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Your offering to Divine Word helps our missionaries bring the Gospel of Christ to the poor and forgotten around the world.
By Theresa Carson
When Divine Word Father Jerome Ziliak lay on his deathbed, his niece-by-marriage Mary Ellen chose to stay at his side and let his blood relatives survey the items that he would leave behind. Little did she know that she would receive the greatest gift that he had to give.
Mary Ellen, who worked in palliative care nursing, noticed that her uncle-in-law was agitated and asked what bothered him. He said he needed to write a book about his life’s ministries for people who would follow him. Her promise to fulfill his dying wish gave him comfort. That promise has evolved into an initiative beyond her wildest dreams.
Father Ziliak, a pioneer in sustainable development, spent 50 years of his life as a missionary in India.
In Karpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, Father Ziliak revolutionized farming and staved off famine by teaching villagers modern and environmentally friendly agricultural methods. He established a dairy farm and developed a cooling pool for water buffalo so that milk production would remain consistent year-round.
“Father Jerry wanted to reach the community,” Mary Ellen said. “He held the philosophy that all living things are connected. Our ripples touch other people. The general theme [of the children’s books] is family love and support of neighbor.”
Mary Ellen and her husband Roger shared a profound connection with our missionaries — a bond that outlives death. After Father Ziliak passed away in 2012, Mary Ellen set to writing. Today, his legacy lives on in a book series. The Diocese of Evansville Catholic school system is using the first book as a teaching tool for second graders.
“Tiny Teak” (M.T. Publishing Co.: 2023), the first book in her series Village Stories, uses the story of Father Ziliak’s teak farm to remind children that they have a purpose in God’s plan. “He was a farm boy who expanded agriculture in Karpur, India,” Mrs. Ziliak said. “I want to put into children’s minds at an early age that they should live with respect and honor. God has a plan for you; just open your heart to receive it.”
(Illustration by Joan Dewig DeJong from “Tiny Teak” (M.T. Publishing Co.: 2023)
Father Ziliak and many of his contemporaries have gone to their heavenly rewards, but those who immediately followed him are now retiring.
Your gift provides increased support and care for those who have dedicated their lives to this mission. We appreciate your contributions for the retirement of those who gave their lives in service and for the resources to prepare new generations to spread Christ’s message of love, hope and service.
We extend our gratitude to the Ziliak family for their steadfast commitment to sharing stories of our missions, especially during the sesquicentennial of the founding of the Society of the Divine Word. Click here to learn more about the legacy of Father Ziliak’s missionary service.
As Pope Francis calls each and every one of us to be missionaries, we invite you to share in our joy during the Society of the Divine Word’s 150th anniversary of dedication and service. We thank you for being part of our missionary community.
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Your offering to Divine Word helps our missionaries bring the Gospel of Christ to the poor and forgotten around the world.