Limits of Our Illusions

Limit of Our IllusionsCompass-1.png

An old sailor repeatedly got lost at sea, so his friends gave him a compass and urged him to use it. The next time he went out in his boat, he followed their advice and took the compass with him. But as usual, he became hopelessly confused and was unable to find land. 

Finally, he was rescued by his friends. Disgusted and impatient with him, they asked, “Why didn’t you use that compass we gave you? You could have saved us a lot of trouble!” The sailor responded, “I didn’t dare to! I wanted to go north, but as hard as I tried to make the needle aim in that direction, it just kept on pointing southeast.”

The old sailor was so certain he knew which was north that he stubbornly tried to force his own personal persuasion on his compass. Unable to do so, he tossed it aside as worthless and failed to benefit from the guidance it offered.

In our modern world, where information flows ceaselessly and can often be overwhelming, finding the truth requires more than just passive consumption. While it’s easy to cling to familiar beliefs and comforting illusions, genuine understanding and growth come from questioning, analyzing and reflecting deeply on the information presented to us.

"Finding truth in a sea of information requires both critical thinking skills and a willingness to reject comfortable illusions." - Sam Harris

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