lord with humility. Heal our reprobate minds and seared conscience. Help us to rend our hearts with Godly sorrow for our sin in true repentance before you. Open the eyes of our understanding and enlighten us with your knowledge. Write your laws on our hearts so that we don't sin against you. Give us a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Fill us with your holy spirit. Lord have mercy on this generation. We pray for revival and that America would be allowed to fulfil its destiny. We plead the blood of Jesus Christ over us, our families and this nation. We pray for the peace of Israel and those effected by war, plagues and famine. In Jesus Christ Name Amen

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

prosze o modlitwe za dusze sw pamieci bronislawy w 11 rocznice smierci

- ewa, Dąbrówka Kościelna Polonia

My dear brother and sister, Dear Jesus, my beloved person is gone and I left alone. Please let him talk to me and be together again. It is tough time for me, and I pray for all of you my dear brother and sister in Christ to pray for me., my only desire is to bring him back. Please Lord, open the way for our hearths to restore our love. I can't imagine my life without him, all I need is to save this relationship. Only you can help me my Lord. Blessings and love, Sister Blanquita

- Blanquita, Epping Australia

I ask for healing from depression and to experience God's love.

- Karina, Cracow Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę o rozwiązanie trudnej sprawy związanej z założeniem gazu ziemnego. O pomoc w przejściu wszystkich procedur. Jezu Ty się tym naprawdę zajmij. Ja nie mam już cierpliwości w kontaktach z nieprzyjemnymi urzędnikami.Jezu zmiłuj się i pomóż mi, proszę!!!

- Marzena, Polonia

Hello Good day! I am hoping that you can read my prayer request. Please pray for me. These days I feel like I'm losing my fire for the Lord. I feel like I always fail Him again and again with the things I do that I shouldn’t do. I always apologize to him and say I won't do it again, but I keep repeating it again and again even though I know it's wrong. I was once obedient, my fire was once blazing for him. I don’t know what happened that I ended up like this. Sometimes, I'm too lazy to pray, I'm too lazy to read the Bible and I haven't been to church for weeks. I want to go back to when my fire was burning for him. I want to feel closer to Him again, I want Him in my life. I want to be better for myself, for the people around me, and for Him. Please pray for me to have the will, courage, and strength to allow God to make a change in my life.

- Pearce, Tarlac Filipinas

Pray for me that god will give me sweet sleep and restore my finances, Business, Relationships,protection, and to exstend my life for his purpose and use me for many more years to come. To start a family, get married and have kids, Also bring new friends in my life, new career opportunity and to stop smoking and drinking and be finacially stable. To break any generational curses off my life and family lineage. To travel the world pursuing all my dreams. Restore the years lost and To be able to purchase a car and house. Exceedengly abundantly above all can ask and think. And last restore my relationship with arie cooke from westfield ny. We use to date but she doesnt want to talk me ever again. Pray that she would forgive give me and reach back out to me and so that i can see my son elias and restore our relationship we once had.

- Anthony, Naples Estados Unidos

Hello I would humbly like to ask for a prayer request for myself. I am suffering from asthma and chronic dizziness. I love God and pray myself but I figured if I ask for another follower of God to pray for me, the prayer would be even stronger. I humbly ask for your prayer to be healed from my illnesses. Thank you for your time and may God Bless You.

- Arnold, Texas Estados Unidos


- shereese, ATLANTIC CITY Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Fabiola and I (Monish) have been dating for two months (today is our anniversary). We have had to overcome a lot of struggles due to our past painful relationship break-up. We both are working on having a fresh start and a release from our past experiences and baggage. Please, pray that our journey together and with Christ in the center will become the three cord that joins us forever. Praying and believing that no one, spirits, witchcraft, or attacks of any sort will come close to us, break us, hinder us, or even touch us or our health because we are covered in the blood of Jesus, and through His power, all curses, evil and attacks will lose its power and directions when aimed at us.

- Monish - Fabiola , Elk Grove Estados Unidos

please pray for our son, Chris, as he tries to find a good job after a serious mental breakdown, and for reconciliation with his wife and the right ongoing medical treatment

- Clare, Sewickley Estados Unidos

Good day, I am Eduardo , from Philippines. Please pray for me for Good health! And have a strong and healthy immune system! In the coming week's to come. Specially, this time of corona virus 19 pandemic. - Eduardo Jeffrey

- Eduardo Jeffrey Ballado, Na Filipinas

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji odzyskania zdrowia psychicznego i emocjonalnego. Dariusz, 49 lat

- Dariusz, Lublin Polonia


- shereese, ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY Estados Unidos

Please pray for Katrina S, she is just very young and just received the news that she has very aggressive breast cancer. Also. please pray for Joanne she has lung cancer and is the final stage of life. Please pray for their healing. Thank you so very much for your precocious prayers.

- Isabel, Chino Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Andrzej, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos


- HENRY, Pagadian city Filipinas

Por la sanación espiritual y la conversión de mi hija Isabella

- Bibiana, Villapinzón Colombia

Please pray for the swift healing of Chloe and Colin, that they may recover from trauma, depression, anxiety, and pain. May they be whole and happy once again, and return to one another in a healthy, loving, secure relationship.

- Chloe, Flagstaff Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie i moje dzieci żeby Bóg i Matka Boża prowadziła nas w codziennych zmaganiach każdego dnia w domu ,szkole i pracy . JEZU UFAM TOBIE !

- Julita, Nowy Jork Estados Unidos


- HENRY, pagadian city Filipinas

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Prosze o Wstawiennictwo Sw. Jozefa przez Serce Maryi o przebaczenie i pojednanie sie synow oraz powrot do Kosciola Swietego

- Maria, Sun City Estados Unidos

Please pray for my son Russell that he would receive the anointing of the holy spirit with wisdom, knowledge and discernment to make good Godly decisions. Pray that he give his life to the Lord and repent of his sins and be the man and father that the Lord created him to be. In Jesus Name Amen

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

Prayer For Help and Guidance Dear Lord, I'm calling upon you today for your divine guidance and help, my wife is in a crisis and need a supporting hand to keep my wife on the right path to victory on Tuesday, March 8th. My wife's heart is in trouble but I will strive to keep it set on you, as your infinite wisdom will show my wife the right resolution to win. Thank you for hearing my prayer and for staying by my wife's side to win against the evil she is fighting against to save her family. Amen! The Lee Family

- Lee, Calgary Canadá

I have been diagnosed with diabetes, glaucoma, high and low blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglesarites, anxiety, depression. I'm on dialysis, pray for the after effects. Tiredness, weakness in both legs, no energy, no balance all over my body, dizziness, shortness of breath, pain in both legs, body itching. The house taxes are due. I don't have the money to pay them. Please pray for this situation.

- Meliton, Grand Prairie Estados Unidos

I pray for my mother's recovery from a serious illness. Thanks. Peter. URGENTLY. Slovakia

- Peter, Brvnište Eslovaquia

Shalom, I am not requesting prayer. I am praying for Ukraine, that God will stop these senseless killings and invasions of Ukraine by Putin's greed for power. In Jesus' name.

- Eleanor, Zamboanga City Filipinas

Proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie z trudnej w leczeniu antybiotykami infekcji bakteryjnej układu moczowego. Boże błagam aby obecny antybiotyk zadziałał, jeżeli to potrzebne dotknij mnie i uczyń cud. Proszę o ujemne wyniki testów kontrolnych. Błagam także o zdrowie dla mojej żony, o dobre wyniki jej badań. Boże jeżeli to możliwe proszę, obdaż nas zdrowymi dziećmi. Jezu Ty się tym zajmij!

- Andrzej, Warszawa Polonia

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Prayers for a miracle, protection from heavier doses of chemo, good news, and to uplift my son in law, Joshua dale Watson’s mood and health… josh is fighting brain cancer tumor. He is a husband and has four small children. Josh is 39 years old and has just found out that his mom has stage 3 ovarian cancer.

- Angela, Nixa, Missouri Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwę o pokój na Ukraina w Europie i na świecie .

- Julita, New York Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o udana operacje dla 8 miesięcznego Antosia, który jutro 25-go Lutego o godzinie 7 rano w Genewie będzie miał bardzo skomplikowana operacje serca, jego stan jest bardzo ciężki. Proszę o dar i wsparcie duchowe dla lekarzy uczestniczących przy tej operacji. Proszę o sile i ufność Bogu dla jego rodziców , Pauliny i Rafała , żeby byli wytrwali i mieli nadzieje. Bóg zapłać ! Ewa - New Market - USA

- Ewa, New Market Estados Unidos

Please pray for our hearts, also no cancer only good health and love. Please answer every need before it happens, prevent Lord God. Thy will be done. thanks JEHOVAH love us.

- Simone, ASPENDALE Australia

Kindly pray that I get a very good wife at the earliest please! I have been living without a wife for a long time. Thank you very much! May God bless you!

- James , Perth Australia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Please pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine

- John, Estados Unidos

we ask for healing from depression amen

- taylor , morden Canadá

we ask for approval for a insurance claim and for a good rehab program

- bernie, morden Canadá

Please pray for my sister Denice who passed away suddenly from cancer. Life is so hard with out her. I miss her terribly.

- Jeffrey, Monroe Township Estados Unidos

please pray for darrells upcoming court case. that hes chosen the right law lawyer. the holy spirit grants him the wisdom to the application forms. christian friends to share the way. that hes successful. repose of souls larry, jack, doris, living and deceased relatives. ryan, chase, jacklyn, madeline find catholic spouses. ednas cramps seize her asthma gets better and she is able to sleep through the nights and catch up on her sleep. amen. thank you.

- valerie, victoria bc Canadá

A prayer Jack and I live together in California. That our friendship grow in unity and strength through Christ Our Lord, and That we are successful over those who want to pull us down, and destroy our friendship and our God anointed & respective and joint destinites.++

- Harry, Newport Beach Estados Unidos

Jezu przez serce NMP prosimy o pokój na Ukrainie o ratunek dla całych narodów. Niech zły duch zostanie wygnany i żołnierze US i Rosji ogłoszą pokój. Modlmy się bracia o dary Ducha św dla rządzących i tych z tylnych krzeseł o opamiętanie i przecistaienie złu. Błogosław Panie Jezu ziemię i jej mieszkańców, poślij Dobre Anioły niech ustanowią pokój na Ukrainie. Amen

- Łucja, BIELSKO-BIAŁA Reino Unido

o porzucenie nałogu palenia electric cigarets o nawrócenie do Boga i błoosłaieństwo uzdrowienia praego ucha z głuchoty,amen

- Jacek, Redhill Reino Unido

Proszę o łaskę wiary, która góry przenosi dla Michała, Anny i Tymona

- Zofia, 62-020 Swarzędz Polonia

Please pray for restoration in my relationship with Allan, our communication will increase, he can find forgiveness in his heart for me and his children will open their hearts and minds for their Dad to have a relationship. We were together last year and his children were jealous of our relationship. Allan was hurt in a few past relationships and he had a difficult time trusting me and opening his heart. Since December of communication has not been consistent and he will not initiate messages or phone calls. I pray God will bring us back together into a loving relationship.

- Jennifer, Lexington Estados Unidos

Les pido Oración por la empresa Grafilineas M y M Ltda, esta pasando por un momento muy difícil. Por la conversión de Carlos Julio Acosta y Pilar Salcedo para que paguen sus deudas a Grafilineas M y M Ltda. Mil gracias

- Jairo, Bogota Colombia

Jezu uzdrow duchowe i psychiczne zranienia w sercu Ani. Ukaż Jej Swoją miłość. Jeśli to możliwe błagam o dar pojednania ze mną.

- Paweł, Elbląg Polonia

please pray for Kristie and me please pray the Lord gives Kristie the strength and courage to make a decision concerning us

- David, silva Estados Unidos

Please pray for Strength, Healing, Protection and God's merciful blessings for Stephen, Marian, Carl and Robert. Asking this in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying.

- Marian, Pennsylvania Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie w intencji pozytywnego przejścia komisji lekarskiej i możliwości dalszej służbie Ojczyźnie Żołnierz Wojska Polskiego Maciej

- Maciej, Zambrów Polonia

O zdrowie, siły aby stanął na nogi nie miał bólu gorączki, stanu zapalnego, bakterii dla męża Bogusława Ignacego o mądrość, litość jasność umysłu dla lekarzy aby prawidłowo leczyli i odzyskał siły o zdrowie i siły dla mnie. Bóg zapłać.

- Halina, Mielnik Polonia

Bom Dia, Solicito pedido oração pela minha saúde e pela do meu marido, Mário. Vou ser operada a 14.02.2022 e preciso que rezem por mim e me consagrem a Jesus e Nossa Senhora. obg. Rosário Pereira

- Maria Rosario Sousa, Porto Portugal

Please pray for my husband James the he would put the Lord first and listen to Jesus. That he would put the Lord first in our finances and honor our marriage. Pray that the Lord, would bless my husband's work. that he would be diligent and prosperous and given favor both with the Lord and man. That he would be the head and not the tail above and not beneath. That we would lend and not borrow Pray for supernatural debt cancellation. That everything he does prospers.That the Lord would make us rich and add no sorrow. That we would not be appointed for the Lords wrath. But escape what is to come and be counted worthy to stand be for the Lord Jesus. Pray that he would have a heart of gratitude and remove the spirit of apathy,condemnation and unforgiveness. Pray that no weapon formed against us would prosper. That the Lord would give us wisdom knowledge and discernment to make good Godly decisions. Pray that we enter into the Lords rest. Pray that the Lord would give him strength to walk into opportunities he provides. That the Lord, would infuse his character with courage for daily decisions and heal the past wounds of my husband's heart. Pray the Lord would guide my husband as the leader of our my husband's parenting to reflect Jesus Christ to our children. May his leadership skills be empowered by the mind of Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord would keep my husband healthy and lead my husbands hand and heart in our relationship, his work, our home, community and church. Also please pray a guard over his heart, mouth and mind,Jesus. Also to protect him from temptation and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Lastly pray for him to have encouraging and godly friendships. Break any soul ties or relationships that are not from the Lord. In Jesus Name Amen.

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

Bardzo Prosze o Zdrowie i Boze Blogoslawienstwo dla Kasi i jej Calej Rodzinie Oraz poznania dobrego męża i wytrwałości w związku dla Kasi

- Kasia, Estados Unidos


- EWA, GÓRNO Polonia

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Zofia, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Praying for healing from all gastrointestinal illness, heart issues and Covid-19 impacts. May God accept these sufferings as reparations for my sins and for the conversion of others. And may Jesus comfort me and guide me to know His will for my life.

- Alana, Arlington Estados Unidos

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

- Phil, Torrance Estados Unidos


- shereese, ATLANTIC CITY NEW JERSEY Estados Unidos

Błagam Cię Jezu o dar wybaczenia między mną a Anią. Oddaje Ci moją miłość do Niej i niech spełni się Twoja wola. Proszę Cię by Ania odnalazła drogę do Ciebie i byś pomógł Jej rozeznać drogę życiową. Daj jej uzdrowienie w żałobie po zmarłym tacie. A jeśli taka Twa wola o dar terapii dla Ani i Jej Mamy.

- Paweł, Elbląg Polonia

por Daniela delgado leos, la divina providencia la socorra encontrando una buena casa en renta y a sus posibilidades de pago. Por veronica leos y karen leos la divina providencia las socorra tambien con una buena casa en renta,y tengan su posiblidades de pagarla. Por la paz y la unidad de la familia leos gonzalez

- carlos, aguascalientes México

por la convercion y liberacion liliana leos sergio torres kevin cadena emiliano cadena por la salud emocional y espiritual daniela leos veronica leos carlos leos difuntos sonia amato que salga pronto de sus deudas y problemas financieros de carlos leos

- carlos, aguascalientes México

Pray that business would begin to look up for me. More money going out than coming in. I desire to serve many through what I can offer individuals and families.

- Kory, Treynor Estados Unidos

O wyzdrowienie Emily

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji zdrowia oraz o wiarę i ufność w Bożą miłość i miłosierdzie.

- Bartłomiej, Opole Polonia

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże, to chyba jedna z najtrudniejszych wiadomości, jakie przyszło mi napisać. Jednak kogo się tylko da błagam o modlitwę za mojego syna Benjamina. Mój syn Benjamin Kosma urodził się 30 grudnia 2021 roku w Szpitalu Uniwersyteckim w Krakowie. Wszystko byłoby dobrze, gdyby nie fakt, że urodził się nagle, w 26. tygodniu ciąży, co klasyfikuje go jako ekstremalnie skrajnego wcześniaka. Na domiar złego w pierwszej dobie swojego życia dostał dużego wylewu krwi do jednej półkuli mózgowej, a kilka dni później na dodatek sepsę, którą na szczęście udało się pokonać. Lekarze określają stan naszego kochanego upragnionego syna jako ciężki, ale stabilny. Obecnie musimy czekać jakie konsekwencje będzie miał ten wylew i czy nie dojdzie do wodogłowia. Bardzo się tego obawiamy, ale gorąco wierzymy w wiedzę lekarzy oraz opiekę Miłosiernego Pana nad naszym synem. Dlatego zwracam się z gorącym błaganiem o modlitwę w intencji życia i zdrowia naszego synka Benjamina. Kochamy go najmocniej na świecie. Wierzymy, że wystarczy jedno słowo Miłosiernego Boga, a nasz kochany syn będzie żył i będzie zdrowy. Często powtarzamy słowa: "Panie, nie jestem godzien, abyś przyszedł do mnie, ale powiedz tylko słowo, a nasz syn będzie zdrowy". Bardzo więc błagam o nieustanną modlitwę w intencji Benjaminka. Ogromnie tego potrzebujemy. Już teraz składam serdeczne Bóg Zapłać za wszystko. Kamil Szyjka

- Kamil, Kraków Polonia

Please pray for God's blessings, love. mercy and miracles in a legal matter I am facing soon. Please pray for extra special leniency from the prosecutor and judge, and that God displays His works through my lawyer. Please also pray that God blesses me with the perfect job and career. And please pray that God heals and protects Joan, Ted, Janet & Jossy. Thank you and God bless you, -Pete

- Pete, Philadelphia Estados Unidos

Please pray for me I am being attacked and oppressed on my job. Please pray that no weapon formed against me prosper and that the lord Jesus would touch the hearts of those coming against me to bring them to repentance and salvation. Pray everything I do and touch prosper. In Jesus Name.

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

por mi liberacion y sanacion , y de toda mi familia Ruiz Hernandez. Mi nombre es Aidee Ruiz Hernandez.

- Aidee, villavicencio Colombia

O sprawę Bogu wiadomą.

- Joanne

O dary Ducha Świętego na czas zbliżającej się sesji, bym zdała wszystkie zaliczenia i egzaminy w pierwszym terminie. Również w podziękowaniu za 5 lat wstawiennictwa podczas poprzednich sesji i przez całe studia.

- Klaudia, Lublin Polonia

Proszę o potrzebne łaski dla mnie. Bóg zapłać!!!

- Ewa, Chełm Polonia

para la reanudación del restaurante familiar "i siete arcos"

- Lucia, Italia

Please pray for my mother, Eleana Pawl. Pray that her health is strong and that she can find her proper vocation. Please pray for me -- Daniella Pawl. Please pray for me mind, body, and spirit. Pray that I am led to my proper vocation and can support her and me. AMEN

- Daniella, Seattle Estados Unidos

Gracious God, we love you, thank you for your faithfulness, love and mercy. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality, sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We ask that your people who are called by your name would humble themselves and repent of their sins and that you would forgive our sins and heal our land. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. We pray for a return of all people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed. We pray that in all things Lord you will work for the good of those who love you, who have been called according to your purpose. We pray that Jesus Christ guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will and that the leaders of our nation and the world may have the strength to govern wisely the peoples entrusted to them by the Lord. We pray that you would raise up leaders after Christ own loving heart and bring down those who would seek only their own power and glory. Reveal all corruption and let your justice prevail in the earth. Convict the conscience of any person in position of leadership who fail to serve their people faithfully and cause those who are unfit for office to step down. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches that God would rise up shepherds that are spirit filled, speak the truth in love and manifest the gifts of the holy spirit. We pray the Lord Jesus will forgive us for our many sins and grant peace in the land, and that we will lie down and no one will make us afraid. We pray that the Lord would remove wild beasts from our land, and the sword will not pass through our country. Lord Jesus we pray that when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Proszę o łaskę podjęcia dobrej pracy w wyuczonym zawodzie dla Angeliki. Proszę aby jej obecny pracodawca zrozumiał jak bardzo ją skrzywdził i zaproponował jej zatrudnienie.

- Agata, Mochowo Polonia

My mom has lost most of her mind to dementia. She is incontinent. I think she would be better off with the Lord.

- chris, las cruces Estados Unidos

Prosba o zdrowie dla calej rodziny Popielarczykow

- Stanislaw, South Amboy Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za moją miesięczną córkę Kalinę Martę, która 4 stycznia będzie miała operację serca

- Przemysław

Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Furthermore, pray for his job situation to improve. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!

- a, Estados Unidos

Prosdze o modlitwe w intencji rodziny mojej siostry o uzdrowienie z nalogow oraz o laske powrotu do zdrowia

- Magdalena, Mount Prospect Estados Unidos

Pido oración por Tatyana Sarmiento, para que Dios fluya por ella, y transforme su alma y espíritu, su corazón, la vuela una joven feliz, alegre y agradecida, una joven amorosa y creyente. Que Dios la proteja y oriente.

- Tatiana, Bucaramanga Colombia

Padre celestial perdón por mis pecados, te pido para mi y Alexis Tellez nos ayudes y guíes en nuestro camino a tomar la mejor decisión para nosotros, aleja las personas con malas intenciones, protege a mis hijos y guíalos a reconocerte como dueño y señor de sus vidas, que abran su corazón a su llamado, bendice mi trabajo, mi profesión, mis entradas y salidas, bendice a Alexis Téllez, dale fortaleza y paz en su corazón, bendice sus trabajos,sus deudas y ayúdale para que cada día busque de ti, te pido liberación de toda clase de Vicios para Jorman Tellez.

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

O wyzdrowienie Wladyslawa

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

O uzdrowienie opiekę pomoc Uwolnienie od zła

- Ja, Kwidzyn Polonia

Prayers for me and my family. My parents and I tested positive for Covid. My mother and I have had relatively mild symptoms. My father is a diabetic and I hope and pray that he is able to get the monoclonal antibodies and his symptoms are mild like ours.

- Agata, Cleveland Estados Unidos

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

- Phil, Torrance Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego dzielnie walczącego pod respiratorem tatę. Dziękuję z całego serca za każdą modlitwę!

- Angelika, Sosnowiec Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Padre celestial perdón por mis pecados, te pido para mi y Alexis Tellez nos ayudes y guíes en nuestro camino a tomar la mejor decisión para nosotros, aleja las personas con malas intenciones, protege a mis hijos y guíalos a reconocerte como dueño y señor de sus vidas, que abran su corazón a su llamado, bendice mi trabajo, mi profesión, mis entradas y salidas, bendice a Alexis Téllez, dale fortaleza y paz en su corazón, bendice sus trabajos, sus deudas y ayúdale para que cada día busque de ti, te pido liberación de toda clase de Vicios para Jorman Tellez.

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

Proszę omodlitwę o zdrowie dla Anny Bóg zapłać.

- Anna, Sitaniec Polonia

Please pray for my fiance to be healed from her cervical cancer and to have strength to complete her treatment. She faces many challenges living in the Philippines let alone the cancer. I ask in Jesus Christ's name. Thank you brothers and sisters.

- Scott, St. Petersburg Estados Unidos

Buenas noches, quisiera que me apoyaran con sus oraciones respecto a un pedido por el alma de mi padre Isaias Flores Palomino y por las intenciones de la familia Reuther Flores. Gracias.

- Margiory, Severn Estados Unidos

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, St.Petersburg Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, St Petersburg Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za Wojtka ktory nagle zostal sparalizowany z powodu choroby i potem dostal porazenia. Aby powrocil do zdrowia.

- Barbara, Chicago Estados Unidos

Hello my name is Clint. I ask you that you pray for me and my girlfriend Ivy, that the two of us can be united from this long distance relationship to being an in-person relationship, and that the two of us will be able to get married. Pray that her parents Margaret and Terry will come to forgive me for my trespasses, come to want to know me, like me, accept me, and invite me to Florida to their home so I can get to know them. Pray that they will at the appointed time give Ivy and me their blessing for the two of us to get married. I would appreciate this a lot. Thank you.

- Clint, Choctaw Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe o ulge w cierpieniu i laske powrotu do zdrowia dla cioci Janiny

- Renata, Estados Unidos

Padre celestial perdón por mis pecados, te pido me ayudes y guíes en mi camino, ayúdame a tomar la mejor decisión para mí, aleja las personas con malas intenciones, protege a mis hijos y guíalos a reconocerte como dueño y señor de sus vidas, que abran su corazón a su llamado, bendice mi trabajo, mi profesión, mis entradas y salidas, bendice a Alexis Téllez, bendice sus trabajos, bendice sus deudas y ayúdalo para que cada día busque de ti, te pido liberación de toda clase de Vicios para Jorman Tellez

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

PLEASE pray for conversion of Billy, Ed, Carly and the whole world. Thanksgiving for all our blessings, stop abortion, respect for life at all ages, world peace, reparation for our sins. People realize we need GOD in our lives.

- Catherine, Yukon Estados Unidos

I m a 50yr old strongman and powerlifters who is good shape. All of a sudden I have high blood pressure. My labs came back good, my diet is good. Echogram was good. Dr doesn't know why. I m on BP meds. And its still high. Please prayer for Jesus to heal my body and lower my BP.

- Roland, Kennewick Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego chłopaka, żeby zdecydował się na zaręczyny. Bardzo pragnę wziąć ślub kościelny i żeby nas związek był pod opieką Boga

- Aleksandra, Kraków Polonia

Padre celestial perdón por mis pecados, te pido me ayudes y guíes en mi camino, ayúdame a tomar la mejor decisión para mí, aleja las personas con malas intenciones, protege a mis hijos y guíalos a reconocerte como dueño y señor de sus vidas, que abran su corazón a su llamado, bendice mi trabajo, mi profesión, mis entradas y salidas, bendice a Alexis Téllez, bendice sus trabajos, bendice sus deudas y ayúdale para que cada día busque de ti, te pido liberación de toda clase de Vicios para Jorman Tellez, que busque de ti y que lo que emprenda prospere.

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

Bym dostała dobra wiadomość w sprawie domu by bozia pomogła mi i żebym mogła go kupić

- Margaret , Orland Park Estados Unidos

Padre celestial perdón por mis pecados, te pido me ayudes y guíes en mi camino, ayúdame a tomar la mejor decisión para mí, aleja las personas con malas intenciones, protege a mis hijos y guíalos, bendice mi trabajo, mi profesión, mis entradas y salidas, bendice a Alexis Téllez, bendice sus trabajos, bendice sus deudas y ayúdalo para que cada día busque de ti.

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

Por el eterno descanso de Eriberto Blanco Mendoza, Anadelfina Ortiz, Rosalbina Mansilla, Jorge Tafur, Jorge Contreras, Eva Capacho, Blanca y Jorge Suarez, Angélica Correa, Diego y Alonso Saldarriaga, Emiliano Tineo, Meyer Duran, Gonzalo Arévalo, Evila Ríos, Félix Ovalles, Blanca Malpica y por todos los que prometí orar, libera mi linaje materno y paterno y por todas las benditas almas del purgatorio especialmente las más necesitadas.

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

Señor te pido por la conversión de mis hijos Ana y Gabriel, que pronto te reconozcan como dueño y Señor de sus vidas, que abran el corazón a tu llamada. Señor te los consagro y entrego. amén.

- Mariela Alejandra, CHIMBAS Argentina

Proszę o modlitwę o nawrócenie, uzdrowienie mojego męża, o to żeby nasze małżeństwo się nie rozpadło, aby nasza córka miała rodzinę. Dobry Boże zmiłuj się nade mną grzeszną, zmiłuj sie nad nami

- Anna, Gdańsk Polonia

That I, Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be graced to have a lifelong, and very healthy, loving, chaste, friendly, pure, innocent, childlike, and good, faithful, and holy Christian friendship with Linda Kratka, and that Linda Kratka will find a very affordable, inexpensive, and spacious home very soon, and which has several good sized rooms, and that this home will be a place for Jesus, the Holy Family, and all of heaven.

- Br Alex, Stockbridge Estados Unidos

Padre celestial te pido bendición en mi trabajo, sabiduría y paz en mi corazón, bendice mis trabajos mis proyectos a futuro y negocios...te amo con todo mi corazon,

- Alexis Hernando, Cucuta Colombia

Padre te pido perdón por mis pecados, ayúdame para no volver a caer en ellos, dame sabiduría y dirección para poder tomar la mejor decisión, quitarme la tristeza, la ansiedad y agonía que siento en estos momentos...bendice a mi familia, bendice a alexis tellez y dale consuelo padre celestial.

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

o zdrowie i spokoj w rodzinie

- Margaret , Orland Park Estados Unidos

Please pray my son Derrick will turn to the Lord.

- laura, Estados Unidos

o zdrowie dla Jacka o to by mógł słyszeć dobrze na oba uszy, uzdrów Panie Jezu jego prae ucho niech słyszy,amen

- Lucja, Redhill Reino Unido

Prayers for my conversion ratio to proselytes adopted children, my wife, my trappings replaced, my friends, and my rest in grace than works of human vanity. Amen.

- Billbert, Silver City Estados Unidos

Pray my friend Alaina receives a divine encounter with God and may He remove the strongholds that Satan has placed over her life. I want her to be radically transformed in Christ's image. Pray there will be an understanding of the need for salvation and that a softening of the heart will occur. May God's love manifest within her and may the Holy Spirit resuscitate her spirit to become a new creation.

- Matthew, Carlisle

Prosba o cudowne uzdrowienie i wsparcie dla Zbyszka Palej

- Monika, Chicago Estados Unidos

Pido oraciones por las necesidades espirituales, temporales y la salud de mi mamá Bertha Alicia afectada por varios derrames cerebrales.

- Antonio, Zapopan México

proszę o modlitwę o spokój i zdrowie w naszej rodzinie zebym miała prace zebym mogla kupić dom i żeby wszytko się poukładało by bog mial mnie I moja rodzinne w swojej opiece

- mararet , Orland Park Estados Unidos

Drogi Boze I Matko Boska opiekujcie sie moja rodzina ,dajcie nam sile na przetrwanie ciezkich chwil w zyciu I dajcie nam nadzieje na radosc I szczescie.

- Eva

Gracious God, we love you, thank you for your faithfulness, love and mercy. We pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,idolatry, sexual immorality, sorcery,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred,wars, pestilences, famine,divination and violence. We ask that your people who are called by your name would humble themselves and repent of their sins and that you would forgive our sins and heal our land. We pray that the spirit of darkness be lifted from America and the scales would be lifted from peoples eyes that they may see the truth and be set free. We pray for a return of all people to the fear of the lord and that the ancient foundations of American be not removed. We pray that in all things Lord you will work for the good of those who love you, who have been called according to your purpose. We pray that Jesus Christ guide the minds of those who govern us to promote the common good according to his will and that the leaders of our nation and the world may have the strength to govern wisely the peoples entrusted to them by the Lord. We pray that you would raise up leaders after Christ own loving heart and bring down those who would seek only their own power and glory. Reveal all corruption and let your justice prevail in the earth. Convict the conscience of any person in position of leadership who fail to serve their people faithfully and cause those who are unfit for office to step down. We pray for revival in our hearts and churches that God would rise up sheperds that are spirit filled, speak the truth in love and manifest the gifts of the holy spirit. We pray the Lord Jesus will forgive us for our many sins and grant peace in the land, and that we will lie down and no one will make us afraid. We pray that the Lord would remove wild beasts from our land, and the sword will not pass through our country. Lord Jesus we pray that when the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and healing for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Lord in your loving kindness and tender mercies hear our prayers and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give you glory for moving by your spirit and answering our prayers. In Jesus name Amen.

- Angela, Louisville Estados Unidos

I request prayer for the spiritual needs of Ken Gibson, Linda Gibson, Marjorie Richardson, Mrs Ferguson, and Paul Eyears. Blessings Tracey Brisbane, Australia

- Tracey, Coorparoo, QLD, 4151 Australia

for for my mother who passed march 29 2020 she joined my father and my husband she is trulybmissed by all

- mary, Utica Estados Unidos

my father pass 10 dys before my husband nov 8 2017 he is missed

- mile, Utica Estados Unidos

for my beloved husband who pass 4 yrs ago, to me it seens as yesterdays nov 18 2017 he is truely missed

- mario , Utica Estados Unidos

For the repose of the soul of Deborah M. Binder.

- Br Alex, Stockbridge Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji otrzymania łaski uwolnienia męża z węzłów grzechu, darów Ducha Św. dla niego, jego nawrócenia, skruszenia jego serca, aby nie złożył pozwu rozwodowego oraz uratowania i uzdrowienia naszego małżeństwa i powrót męża do rodziny.

- Marzena, Wrocław Polonia

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mnie by naprawa mojego zęba i nałożenie koronki odbyło się bez konieczności kanałowego leczenia i by problem z jelitami, bolącą wątroba i stanem zapalnym woreczka żółciowego z kamieniami przeszedł jak najszybciej bez operacji .Oraz o dobrego męża .Dziekuje

- Monika, Chicago Estados Unidos

Dziękuję Bogu za wszystkie łaski otrzymane. Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojego syna Daniela, aby przez wstawiennictwo Matki Boskiej, dostał rezydenturę lekarską. Bóg zapłać za modlitwę prosi mama Danuta

- Danuta, Park Ridge Estados Unidos

I request prayer for the spiritual needs of Charlotte Church, Maureen Grimbas, Angela, Ted Knight, Wesley Mergard, Ron Cook, and myself, Tracey Laing. Blessings Tracey Australia

- Tracey, Coorparoo, QLD, 4151 Australia

Help his body to recover from a brain stoke

- Artur Bogdan , Stalowa wola Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę, wstawiennictwo za Tatianę, za nasz ślub i wszystkie zmiany jakie mamy do podjęcia decyzji... określ datę ślubu, miejsce ślubu, miesiąc miodowy, budżet, wydatki, otrzymaj ładny dom...itd. . Za ból w oczach i wzroku. Za naszą pracę. O nasze wewnętrzne uzdrowienie. Bardzo dziękuję za modlitwę. Naprawdę bardzo Ci dziękuję.

- Javier-Maria , Madrid España

Recently my father, John was diagnosed with a non-curable. fatal degenerative disease called Huntington’s Disease, known as “The Devil’s Disease.” Will you pray that his symptoms to not manifest, that he does not suffer and lives a long happy life. Now I will have to receive a test for Huntington’s and I am very afraid because Doctors say I have a 50/50 change of having it. Will you pray that I test negative for this disease, and the Lord heals my stress and gives me hope.

- Margaret, Ballston Lake Estados Unidos

Boże, daj mi zdrowie, bo dzisaj najbardziei mi go brakuje.

- Katarzyns, Szczecin Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mnie o uzdrowienie z nerwicy ,depresji ,bólu nawracających zatok i choroby powodującej zapalenie cewki moczowej i grzybicy-Monika .Jezu Ufam Tobie

- Monika, Chicago Estados Unidos

Zagubilam sie. Nie chce wrocic. Stracilam wiare. Nie ufam Bogu. Prosze o modlitwe.

- Anna

Szczęść Boże, proszę o modlitwę w intencji bym rozeznała swoją drogę życiową i zawodową, bym znalazła dobrą pracę, z której będę się cieszyć i spełniać, a nie męczyć jak w tej obecnej.Proszę o modlitwę o wszelkie potrzebne łaski, dary, charyzmaty Ducha św.,o uzdrowienie z nerwicy i depresji.Bóg zapłać.

- Daria, Wieluń Polonia

Proszę naszego dobrego Ojca w niebie by przyszedł nam z pomocą i uleczył mojego męża Tomasza z ciężkiej choroby nowotworowej na Chwałę naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa. Amen

- AGNIESZKA, Bydgoszcz Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Proszę o więcej szczęścia w codziennym życiu dla mnie i mojej rodziny.

- Marzena, Stargard Polonia

Paz y bien hnos en Cristo.!! Bueno deseo pedir y clamar, suplicarle a Dios que salve nuestro hogar son 36 años de casados. Que mi esposo Nelson tenga la ilumine de su conciencia para que se de cuenta lo que está haciendo.

- Marina, Byron Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę, proszę o dar potomstwa. By podany zarodek już z nami został na zawsze. Bym w końcu mogła cieszyć się macierzyństwa. Tak bardzo wierzę w to że się uda, walczę od pięciu lat

- Anna, Krosno Polonia

Please help my mother recover from her illness.

- Cara, Riverton Estados Unidos

O szczęśliwy powrót do domu i zdrowie

- Ela, Chicago Estados Unidos



Padre celestial, te pido por mi salud, por mi familia, por mi trabajo y mis negocios, señor bendice mis salidas y mis entradas, ayúdame a salir de deudas y enséñame a administrar mi dinero. Librame de mis enemigos y protegeme en mi trabajo, dame sabiduria y entendimiento.

- Alexis Hernando, Cucuta Colombia

Padre Eterno, perdona los pecados de Jorge y ten misericordia de su alma. Llevalo pronto a Tu santo reino para que viva contigo en la Gloria por los siglos de los siglos. Amen. Sagrado Corazon de Jesus en Ti confio.

- Monica, Los Angeles Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za szczesliwa operacje za mojego brats

- Maria, Des Plaines

Heavenly Father I ask you to help me to forward the call you have on my life. Lord, I need supernatural financial resources, favor, grace, provision, and mercy with YOU and man. My OMNIPOTENT, ALL WISE, OMNIPRESENT, and IMMUTABLE GOD. Deliver me and my family from all this financial and spiritual debt. LORD You have called me to do so many things to lead souls and save babies' lives, but I can not do it without you, LORD. PLEASE HELP! Heal, Lead and protect me and my family; Albert, Carlos, Alena, and Abraham. In Jesus name. Amen.

- Albert/Evelyn, Fort Worth Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za zdrowie mojego brata który zmaga się z nowotworem trzustki.

- Oliwia, Polonia

Señor Dios perdona mis pecados, ayúdame a acercarme mas a ti en oración, bendice mis entradas y salidas, bendice mi sueldo, bendice mis deudas y socórreme para poder terminar de cancelarlas, ayúdame en mi negocio que sea una buena negociación, no me abandones por favor y bendice a mi familia.

- Alexis Hernando, Cucuta Colombia

Pido perdón por mis pecados, oración por mi salud, bendición por mi trabajo, mi profesión y le pido a Dios me guié espiritualmente en como debo seguir el rumbo de mi vida.Amen

- Michell, Cucuta Colombia

Please, pray for my father & husband Wladyslaw that he will be made healthy and whole who is currently under a respirator. Bog Zaplac za modlitwe.

- Wladyslaw, Rockford Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za mojego syna Krzysztofa ktory cierpi teraz poniewaz Ojciec jego Mieczyslaw Wyrzucil syna nagle na ulice .Aby Dobry Bog przemienil serce i napelnil serce meza Miloscia do syna i Cierpliwoscia i Łagodnoscia . O uwolnienie syna z wszystkich nalogow , opieke Maryji , Jezusa , Aniolow i Wszystkich Swietych oraz o wszelkie potrzebne łaski dla syna .O nawrocenie i wiare dla syna Krzysztofa i o nawrocenie i wiare i przemiane serca dla meza Mieczyslawa , aby maz przygarnal syna zpowrotem do naszego domu .Bog Zaplac .

- Teresa, Oslo Noruega

Por el perdón de sus pecados y su encuentro con nuestro señor el 09/08/2019

- Jesús Aurelio , LIMA Perú


- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!

- a, Phillips Estados Unidos

Por el eterno descanso de Yrma Pulido Cruz , Cipriano Lopez Reyes y Constantino Lopez Reyes

- Janeth, Veracruz México

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uratowania mojego małżeństwa, aby mąż wrócił do mnie i do córki, czekamy na niego, chcemy być wszyscy razem w miłości.

- Marzena, Wrocław Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za młodego chłopaka, który leży pod respiratorem w stanie ciężkim. Bóg zapłać.

- Paweł, Kraków Polonia

Padre celestial, te pido bendigas mis finanzas, mis deudas, mi trabajo, mi negocio, librarme de enemigos ocultos que quieren verme mal, desata las ataduras y derrama sobre mi vida bendiciones.

- Alexis Hernando, Cucuta Colombia

Lord Jesus Christ. Dear Lord Jesus Christ You fill our heart's with Your happiness and delight And we cherish you in my heart's Every day and night And we pray for the sick And suffering every night And you keep us all safe and Warm sheltered from the Coronavirus storm You are always in our heart's Every day and night and we Will always love you forever In life Amen Lord Jesus Christ.

- David P, Wicklow Irlanda

Proszę za moja corka by wróciła do wiary sakramentów, moralnego zycia i znalazła odpowiedniego chlopaka i jeśli tak Bóg zechce założyła rodzinę i żyła w szczęściu i sakramantach. Prosze o szczesliwe zdanie egzaminow dla drugiej corki i o wiare i milosc w sercach naszych dzieci. Boze i Maryjo polacz w milsci i wzajemnym zrozumeniu nasza rodzine. Daj zdrowie i blogoslaw moim rodzicom. Pozwol szczesliwie zalozyc rodzine mojemu bratu. Boxze Blogoslaw naszej rodzinie

- Dorota, Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Proszę za moim synem Aleksandrem by wrócił do wiary sakramentów i znalazł odpowiednią dziewczynę i jeśli tak Bóg zechce założył rodzinę i żył w szczęściu Bóg Maryi za mnie proszę o wybaczenie moich niewierności sprzeciwów wobec sytuacji nawarstwiających się braku pracy godnych warunków życia braku zrozumienia nawet kłamstwa i to od bliskich proszę bym umiała wybaczyć i by mnie wybaczono bym nie szukała Boga tam gdzie go nię ma by moje słowa się tak nie sprawdzały pomóż mi poukładać to moje życie nie chcę się żalić nie chcę się skarżyć tobie Maryjo to oddaje

- Malgorzata, Czestochowa Polonia

para pedir a Dios Munchas bendiciones por mi familia por la dura situación del asesinato de mi hermano hace 20 días y la partida de mi tía hace tres meses pido por mi salud que me sane de mis ojos para poder seguir proclamando la palabra de Dios en mi parroquia por la eliminación de un tumor en el lado izquierdo de mi estomago gracias a ustedes y a Dios que se que me esta sanando gracias por lo que estas haciendo en mi vida gracias Dios gracias mamita María

- AMPARO, Rioblanco Colombia

God, have mercy on me and on my family. Please repair the terrible situation I have caused. Please do not despise me and cast me away. Grant me Your mercy and salvation. Grant my family Your mercy and salvation. In Jesus' Name, I pray...

- Lynn, Estados Unidos


- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie ,za moje zdrowie ,problemy ze wzrokiem ,duszenie sie ,ciezej oddychac ,zmeczenie ogolne i oczu ,bole oczu.

- Daniell, Supraśl Polonia

Prosze o modlitwe o laske uzdrowienia dla mojej dziewczyny Moniki !!! Janek

- Jan, Burbank Estados Unidos

Pragnę aby Bóg uzdrowił mnie z choroby alkoholowej j. Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mnie w tej intencji Jan

- Jan, Burbank Estados Unidos

Pragnę aby Bóg uzdrowił mnie z choroby nowotworowej. Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mnie w tej intencji. Anna

- Anna, Ełk Grove Village Estados Unidos

Hi there I humbly ask for some prayers for my family and I. We are going through a lot. I first ask for prayers for my mom Martha Barajas, who will be getting a CT Scan tomorrow and with God's will the breast cancer, cancer will be all gone in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Cancer free in the name of Jesus. I also ask for prayers for me, I will be getting an abdominal ultrasound since I have been having abdominal pain along with other symptoms. I am also waiting to hear back for my blood work done last week tomorrow. God I put everything in your mighty hands. For all loved ones, and all sick

- Jessica, Santa Maria Estados Unidos


- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za moje duchowe uzdrowienie z próżności, egoizmu, braku empatii, nieczystości. Moje grzechy doprowadziły mnie do długów, a moja rodzina prawie się rozpadła. Błagam o westchnienie bym nie straciła domu, pracy, obym miała z czego płacić zobowiązania a także bym byla dobrą mamą, żona i Córką dla Rodziców. Bóg zapłać

- Patrycja, Ząbki Polonia

Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!

- a, Phillips Estados Unidos


- Zofia, Treasure Island Estados Unidos


- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za cala moja rodziny aby byli zdrowi I szczesliwi I aby blogoslawienstwo Boze bylo z nimi caly czas.

- Eva

Please pray for me and my girlfriend Ivy and our long distance relationship. Pray that her parents will want to come to know me, invite me to Florida so I can introduce myself, accept me, and eventually give me their blessing to marry their daughter. Please pray that God will unite my girlfriend and I together. Thank you.

- Stephen, Choctaw, OK Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę za mnie o zdrowie Błogosławieństwo Boże ,Miłosierdzie i uwolnienie ,uzdrowienie z depresji stanów lekowych nerwicy oraz nerwobólów głowy i klatki piersiowej oraz podniesienie odporności mojego organizmu by wszelkie powikłania po boreliozie i pogrypowe znikły oraz bym znalazła dobrego męża. Jezu Ufam Tobie -Dziekuje bardzo Monika

- Monika , Niles Estados Unidos

Proszę o pomyślne rozwiązanie problemu.

- Angelika , Chicago

wiem, że moja prośba może wydawać się błaha ale błagam o znalezienie partnera na wesele w tą sobotę

- kamila, Polonia

Bogu Wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

My wife and I love each other like Lord’s agape love for the rest of our lives. My wife is 24 weeks pregnant and our baby is exp. to arrive Dec 6th. Praying for God's Peace and Joy to be with us, and God’s Armor to protect us.

- M, ELK GROVE Estados Unidos



Proszę o modlitwę za mnie o dobrą diagnozę lekarską, uzdrowienie z chorób i o łaskę spokoju przy nerwicy.

- Damian, Lubichowo Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia córki.

- Iwona, Polonia


- Agnieszka, Łódź Polonia

Our business desperately needs more business, we need more money, we're not going be able to stay open at this rate, please pray for us; thank you very much!

- Kyle

Pido por la conversión de mi familia Egea García, por mi conversión y la conversión de Carol y Walter Junior Egea por la sanación de Diva Agudelo Sánchez y por su conversión todo esto si es tu divina voluntad

- Silvana, Santiago Chile

Proszę Pana Boga o łaskę do powrotu do zdrowia, Amen Bóg zapłać za modlitwę

- Iwona, Katowice Polonia

Z całego serca proszę o modlitwę w najtrudniejszym jak dotąd momencie mojego życia, abym nie dała się depresji, aby dobry Bóg obdarzył mnie siłą i nadzieją.

- Milena, Lublin Polonia


- Andrzej, Treasure Island




- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos



I would like prayer to receive a very special miracle just for me that will completely work in my favor.

- Sharnice, Atlanta Estados Unidos

Por el eterno descanso de Oscar Ernesto Rodriguez Azcarate y Maria Teresa Miralles

- augusto, san miguel de tucuman Argentina

Prosze o modlitwe w intencji syna aby uwolnil sie od nalogu , zmienil swoje zycie , uwierzyl ze mozna zyc inaczej , aby radosc I spokuj zawital w moim domu po latach cierpienia I aby Jezus Chrystus I Matka Boska znalezli miejsce dla mnie I mojej rodziny w swoich sercach...

- Eva

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojej siostry Marii o uwolnienie z nałogu hazarstwa i uzdrowienia duchowego .

- Agnieszka , Estados Unidos

I would like prayer to receive a very great miracle just for me that will completely work in my favor.

- Sharnice

Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!

- a, Phillips Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za Meza Mieczyslawa i syna Krzysztofa o uzdrowienie ich Relacji , aby maz pokochal naszego  syna prawdziwa Ojcowska Miłoscia .O  uwolnienoe syna Krzysztofa ze wszystkich  nalogow. O wspolne przebaczenie w naszym.domu i o zgode i pojednanie meza z synem .O ochrone  Aniolow Strozow , Jezusa i Maryji dla naszej rodziny  przed atakami zlego .Bog Zaplac.

- Teeesa, OSLO Noruega

Prosze o modlitwe w intencji uzdrowienia dla kolezanki Bozeny. Bog Zaplac.

- anna, chicago Estados Unidos

proszę o modlitwę za duszę ZOFI WIDLAK ZA KTÓRĄ NIE MA KTO SIĘ MODLIĆ

- Paweł, Czarny Bór Polonia

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Por el Don de la salud he intenciones de, Lilian Sánchez, amén.

- Lilian , Santiago Chile

Wieczny odpoczynek dla mego męża Zbigniewa Klamczynskiego po 42 latach małżeństwa odszed do wieczności Obdarzony Sakramentami Świętymi 7/14/2021 oby Matka Przenajswietsza ze Świętym Józefem zaprowadziła go do Syna Swojego Jezusa Chrystusa i wraz z Aniołami mógł śpiewać na Chwałę Bożą Amen

- Zbigniew , Sun City Estados Unidos


- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za mnie, o uzdrowienie z komorek rakowych, O sprawy sadowe , aby zakonczyly sie dlamnie bez kosztow zaplaty zachowku i op;at sadowych, za brata o nawrocenie.Bog zaplac.

- maria, ridgewood Estados Unidos

O potrzebne łaski, szczególnie pokój serca dla Victora Munene z Kenii, którego mama zostawiła u rodziny, a sama pojechała do Południowego Sudanu. Bardzo rzadko odwiedza syna w Kenii, raz na 8, 9 lat. On z tego powodu bardzo cierpi i nie jest w stanie skoncentrować się na nauce w szkole, a jest teraz w 1 klasie szkoły średniej.

- Halina, Rzym Italia

Prosze o zdrowie, Boza opieke i Blogoslawienstwo mojej mamie. Aby nerki dobrze pracowaly i wszystkie inne problemy zdrowotne sie poprawily, z wola Boza. Bog zaplac.

- Edyta, Mount Prospect Estados Unidos

“Ezriah Rolfe Brown has died. Please pray for his eternal rest.”

- Alfred, Machias Estados Unidos


- shereese, atlantic city Estados Unidos


- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

I have diagnosed with diabetes, glaucoma, high and low blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety, depression. I'm on dialysis, pray for the after effects. Tiredness, weakness in both legs, no energy, no balance all over my body, dizziness, shortness of breath, poor circulation in both legs, pain in both knees, arms, legs, body itching. I had surgery done on the bottom of my left foot. Pray that God has all ready healed my foot. That God has paid off all of the medicaj bills.

- Meliton, Grand Pparie Estados Unidos


- Anna, TREASURE ISLAND Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe o laske odnowienia zywej wiary w mojej rodzinie oraz o potrzebne laski.

- Janina, Park Ridge Estados Unidos

pray for my friend who recently died Wataru Namba he recently died unsaved and not knowing our Lord. please pray that God would deliver him from purgatory and would save and deliver his soul to heaven. pray that Jesus Christ and God the Father would forgive his sins and take his to be with Them now. thank you God bless you your prayers are depsperately wanted and greatly appreciated

- John, milford Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia mojego ciężko chorego ,przebywającego w szpitalu 4 letniego wnuczka .

- Michał , NOrwalk Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe o laske uzdrowienia dla mojego synka Adama.

- Wioletta, Aberdeen Reino Unido

Por las luchas contra las adicciones de Joseph y Geovanni, incluyo a todos los que libran estas batallas

- Perla, Monterrey México

Matko Boska jest bardzo źle ze mną.Prosze proszę zmień mnie i napraw zdrowie

- Paulina, Milicz Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za moje maleństwo co noszę go pod sercem żeby Bóg dał żeby było zdrowe i żeby ciąża przechodziła pomyślnie Bóg zapłać

- Alina, Wiedeń Austria

Prayer request to heal physical wounds and physical injury of MIck Jagger and heal relationships, schizophrenia, mental health disease, and emotional wounds, pray to heal past life trauma and need for stable heart beat,lighten his heavy heart.

- anonymous, Kingston Canadá

Ptrosze o modlitwę za mnie o uzdrowienie z choroby nowotworowej jei to jest wola Boga

- Irena, Rusinowice Polonia

O pomyslne zalatwienie naszych spraw urzedowych . Za powrot do zdrowia Krzysztofa.Bog zaplac.



- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie moich córeczek bliźniaczek.

- Magdalena, BYTOM Polonia

Proszę bardzo o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia z bólu brzucha oraz problemów z tym związanych

- Darek, Siemianowice Śląskie Polonia

Prosze o modlitwe za nasze malzenstwo(jutro bierzemy slub. Za powrot do zdrowia Krzysztofa.


I ask you that you pray for me, my girlfriend, and her parents that God will give me supernatural favor with them to where her parents will accept me and forgive me for my trespasses. I ask that you pray that her parents will want to get to know me, invite me down to Florida to get to know me, like me, and eventually have them give me their blessing to marry their daughter and have her move to Oklahoma with me. If you can pray for us in this regard I would appreciate it. Thanks!

- Stephen, Choctaw Estados Unidos

Błagamy o wstawiennictwo w modlitwie za nasze małżeństwo, za uwolnienie z sideł niepłodności która je niszczy, o uzdrowienie serc, uwolnienie z depresji, rozpaczy i zwątpienia oraz o upragniony dla nas dar potomstwa. Bóg zapłać za modlitwe! Marta i Tomasz

- Marta, Bydgoszcz Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za moją córkę Amelię. O jej nawrócenie i przemianę serca. O Ducha prawdy i mądrości. O uwolnienie jej od wszelkiego zła. O zwycięstwo w sprawach sądowych oraz o jej powrót do domu.

- Grzegorz, Piastów Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za moją żonę Martynę. O jej nawrócenie i przemianę serca. O uwolnienie emocjonalne i uczuciowe od tamtej osoby oraz od wszelkiego zła które ją otacza i zniewala. O jej powrót do domu i poukładanie tych trudnych spraw. O cud przemiany tej trudnej sytuacji która trwa teraz.

- Grzegorz , Piastów Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego synka Antosia w marcu skończył 2 latka o uzdrowienie i uwolnienie fizyczne, psychiczne i duchowe . O wiarę, ufność i miłość do Chrystusa i Matki Najświętszej. O prawidłowy rozwój , Ducha Świętego, oraz ochronę przed klątwami, przekleństwami, demonami, złymi ludźmi itp. Oraz o potrzebne łaski proszę proszę dla Antosia. Bóg zapłać! Proszę o modlitwę za moją byłą żonę Martynę o wiarę , ufność i miłość do Chrystusa i Matki Najświętszej. O uzdrowienie i uwolnienie fizyczne, psychiczne i duchowe. O prawidłowy rozwój , Ducha Świętego, oraz ochronę przed klątwami, przekleństwami, demonami, złymi ludźmi itp.Proszę o gorącą akceptowalną miłość między mną i Martyną moją byłą żoną oraz potrzebne łaski dla Martyny.

- Damian, Tuszyn Polonia

I pray for forgiveness, protection, and mercy from God for my family and myself after many sins and failings. Oh my Jesus, forgive u our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy.

- Lynn, wisconsin Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za moja koleżnkę Agnieszkę za jej zdrowie i spokój ducha.

- Ewa, Athlone Irlanda

Prosze o modlitwe o uwolnienie z nalogow i wiare dla Karola

- Stasia, Carmel Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie moich córeczek bliźniaczek.

- Magdalena, BYTOM Polonia

Please pray for my healing and health and that if any additional medical help is needed the doctors are enlightened to know and fix the problem easily, quickly & inexpensively. Please help me to be able to feel well and get my work done. Thank you.

- Christina

Proszę o modlitwę o wyzwolenie z niewybieranej samotności i o dar spotkania miłości odwzajemnionej w sercu drugiego człowieka. Dziękuję

- Henryk

proszę o modlitwę o światło Ducha Św potrzebne łaski na czas egzaminu oraz opiekę Matki Bożej dla Agnieszki w dniu 19.05.2021 prosi mama

- marta, Polonia

Proszę o moc Łaski,o Ducha Miłości,ofiary i modlitwy i o umiejętność niesienia życiowego krzyża oraz miłość miłosierną do męża .

- Jola, Estados Unidos

Please pray for the immediate healing of my boyfriend Andy from his bipolar depression. It’s gotten worse lately with life circumstances and I just don’t know what to do, I’m helpless.

- Durga, Cleveland Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojego syna Mateusza i wszystkich przystępujących do Sakramentu Bierzmowania o umocnienie wiary oraz otwarcie serc na dary Ducha Świętego.

- Jolanta, Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojego chrześniaka Pawła ,który właśnie przechodzi detoks o siłę i wytrwałość w podjętej decyzji wyjścia z nałogu a także o wyciszenie i opanowanie swoich emocji oraz o wiarę w Zmartwychwstałego Chrystusa.

- Jola, Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji znalezienia stałej pracy o zdrowie dla mojej rodziny, oraz o łaskę nawrócenia dla męża. Bóg zapłać.

- Katarzyna, żabno Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencjach: - o uzdrowienie mojego serca z poranień wyrządzonych przez ojca - o piękną, dobrą, kochającą żonę, szczęśliwą rodzinę oraz własne mieszkanie - o sukcesy zawodowe i artystyczne, pewność siebie, męstwo i poczucie własnej wartości

- Karol, Wrocław Polonia

Hello I am ask for prayer in agreement that God’s has already healed me from high blood pressure, kidney disease, mental clarity and peripheral neuropathy. I believe that I am heal. When my brothers and sisters agrees with me in prayer, it helps me fight away doubts. I want my blood labs results to be a miracle testimony to share. Thank you so much!

- T, Phoenix Estados Unidos

I ask for prayers for GOD's mercy and forgiveness for the terrible way I have lived and for GOD's protection and mercy for my family.

- Lynn, Greendale Estados Unidos

Szczęść Boże. Bardzo proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie z choroby nowotworowej mojej mamy Marii. Bóg zapłać Beata

- Beata, Środa Śląska Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji znalezienia stałej pracy o zdrowie dla siebie i córki oraz łaskę nawrócenia dla męża. Bóg zapłać.

- Katarzyna, żabno Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę o wsparcie podczas egzaminu adwokackiego, który czeka mnie w dniach 18.05-21.05.2021 r.

- Aleksandra , Pogórze Polonia

Repose of the soul of Daniel, for his widow who is greiving his loss,as well as his family and friends who are greiving his loss, many special intentions, for all parents,mom's&dad's, for deceased family members, for 1000's of Godsends, Grace's, miracles and blessings for me and my husband and family.

- Shirley, Pomona,CA Estados Unidos

Prosze o mod liter dla mego syna w intecji .. aby byl zdrowy I aby zaliczyl dobrze wszystkie egzaminy w tym semestrze

- Renata, Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o moje uzdrowienie, by układ nerwowy i wszystkie pozostałe organy zaczęły poprawnie funkcjonować oraz by wszystkie szkody wyrządzone w organizmie zregenerowały się. Bóg zapłać.

- Anna, Sierpc Polonia

Please pray for a friend of my son who is in the hospital and has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. He is only 15years old. Cancer has spread to his liver and other organs. Please pray for him, and ask Charles to pray for him. His name is Troy Ituralde.

- Jose, TUCSON Estados Unidos

Prosze o Modlitwe za syna Krzysztofa ktory bładzi i niepotrafi znalezc prawdziwej drogi .Aby Dobry Bog uwolnił mojego syna Krzysztofa z wszystkich nałogow i obdarzyl syna łaska wolnosci. O dobra zone dla syna i prace .O dobre relacje mojego syna Krzysztofa z mezem Mieczyslawem. Aby Bog przemienil meza Mieczyslawa Serce i napelnil meza Serce miloscia do syna i do mnie zony Teresy.O spokoj i zgode w naszym domu i wybaczenie .Bog Zaplac .

- Teresa, OSLO Noruega

Sra Virginia Santana Chaves ( Difunta) Sra Clara Mastache Pineda ( Difunta) Sr Jose Carlos Coquet jimenes ( Difunto) Miguel Angel Pineda Santana ( Vocacional) Diaconado permanente..

- Miguel Angel , Mexico México

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę o to by Pan Bóg obdarzył mnie potrzebnymi łaskami, abym mógł bez problemu ukończyć filmy nad którymi obecnie pracuję i inne projekty na studiach. O spokój i opanowanie, skupienie i skrupulatność, bym mimo przeciwnościom i swoim uzależnieniom mógł konsekwentnie dążyć do wyznaczonego sobie celu. Bóg zapłać.

- Paweł, Skawina Polonia

May I please receive prayers for a miracle, strength, justice and protection, falsely accused, facing a death sentence

- Callie Jo, Rozet Estados Unidos

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojego syna Kamila o uzdrowienie go z głębokiego niedowidzenia. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać.

- Bartłomiej, Lędziny Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę o miłość, aby samotność odeszła. Opiekę dla moich dzieci oraz siebie. Proszę również o modlitwę w intencji moich rodziców.

- Daria, Kutno Polonia

Bardzo proszę o modlitwę o zdrowie dla mojego dziadka Janusza! Bardzo tego w tej chwili potrzebuję.

- Klaudia, Bielsko-Biała Polonia

+Fr, Giampiero+ Monica / Gianna / Santina + my special intention

- ste, Savona Italia

petición de oración por su sanacionproyecto de vida,espiritual,emocional y económica

- carlos , aguascalientes México

Por el perdón de sus pecados y el eterno descanso de mi padre JANI VÍCTOR GARCÍA DELGADO

- Carmen , Trujillo Perú

Prosze o modlitwę : O miłosierdzie dla Antoniego i pomyślne rozwiązanie spraw sadowych 29 czerwca. O nawrócenie i wiarę dla niego. O wytrwanie trzeźwości męża , o błogosławieństwo dla Dominika w 18 urodziny i dary Ducha Św. O Pokój Boży i mądrość dla mnieBóg zapłać. Iwona

- Iwona, Polonia

May I please receive prayers for a miracle, strength, justice and protection, falsely accused, facing a death sentence

- Callie Jo, Rozet Estados Unidos

Praise the Lord, My name is Biju, and my wife's name is Sajini by the grace of God she is pregnant now. We lost our two babies one in 2019 and one in 2020 due to some health reasons. So I am requesting you that please remember Sajini and baby in your prayer for making the journey of the pregnancy without any complications. Thanks for your prayers. Biju and Sajini


I'm asking for prayer for Khadijah Harden; pray for her salvation. Pray that she'll accept and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

- Dee, NY Estados Unidos

That God forgive my past sins and that I get the financial assistance from PCH to get physical therapy in May and that the university of Arizona orthopaedic program can and will perform the necessary procedure for me to walk again

- Kelli, Chandler Estados Unidos

Por mi esposo e hijos, madre, hermanos de sangre y espirituales, por las necesides de cada persona que nos rodean, por las personas que sufren por la perdida de un ser querido, por los enfermos, por las almas del purgatorio que fueron sacerdotes en esta vida, por los gobernantes que no conocen de Dios, por los jovenes que no tienen fe, que no aman, no adoran y no creen en Jesus, por los ninos en el mundo estero que son huerfanos, abortados, maltratados o abusados.

- Ana, Las Vegas Estados Unidos

proszę o modlitwę dla Danuty Rams z prośbą do boga by pozwolił jej dalej żyć i wyjść z ciężkiej choroby

- patryk, kraków Polonia

Dear God, please bless my womb and my baby. Please keep me and my baby strong and healthy and away from any illnesses and difficulties. God, this is my miracle baby and I know that this baby is your gift to me and my loving husband. Thank you for everything. Amen.


Thank you Lord. I Trust in You. Strengthen my relationship with M and make our love stronger. Only You can. Amen

- ste, Savona Italia

O nawrócenie i wybranie dobrej drogi życiowej pomoc w rozwiązaniu problemów i wsparcie bo się pogubiła

- Malgorzata , Nowy sacz Polonia

Dobry Boże, Ty wszystko wiesz i wszystko możesz. Proszę Cię o pozytywne rozwiązanie mojej sprawy.

- Marcin, Polonia

O naprawienie tego co się popsuło w moim związku narzeczeńskim. O wzajemną miłość, szczęście, wierność i zaufanie.

- Rafał, Nowy Sącz Polonia

Please pray for CYNTHIA C. (USA) to receive Divine Wisdom and Godly Guidance in her life, to have all things which were stolen from her to be restored. Please ask that heavenly angels would be dispatched into her home and her property and that God would destroy every attempt that the enemy has made to destroy or delay the blessings that God has for her. We are praying for and are asking that a few other people would pray for her over the coming weeks as well. It would be so appreciated. Thank you so much.

- Corwynn, North Haledon Australia

That the university of Arizona orthopaedic program can and will perform the necessary procedure for me to walk again and that I get the financial assistance from PCH to get physical therapy

- Kelli, Chandler Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę O Boże błogosławieństwo i dary ducha świetego w studiach i w egzaminach dla Krzysztofa.

- Ksistof , Buckingham Reino Unido

O uzdrowienie Stefana Wisińskiego z ciężkiej choroby.

- Rafał, Iława Polonia


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Bardzo prosze o modlitwe za mojego syna Krzysztofa ktory sie pogubil.O uwolnienie mojego syna z Alkocholizmu i Wszystkich Uzaleznien .Aby Bog dal mu opamietanie i Wolnosc Czlowieka .Oraz o uzdrowienie relacji mojego meza Mieczyslawa z naszym synem Krzysztofem .O zgode w naszym domu , przebaczenie i milosc .Bog Zaplac .

- Teresa, OSLO Noruega



Proszę o modlitwę w intencji córki młodszej o zdrowie i o dobrego męża a starszej w intencji uleczenia z nerwicy i pomocy w wiadomej sprawie

- Emilia, Częstochowa Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji Bartka. Pomóż mu Boże spojrzeć jeszcze raz na naszą sytuację, proszę daj mi jeszcze nadzieję, bo nie wyobrażam sobie, że nie będzie go w moim życiu. Kochany Ojcze miej go zawsze w swojej opiece, a jeśli to możliwe połącz ponownie nasze drogi. Modlę się za wszystkich potrzebujących miłości i nadzieji, dziękując jednocześnie za każdą dobrą myśl.

- Joanna, Gniezno Polonia

Błagam o modlitwę za mojego synka. Niech zacznie mówić i rozwijać się jak rówieśnicy. Niech wszelkie spekulacje na temat autyzmu i zaburzenia rozwoju będą mylne. Niech otrzyma dar cierpliwości i nauczy się panować nad emocjami. Proszę również o modlitwę za moje zdrowie, aby operacja przebiegła pomyślnie,a nowotwór był łagodny i bez przerzutów. Proszę o powrót do zdrowia i sprawności fizycznej. Serdeczne Bóg zapłać za wsparcie modlitwą

- Magda, Kalisz Polonia

Proszę o łaskę uzdrowienia z ciężkiej choroby serca i ustanie dolegliwości nerwicy, smutku lęku, niepokóju .

- Grzegorz, Miastków Kościelny Polonia

Prosze o modlitwe za moja rodzine aby byli zdrowi I szczesliwi I aby nic zlego sie im nie stalo...

- Eva

Proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie mnie z lęku i depresji oraz siły do pokonania choroby oraz o opiekę Matki Bożej. Bóg zapłać.

- Joanna, Wielgomłyny Polonia

Please pray for my family. We need healing and reconciliation. I place my family, my husband and children under the protection of St Joseph and I ask Mary to be their Mother. I place them in her care, in the folds of her mantle. We pray also for conversion of us all. Jesus, have mercy.

- Traycee, St Charles Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie o uzdrowienie duszy i ciała, mam nowotwór złośliwy i jestem w trakcie przyjmowania chemioterapii, która jest bardzo wyczerpująca i w maju czeka mnie operacja. Proszę też o wsparcie w modlitwie za moją rodzinę o jedność, przebaczenie, zdrowie i co najważniejsze o żywą wiarę. Bóg zapłać.

- Emilia

Prosba o modlitwe w intencji zbawienia duszy mojej zmarlej zony Malgorzaty Lesniakowski

- Jozef, Busko-Zdroj Polonia

Proszę o łaskę uzdrowienia dla ciężko chorego na COVID ojca mojej koleżanki, zrobiłem ile mogłem ale nie pomogło tylko bóg może pomóc . Błagam o modlitwę za tego starszego pana..

- Krzysztof, Kraków Polonia

I humbly ask you to pray for mny friend, Demetri Anastatopolous, for mercy, grace & strength. Thank you & God Bless

- Richard, Ottawa Canadá


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za syna Krzysztofa ktory teraz jest w zlym stanie .Aby moj Maz Mieczyslaw pojednal sie z naszym synem i przebaczyl synowi wszystko . O naprawienie ich relacji abu byly mile Bogu . Aby Bog zabral z Serca mojego Meza Mieczyslawa Nienawisc do syna a zakorzenil w meza Sercu Milosc Ojcowska i przebaczenie.O szczegolna ochrone dla Naszej Rodziny przed Atakami zlego i wszelkim zlem.O potrzebne Łaski dla syna Krzysztofa , uwolnienie z nalogu alkocholowego aby Bog Poddzwignal syna i dal mu sily isc prawdziwa droga Jezusowa.Bog Zaplac .

- Teresa, OSLO Noruega

Proszę o modlitwę o zdrowie dla męza ,syna i dla mnie,o uwolnienie z depresji,nerwicy,lęków

- Alicja, Machnow Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za mnie i Pawła aby nasze relacje poprawiły się. O jego nawrócenie. O dar sakramentu małżeństwa dla nas. Proszę o wszystkie potrzebne łaski dla nas.

- Ewa

Por la sanación y liberación de Pablo Rodriguez con una fuerte infección en los pulmones y por la sanación de su hermano con síntomas de covid. Por la sanación de Victoria que tubo una caída y fuertes golpes en el pulmón y todo el cuerpo. Amen

- María Teresa , Asunción Paraguay

[3 of 3] Asking for truly infinite vast oceans of ever increasingly more deep, inten-sive, thorough,all pervasive,permanent growth in complete healing for my wonde-rful aunt Pat who is suffering from metastatic cancer--she is a very holy and loving woman, mother of two beautiful kids, grandmother to two more kids who have truly excelled in life. This is one wonderful woman that desperately needs healing.

- Charles, Berlin Estados Unidos

[2 of 2] Asking for complete,radical,all pervasive,ever deepening,permanent healing of the mountaiins, volcanos of anger, bitterness, spitefulness, rage, causticness in me towards/with: myself, God, others, over my lot in life, over my history of abuse as a child & youngster/teen; over unanswered prayer for complete healing of my wife who died of cancer yet was a powerful pillar in the church,over my spiritual oppress.

- Charles, Berlin Estados Unidos

Asking for truly infinite vast oceans of ever increasingly more deep,intensive,thor-ough,all pervasive,permanent growth in complete healing: 1) Of all of the injuries, woundedness,wear & tear inflicted on me over/thru/by years of spiritual oppress-ion; 2) Same healing of all of the various causes,issues,conditions,thinking,anger, rage,bitterness,dispositions,predispositions that contribute to such spir. oppression

- Charles, berlin Estados Unidos

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

o zdanie egzaminu warunkowego, o siły i pomoc w nauce

- Zuzanna, Łódź Polonia

Proszę o łaskę uzdrowienia mojego małżeństwa i moich relacji w rodzinie. O powrót do kościoła dla moich dzieci. Uzdrów Jezu moje emocje.

- Marta, Chicago Estados Unidos

Jezu Ty wiesz.. Jezu Ty sie tym zajmij Proszę o modlitwe w intencji mojego uzdrowienia z zawrotow glowy , nadciśnienia tetniczego oraz objawow menopauzy. Spraw Dobry Boze zebym mogla wrocic do pielęgnowania moich pacjentow. JOANNA

- Joanna, Tolkmicko Polonia

Proszę o wsparcie modlitewne w intencji pokonania lęku. Jezu Ty się tym zajmij.

- Alina, Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę o pojednanie i przebaczenie w moim małżeństwie.

- Ireneusz, Brzozów Polonia

Szczęść Boże. Ja już nie mogę wytrzymać z moją nerwicą... Dlaczego Miłosierny Bóg pozwala abym tak cierpiała? Czy to ma mnie zbliżyć? Pomódlcie się o moje zdrowie ....

- Urszula, Hamburg Alemania

B.Prosze o Modlitwe za mojego tescia Boleslaw Borczuch o Blogoslawienstwo i zdrowie i dla Malgorzaty i Jacka Tomaszewskich.

- Jacek, Wroclaw Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za Dawida o jego nawrócenie, żeby zaczął czytać Pismo Święte. Proszę również o wspaniałego męża dla mnie takiego którego wybierze mi Bóg. Dziękuję za modlitwę.

- Monika, Polonia

Prosze o laske wiary dla Michala ,Diany, Justyny, Pawla ,Jerzego.O Swiatlo Ducha Swietego dla dzieci w podejmowaniu zyciowych decyzji.Prosze o laske wiary wyleczenie z nalogow opieke Matki Boskiej dla Joanny i dla jej rodziny.Prosze o laske pokory w niesieniu codziennych krzyzy dla Izabeli i Iwony.Prosze o modlitwe o laske rozeznania w intencji Bogu wiadomej. Bog Zaplac. Iwona

- Iwona, Waterloo Canadá


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

prosze o modlitwe o zdrowie o madre decyzje dzieciom oraz o prace dla nas

- Krystyna, HOMER GLEN Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji męża mojej siostry Marka Rula o szczęśliwa operacje w Bydgoszczy i powrót do zdrowia i rodziny.

- Zdzislaw, Chicago Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za mojego męża Józefa z okazji zbliżających się jego imienin i urodzin o wszelki łaski od Najświętszej Panienki a także dla mojej córki o opiekę Matki Bożej i mojej siostry Z okazji urodzin i o zdrowie dla mojej mamy i Beatki kiedy będzie operowana niech Matka Naszego Pana wspomaga nas i moich znajomych a przede wszystkim księży którzy nas prowadzą. Bóg Zapłać.

- Monika, Burke Estados Unidos

Prosze zeby koscioly zostaly otwarte, zebysmy mogli uczestniczyc w uroczystosci slubnej mojej corki i zeby mozna bylo uczestniczyc w przyjeciu weselnym w domu

- Elzbieta , Brampton Canadá

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojej mamy Sylwii, aby była w pełni zdrowa a choroba, którą ma nie postępowała. Aby w jej życiu panował spokój i szczęście oraz aby wyniki nadchodzących badań były dobre.

- Izabela, Janów Lubelski Polonia

Buenos días, les solicito me inscriban en las misas y oraciones perpetuas por el tiempo que DIOS me tenga con vida y por el eterno descanso de mi alma después de muerto .

- luis Antonio , Duitama Boyaca Colombia


- jenny roxana , Lima Perú

Prosze o modlitwe o zdrowie dla mojej rodziny I o pomoc w wyjsciu z nalogu Bogu wiadomej osoby.

- Eva

Prosze o modlitwe o pomyslna i bezpieczna podroz meza Mieczyslawa i naszego syna Krzysztofa do naszego domu .Aby Bog Sam przeprowadzil meza i syna przez ta podroz i sprawil ze to co jest niemozliwe na ludzki sposob stalo sie mozliwe.Jesli jest to zgodne z wola Boza Bog Zaplac.

- Teresa, Oslo Noruega

O Boże łaski i błogosławieństwo, jedność i miłość w mojej całej rodzinie. O Boże prowadzenie i wypełnienie woli Pana Boga. Oraz o nawrócenie się wszystkich osób z mojej rodziny które odeszły od Pana Boga. Oraz za przebłaganie za grzechy w mojej rodzinie.

- Barbara, Berlin Estados Unidos

proszę o modlitwe w intencji przemiany mojego serca,łaskę pokory cierpliwości i wytrwałości w chorobie

- Marek, Radzionków Polonia

Conversion, sanacion y liberacion de Daniel arturo Barragan para que se aun buen padre y esposo amoroso fiel y humilde

- Adriana , Bogota Colombia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji mojej mamy, aby jej choroba nie postępowała i aby miała dużo sił i zdrowia oraz aby w naszej rodzinie wszystko układało się pomyślnie

- Izabela , Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uratowania naszego małżeństwa, by mąż opamiętał się i wycofał pozew rozwodowy. Jezu ufam Tobie.

- Małgorzata, Polonia

Prosze o modliwe w intencji mojego nawrocenia. O laske pokory i glebokiej modlitwy. Aby Pan Bog byl zawsze w moim zyciu na pierwszym miejscu.Bog zaplac za modlitwe,

- Anna, Estados Unidos

Serdecznie proszę o modlitwę by Pan Bóg był łaskaw i rozwiązał gnębiący mnie problem z Paulinką zgodnie z Jego wolą, bo ja nie mogę wyprosić od dłuższego już czasu u naszego Pana rozwiązanie tej sprawy. Wierzę, że Wasza modlitwa pomoże wyprosić łaski dla mnie. Niech Pan Bóg Wam to stokrotnie wynagrodzi.

- Andrzej, Bystra

O Blogloslawienstwo Boze dla Ryszarda w dniu urodzin. Dla Romana, Wieslawa ,Marka ,Marleny. Bog zaplac.

- Maria, Des plaines


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe aby wiadoma Bogu osoba zerwala z nalogiem I powrocila do normalnego zycia.

- Eva

Proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie moich córeczek.

- Magda, Polonia

O uwolnienie z nałogu dla syna

- Elzbieta, Chicago Estados Unidos

W intencji moich dzieci : Weroniki i Kamila - aby dobry Bóg kierował ich losem w taki sposób, aby ich życie było droga do nieba .

- Jolanta Maria , Okolice Chicago Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwie aby mój narzeczony wrócił do mnie i dał mi szansę. Proszę o wytrwałość aby był dla mnie wsparciem a ja dla niego. Aby Pan Bóg złączył nas sakramentem małżeńskim i abyśmy byli zawsze zdrowi a nasza miłość trwała wiecznie.

- Urszula, Wrocław Polonia

Coloco nas mãos do Senhor, meu casamento, empregos e filhos. Também coloco nas mãos da Vigem Santíssima, a graça de conseguir colocar energia solar, construir minha garagem e minha conversão. também em sufrágio da alma de joão Possidônio Filho.

- Nilton Alves de melo, Timbaúba dos Batistas-RN Brasil


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za moje małżeństwo,które przechodzi trudny czas,aby łaski płynące z Sakramentu małżeństwa odnowiły i wzmocniły nasz związek,nasza miłość i wzajemne zaufanie.

- Jolanta , Estados Unidos

O opamietanie Bogu wiadomej osoby I wprowadzenie na droge milosci, wiary I nadzieji na lepsze jutro.

- Eva

Prosze o modlitwe w intencji O uzdrowienie z ciezkiej choroby dla Jozefa.

- RENATA, Estados Unidos

O cud uzdrowienia księdza proboszcza Mirosława z Lombard

- Jolanta, West Chicago, IL Estados Unidos

Panie Jezu, ratuj mego syna Jacka z alkoholizmu. Teraz pije od 2 tygodni, porzucił pracę, ma 3 małych dzieci. Błagam o pomoc aby zechcial się zgłosić na leczenie do szpitala. Bogu niech będą dzięki----------matka

- Anna, Białystok Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za relację z poznanym mężczyzną, żeby wszystko dobrze się układało między nami

- AGA, POZNAŃ Polonia

Please pray for Eric McDonald. Please pray for Eric’s conversion and salvation. Eric needs Jesus. Please pray God to open Eric’s eyes to see Jesus Christ. Please pray God to open Eric’s ears to hear The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray that the light of Christ will shine on Eric’s pathway. God is good. Please pray that Eric will experience the goodness of God.

- Alfred, Machias, Maine Estados Unidos

Por las almas de mi mamá Clara Aurora Morales Llano y de mi hermano Julio Cápiro Morales

- Ramon, Miami Estados Unidos

za moja dusze. Aby Jezus ulitowal sie i pochylil nad nia. Wskazowke co robic dalej w zyciu.

- Karolina, Mississauga Canadá

O opamietanie I uwolnienie Od nalogu syna

- ELIZABETH, Chicago Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za mojego Sp. Dziadka Mariana.

- Adrian, Bialystok Polonia

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za Izabele Mandrysz o uszdrowienie z raka piersi. Dnia 25 Stycznia bedzie miala operacje usuniecia piersi. Prosze o modlitwy o szczesliwy zabieg,udana chemoterapie i calkowite uzdrowienie. Blogoslawienstwa i laski dla niej,rodziny i lekarzy,meducznego personelu. Aby Pan jezus prowadzil lekarzy rece.. Izabela mieszka w Polsce.

- Izabela , rancho santa margarita Estados Unidos

Peço orações para união de Alexandre e Carmen que hoje celebramos 32 anos de casados,por nosso filhos Nadyla e Yuri,por nossa familia e nosso lar.Por nossa conversão e santificação.Por Wandeil das Graças Silva Junior,sua saúde,física,mental e espiritual,pela cura do câncer recém descoberto,e pela sa´´ude fisica,emocional e espiritual de sua esposa Anna Luiza Moraes Dornas.Obrigada

- CARMEN, Belo Horizonte Brasil

Elegidos de Dios: les ruego por favor que oren por la conversión y la salvación de las almas de mi Familia paterna y materna y por mi conversión y salvación de mi alma. Y por el alma difunta de José. Mi nombre es Malena y los nombres de mis familiares son: Rubén, Gabriela, Martín, Gonzalo, Gastón, Elizabeth, Luis, Noemí, Darío, Gabriel, Marcos, Mariana, Diego, Miguel, Paz, Verónica, Alejandro, Facundo, Miguelito, Tamara, Nadir, Laila, Lola, Mía, Fernando, Natalia, Luisa, Lucas, Ioha, Berta, Cristina, la Familia Mondino, la Familia Fainstein, la Familia Caram, la Familia San Juan, la Familia Duarte, la Familia Xicarts, la Familia Turdo, la Familia Turner, la Familia Napoli, la Familia Isaac, la Familia Buckowsky, la Familia Ruggiero, la Familia Verdura, la Familia Lucacs. Muchísimas Gracias! Que Dios les pague esta labor tan importante que están haciendo y que yo con todo mi corazón y esperanza pongo en sus manos. Son personas que no conocen a Dios, son ateos modernos y sus almas están en peligro. Gracias por sus oraciones, gracias por su amor y su entrega. Que Dios los Bendiga y nuestra Madre Santísima La Virgen María y San José los protejan y los guíen siempre. Gracias, gracias, gracias!

- Malena, Bariloche Argentina

Prosze o modlitwe w intecji zdrowia dla mmnie i mojej rodziny.Znalezienia dobrej dziewczyny dla mojego syna. Dziekuje za modlitwe.

- Janusz, Aurora Estados Unidos


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Por favor rezar por la salud de mi Tio Gustavo Chamorro. Que recupere su salud y salga del hospital.

- Regina, Panorama City Estados Unidos

Pray for me to be filled with unwavering faith in the love and mercy of God, and for my faith to endure to the very end. Repose of souls of Ms. Victoria Conceisao, Sr. Celine and Sr. Beatrice.

- Xavier, Panaji India

Por la salud y vida del Señor José Luis Peró García y por la paz y el perdón entre la familia Peró Romero y la familia Peró Molina.

- Kathia, Valledupar Colombia

Proszę o zdrowie dla całej rodziny oraz o donoszenie ciazy i szczęśliwy poród dla mojej synowej .Chce również podziękować Bogu ,Matce Bożej i Wszystkim św za opiekę i wszystkie łaski jakimi nas obdarowują

- Zofia , New Britain Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji znalezienia pracy na stałe ułożenia sobie życia. Znalezienia dobrego chłopaka . Zdania prawo jazdy. O zdrowie w całej mojej rodzinie . O przemianę moich rodziców. O zdrowie dla mojej koleżanki i dla kuzyna Waldemara. Bardzo proszę o modlitwę Prosi o modlitwę Kinga

- Kinga, Dębica Polonia

Please pray for my daughter Dr. Andrea Janice Fonseca who is 25 years of age and at present doing her 1st Year PG. M.D. (General Medicine) will be guided by the HOLY SPIRIT to discern the will of God in her life. Pray that Jesus protects her and give her the wisdom, knowledge and courage to decide whether to JOIN A RELIGIOUS ORDER or to GET MARRIED. Pray that Our Good Lord will guide Andrea in making a proper decision. Thanking You Mr. Trevor Fonseca

- TREVOR, Mumbai Suburban India

Proszę gorąco o modlitwę w intencji mojego zagrożonego małżeństwa, o uzdrowienie naszej relacji, o miłość męża i zaniechanie myśli o rozwodzie. Mamy czworo dzieci...

- Julita, Lublin Polonia

Para: Leandro Gabriel Romero, Brenda Denise Romero, Damaris Desiré Romero, Pedro Eduardo Romero ,Paez Valeria Del Valle oración para la salud física y espiritual Unión ,protección ,calma AMEN!!!Gracias

- valeria, Cordoba Argentina

Proszę o modlitwę o szybki powrót utraconego związku z Mariuszem o jego miłość do mnie i byśmy byli razem ze sobą na dobre i na złe szczęśliwi razem ze sobą do grobowej deski byśmy szybko powrócili do siebie. Trwali w wierności. By Kasia mieszająca mu w głowie znalazła inną drogą życia. By obdarzał mnie czystą miłością. By Pan Bóg złączył nas na nowo ze sobą

- Krystyna, NADOLE Polonia

Bardzo prosze o modlitwe za moja umierajaca babcie. O laski dla niej potrzebne w tym bardzo trudnym czasie. Prosze tez o modlitwe by dobry Bog przyjal jej dusze z otwartmi rekami.

- Joanna, Hartford Estados Unidos

for the intercession to locate certificates left to my mother by my father

- ELIZABETH, Greenbelt Estados Unidos

Bardzo prosze o modlitwe za zdrowie Katarzyna Iwuc mama 2 malych dzieci jedno malenkie ma SMA . Od Listopada Kasia ma goraczke raz ma raz przechodzi lekarze rozkladaja rece nie wiedza co moze byc. Bardzo prosze o duzo modlitwy za nia o jej zdrowie, dzieciaczki ja bardzo potrzbuja

- Malgorzata, New Britain Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za mojego męża o nawrócenie i trzeźwość . Proszę też o modlitwę za siebie o znalezienie pracy.

- Katarzyna, żabno Polonia

W intencji cudu uzdrowienia dla chorej na nowotwór Renaty, matki trójki małoletnich dzieci, której stan jest ciężki a lekarze nie dają jej żadnych szans i odmawiają operacji. Jedyna nadzieja w Bogu.

- Krzysztof

For Christ to give me strength and guidance to stop my drinking.

- Tom, Broomfield Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji uzdrowienia urazu kręgosłupa i o zdrowie psychiczne,bym już tak okropnie się tym nie zamartwiała

- Martyna, Wrocław Polonia

Jezu zajmij sie naszymi problemami, troskami ty najlepiej wiesz co nas boli, nam dokucza. O milosieerdzie dla mojej calej rodziny, moich synow. Boze nie oduszaj ludzi potrzebujacych, badz im ostoja w trudnych czasach. Dziekuje ci za wszystkie laski i ochrone przed zlem. Big zaplac.

- Grace, Estados Unidos

zwolnili mnie z pracy. Proszę o modlitwę w intencji znalezienia dobrej i stałej pracy, w której będę akceptowana.

- Agnieszka, Kraków Polonia

A favor da minha vida espiritual e da minha tia Fátima que está com problemas Espirituais

- Isaías Avelino, Beira Mozambique


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za Adriana wybudzil sie ze spiaczki zdrowy.

- Diana, Szydlowiec Polonia

Prośba o nawrócenie i przyjęcie Jezusa jako swojego Pana dla mojego szefa Karola

- Ania , Warszawa Polonia

Proszę o modlitwę za rodzinę , w której z powodu covid -19 odszedł mąż, tata.

- Katarzyna, żabno Polonia

Please pray for recovery for Piotr who is in the hospital in ICU for coronavirus and his wife. Thank you

- Mary, Niles Estados Unidos

Jezusie Miłosierny daj ulgę w cierpieniu mojemu mężowi Zbyszkowi który cierpi z powodu rzadko spotykanej i nie uleczalnej choroby a dla mnie sił obym mogła dźwigać wraz z nim te cierpienie jeśli jest to Twoja wola to niech się stanie na Twoja chwale mój Jezusie Amen

- Maria, Sun City Estados Unidos

peço oração para que eu mim fazer um boa confiçao

- fabio alves, araguaina Brasil



porfavor recen por todas las INTENCIONES DE CARLOS, todas las almas y difuntos y todas las INTENCIONES DE CARLOS, incluidas en todas las santas misas que yo he encargado en toda mi vida. gracias.

- carlos, madrid España

Bogu wiadomo

- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę w intencji nawrócenia mojego męża Tomasza. Aby szczerze z pokornym sercem zwrócił się w stronę Pana Boga i zawierzył mu siebie i swoje życie . Aby mógł po śmierci oglądać oblicze Naszego Boga w niebie i cieszyć się Jego chwała.

- Barbara, New Britain Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za córkę Martę aby mogła wrócić ze szpitala zdrowa do rodziny i swojej córeczki która urodziła tydzień temu.

- Zdzisław , Chicago Estados Unidos

Ogromnie z Serca proszę o modlitwę za wszystkich chorych i umierajacych w tej chwili na covid za to by chorzy wyzdrowieli a umierający mieli opiekę Dobrego Boga i by byli zbawieni . Bardzo proszę o modlitwy za rodziny zmarłych na ta chorobe by znalazły pocieszenie w Bogu . I by Dobry Bóg nigdy ich nie opuszczał !!!

- Julita, Pobiedziska Polonia


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Prosze o modlitwe za moje dzieci, meza, nasze rodziny oraz za wszystkie dusze czyscowe.

- Anna, Arlington Heights Estados Unidos


- HILDA , La Paz, BCS México


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Prosze w intencji o uzdrowienie z owrzodzenia nogi mojej mamy .

- Renata, Estados Unidos


- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

O cud i uzdowienie mojej Najukochanszej Zony Agaty.

- Tomasz, Elk Grove Village Estados Unidos

Maryjo, skrusz serce moje i mojej rodziny

- Anna

Proszę o modlitwę o zdrowie i wiarę dla moich rodziców, o ich nawrócenie

- Izabela, Warszawa Polonia

1. O dostanie sie i skonczenie weterynarskiej szkoly dla Daniela Majerczyk 2. O znalezienie dobrze platnej pracy dla Joanny

- Anna, Treasure Island Estados Unidos

Przez wstawiennictwo Matki Najswietszej- prosze o swiatlo Ducha Sw., nawrocenie, i dobra spowiedz dla Barbary. Prosze tez o modlitwe w intencji godnego przyjmowania Komunii Sw.- na calym swiecie. Prosze tez o modlitwe przez rece Matki Boskiej Czestochowskiej o wyzwolenie z wszelkich uzaleznien w rodzinie.

- Maria, Germantown Estados Unidos

Pido oracion, por mi hijo Joel Uriel Sanchez-Hernandez, pido a Dios que le conceda sabiduria,inteligencia, y que sea protegido con el manto de la Virgen Maria, que Dios le lleve por el buen sendero que es Nuestro Senor Jesucristo. Gracias, y bendiciones a todos,. ATT: Enrique

- Enrique, Somerville Estados Unidos

Mamo, tak bardzo jak mi się nie chce, tak bardzo Cię proszę, pomoz wrócić do Boga.

- Ann

Proszę o modlitwę o uzdrowienie z choroby nowotworowej.

- Anna, Ełk Grove Village Estados Unidos

My family bond of love never breaks. My son becomes close with his brother, thinks about his actions and makes him feel welcome. They have a wonderful time together during their visit.

- Christine, Boca Raton Estados Unidos

Please pray for my grandson Benjamin who is 5 and 1/2 years old. He has Sensory disorder and needs healing to be able to function at school later on. He is very smart and funny but has slight delay in his physical and occupational function. Please pray for his parents for blessings and guidance of Divine Providence in raising this blessed boy. Thank you and God bless you all.

- Dorothy, rancho santa margarita Estados Unidos

Please pray for repose of souls of Fr. Patrick de Mello, Fr. Joaquim da Cruz, Fr. Prudencio Ferreira, Sr. Mary Josepha and Ms. Victoria Conceisao. Please pray for my eternal salvation.

- Xavier, Panaji India

Bendito Dios, gracias por todo lo que día a día me regalas...fundamentalmente la vida y la salud mía y de mis seres queridos. Pero tengo esa inquietud por la crítica situación económica por la que atravesamos y cada día estoy más ahorcado...y se nos achica el cerco…todo se va derrumbando a mi alrededor, .por que no nos hablas….? Por qué guardas tanto silencio!? Por qué no nos haces conocer cuál es tu voluntad? Que quieres de nosotros? No te importa nuestro sufrimiento...nuestro dolor..nuestra angustia??? Nuestra impotencia?? El ver que nuestra fuente de ingresos y sustento se desploma ... .a quien voy a acudir sino es a Ti Señor, .Tu eres el dueño de todo el oro y plata del mundo...Tu lo sabes y puedes todo...y es por Tus caminos que quiero andar Señ me ocultes más tu me desampares mi Dios

- Oscar Francisco, Santiago del Estero Argentina

Dando Gracias al Señor por el don de la vida y todo lo que día a día nos regala. Por las benditas Almas del Purgatorio Por el eterno descanso de las almas de Héctor Oscar Abalos y María Teresa Montaño Para que pueda darte a conocer a mis hermanos Señor Jesús Por todos los hermanos que oran por mi familia y por las necesidades espirituales y temporales qué tenemos. Rogando al Señor, si es su voluntad, nos ayude a superar la crisis económica de nuestra empresa provocadas por esta pandemia. Por todos los niños, jóvenes. Ancianos, enfermos, sin hogar, solos, abandonados, tristes, angustiados para que el Señor tenga misericordia de ellos Por la conversión de mis hijos Por la liberación y sanación física, mental y espiritual de Gonzalo, Lourdes, Patricia y Oscar Para que el María Santísima Aumente mi fe y confianza en su hijo Jesucristo Rogando al Señor que derrame su amor en mi corazón y busque primero el reino de Dios. Rogando al Señor la virtud de la humildad Por fortaleza física y espiritual de nuestro párroco Rogando bendiciones para todos los hermanos integrantes de la comunidad del Buen Pastor. Por las necesidades espirituales y temporales de la familia Abalos Montaño,Abalos Diaz,Abalos Rojas y Abalos Bertoldi

- Oscar Francisco, Santiago del Estero Argentina

Les ruego me acompañen en oración por mi hijo E, el está en una situación muy peligrosa está consumiendo drogas. Desde hace más de 4 años empezó una relación con una chica mayor que el y ella lo ha introducido a fumar marijuana con esto de la pandemia está adiccion se ha incrementado y nos ha faltado el respeto a su padre y a mi a unos niveles increíbles. Tiene mucho odio a mi persona , a su padre y sus hermanos especialmente a W. Ellos no se hablan desde Diciembre del año pasado por un gran altercado que llegó a lo físico. Esta chica lo ha puesto en contra de toda nuestra familia. Ella es una persona no muy buena y esta relación de ellos es muy tóxica. El a descuidado sus estudios y no cuida de su persona. Les ruego para que Nuestro Padre Celestial tome el control absoluto de esta situación y lo llene de su amor . Le cambié su corazón y su mente y sobre todo ruego por su conversión como la de W. y G. Todo esto se lo pido a Nuestro Padre Celestial en el nombre poderoso de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Amén y Amén.

- Damarys, Rosemead Estados Unidos

I am praying in a special way for all of you who have made prayer request in here especially at this time of pandemic, for those of you who are dealing with the Virus or your loved ones who are in the middle of fighting against COVID19. Through the intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary , may all of you be protected and touched by healing hands of our Lord, Jesus. Amen

- Fr. Matt, Northbrook, IL Estados Unidos

Our Broken Hearts Continue to Cry out to God Day and Night for His Mercy and Peace! Dear Community of Prayer, Thank you for praying! Thank you for praying with all of us daily during this dark time(2020'S,,) in history. Just know we are praying with you daily. Please continue to pray with us daily Now and in the days ahead 2020,2021... or as long as possible? For God's Mercy, Healing and Protecting Peace in these turbulent times. Please continue to pray with us for our personal(Broken Hearts and Lives) recovery. God;s Healing and Protecting Peace. Still recovering from the loss of our only son and other sorrows and hardships then and Now! Please pray!!

- Bill and Carol , Estados Unidos

I come to you with a plea for prayer for my precious daughter, Bella. Bella is 27 and almost two years ago, she was hit by a car while crossing the street in Tucson, Az. Suffering a traumatic brain injury, we were told that she would likely be in a coma for the rest of her life; that we would be lucky if she ever opens her eyes let alone ever engages. Today, Bella is a walking, talking, thinking young woman and is progressing every day. She was three years in to two PhD programs before the accident: neuroscience and psychological brain sciences. She is not only smart, but a tough hard worker. She is every bit the intelligent woman she was prior. At this stage, she probably could not take a test that before the accident she would ace, but I have no doubt that her comprehension and intellect are intact. She suffered multiple physical injuries as well, but is working hard to overcome them and completely heal. There are two areas that weigh heavy on my heart and I ask you to join me in taking them to God. Bella has an issue with her soft palate, tongue and mouth weakness making her speech unintelligible. It is completely brain related and involves her hypoglossal and vagus nerves that control the opening, closing and coordination of the soft palate and tongue. Please pray for the healing of these nerves and all issues related to her soft palate issue. The other issue involves her boyfriend, Connor and his relationship with God. Connor is wonderful, has been by her side and has been instrumental in her recovery. He works with her constantly and is devoted to her. Bella wanted to attend mass and pray, but Connor does not want that and has influenced her to stop. Based on Bella, he believes in God, but not church. He also seems angry with God. Please pray for the following: Taylor, an 18-yr old young lady, suffered a traumatic brain injury after a collision on Mother’s Day evening. Jessica: self-esteem, wisdom, seek God first, job, psych issues, to find a Godly man, help with unhealthy relationship Josh, Katie, Cindy, Keith, Tina’s son, Graham, Liam’s mother, Debbie and Taylor: Addiction Justin: a disease that is shrinking his brain Sean: Parkinsons and Insurance issues Barbara: recently widowed Allison and Dakota: Legal issues and reputations Liam: a young boy with a mother with addiction. He has many issues. Health, disease, pain and suffering: Mary Anne, David, Lily, Chad, Lisa, Ellen, Sandy, Fran, Debbie, Connie, Cecillia, Bob Aidan: job and legal issues Renie and Natalie: relationship Julie and Mike: marriage and parenting Emily and Matt: Matt has a tumor, but has been in remission Matt, Jeni, Gregg and Connor to come to know and love and serve God Leighton: my 7 year old grandson to grow up healthy, safe and to know and love and serve God Frank: job and parenting Bryce: 19 year old young man that is recovering from a traumatic brain injury and lonely for friends. Tammi, Zach and Linda: healing Brain healing: Heather, Matt, Art, Carl, Oliver, Tristan, Lauren, Bailey, Fharryn, Danielle Bless you all and please know, I pray for you.

- Dawn, Tucson Estados Unidos

Peco oracao pelas almes de Ronaldo Defante Olga Fra Defante Armindo Defante Airton Luiz Defante. que encontre a paz, e a luz divina e o perdao.

- Liamar, Chapadao do Sul Brasil

Prosze o modlitwe za mojego siostrzenca Kubusia o Blogoslawienstwo Boze opieke Matki Bozej I dary Ducha sw dla niego.

- Alicja, Wood Dale Estados Unidos

Za dusze w czyscu cierpiace oraz za losy swiata .Dla Jego bolesnej meki,miej milosierdzie dla nas i calego swiata.

- Bernadetta, MIDDLETOWN Estados Unidos

Pray for an end to the pandemic.

- Guy, Chicago Estados Unidos

Proszę o modlitwę za Tomasza Duszak aby powrócił do wiary, kościoła i sakramentów. O łaskę nawrócenia i odmiany serca. Aby po śmierci był zbawiony.

- Barbara, New Britain Estados Unidos

Pray for coronavirus to stop spreading and for all who are affected by this illness.

- Robert, Chicago Estados Unidos

Pidiendo a Dios nuevas vocaciones para los Misioneros del Verbo Divino.

- Juan, Quito Ecuador

For my mom to feel safe in the care of her doctors, her children and the Lord.

- Nancy, Oak Park Estados Unidos

A benção para minha família que está passando agora por uma situação difícil.

- João, Mississauga Canadá

Modlitwa o pokój na świecie

- Dorota, Techny Estados Unidos
No se agregará al muro de oración.
Nos pondremos en contacto con usted solo si nos da permiso y su correo electrónico se utilizará para la autenticación para garantizar que nos contactemos con una persona real.
Young adults with candles


¡Done Hoy al Verbo Divino!

Su donativo ayuda a nuestros misioneros a llevar el Evangelio de Cristo a los pobres y necesitados de todo el mundo.

Done Hoy