Father Bernard Latus in Jamaica listening to the concerns of a local resident - Society of the Divine Word Chicago Province

Matching Gifts

Missionary Bernard Latus in Jamaica listening to the concerns of a local resident.

Double the impact your donation makes

Matching gift programs are a great way to increase your individual donation by requesting a matching donation from your employer.

These programs are a company benefit that allows employees to make donations and receive a 1:1 match on their gift or more from the employer. Company matching gift programs can vary in ratio or offer different levels of matching gifts based on types of employment. This is a great way for you to increase a donation to a nonprofit you care about

If you’d like to make a matching gift donation to Society of the Divine Word, it’s easy to begin.

Simply ask your Human Resources department if your company offers a matching gift program and how you may apply for one. They will validate that you indeed made a donation and send a matching donation based on their individual company program.  

Your individual donation can be made online, or by mailing a check (payable to ‘Society of the Divine Word’) to:

Society of the Divine Word
Development Department
P.O. Box 577
Techny, IL 60082-0577

Companies of all sizes recognize the importance of fulfilling their social responsibility, and matching gift programs is one way to accomplish it while also showing their support of social causes dear to their employees. For a list of the top matching gift companies, click here.

If you have any questions regarding a matching gift to support the Society of the Divine Word, contact  Fr. Janusz Horowski via email or 847-412-1608.

We hope you will consider a gift to the Society of the Divine Word.

Young adults with candles

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Your offering to Divine Word helps our missionaries bring the Gospel of Christ to the poor and forgotten around the world.

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Serving the needs of vulnerable communities and proclaiming the Gospel throughout the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. 
Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 36-2183817

Mailing Address

Society of the Divine Word
Development Department
P.O. Box 577
Techny, IL 60082-0577

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