A simple sign, an important message
In the mid-1980s, Harry Belafonte teamed up with fundraiser Ken Kragen to bring together the biggest names in the American music industry and create a hit song that would raise funds for those starving in Africa. With a mission inspired by Bob Geldof's efforts to help people in Africa, and a song written in part by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson, the project was put into motion.
With the pop stars all in town for an awards show at the same time for only one day, the production team knew they had a big task at hand. But, within a few hours of the awards show ending, stars such as Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, Billy Joel, Willie Nelson, Bruce Springsteen, Kenny Loggins, Tina Turner, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles and others began to arrive at Lion Share Recording Studio to donate their time and participation.
Before the musicians gathered in the studio, producer Quincy Jones placed a sign above the entrance that read, "Check your ego at the door," as a reminder that the project was bigger and more important than all of them. The star singers stayed late into the morning to finish recording all of their parts, and the mixing crew's work was just beginning. No one could have predicted the impact their efforts were about to make.
A few months later, the supergroup released the hit song "We Are the World", that became the fastest-selling American pop single in history and raised over $63 million for humanitarian aid.
Keeping our egos in check is probably the golden rule of all successful human relationships. When we don't act like we are the center of the world, our friends, acquaintances, family, community, etc., will feel like important parts of the relationship because their contribution will be appreciated. People perceive us differently when we also think about them, not just ourselves.
"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta