Father Adam and a crew of volunteers help to repair a local home in Gassaway, West Virginia.

Divine Stories

Fr. Adam MacDonald, SVD (left) and a crew of volunteers help repair a local home in Gassaway, West Virginia.

There are two questions that donors never tire of asking charities such as ours. How did you use my donation? Did it make a difference in anyone’s life? We are posting these stories to answer these questions. We think you will like them. They are short and personal. The settings range from the South Side of Chicago to the “hollers” of West Virginia to the poor neighborhoods of Kingston, Jamaica. In every case, your generous support enabled our missionaries to touch the lives of people with the love of God. Thank you!


Honorary Degree for Divine Word Musicologist
By Theresa Carson

Father Piotr Nawrot SVD, a musicologist who specializes in Mission Baroque received an honorary doctorate from the Catholic University of America (CUA) on May 11, 2024.

Mission Meets Medical Anthropology
Prepared by Vocation Team, Chicago Providence

Fr. Alexander Rödlach is a teacher, a priest, a medical anthropologist – in short, he’s a modern-day missionary.

Religious Brothers Work With the People
Prepared by SVD vocation team, Jamaica

Divine Word Missionary brothers are men committed to living Consecrated Life in response to a call from God. They focus on their God-given talents and share their gifts with others while engaged in a variety of ministries and Bro. Bernie Spitzley is one of them.

Some Missionaries are Called to be Bishops
By SVD Vocation Team

While many priests who are appointed to the role of bishop are diocesan priests, some are religious priests who are members of religious orders, like the Society of the Divine Word (SVD).

Polish Missionary With 25 Years in the Caribbean Named Provinicial
Theresa Carson, Public and Media Relations Director - Chicago Province

Superior General Father Paulus Budi Kleden SVD has appointed Father Adam Oleszczuk SVD as the next provincial superior of the Society of the Divine Word Chicago Province.

Challenges and Triumphs in Difficult Times: A Story of Learning to Sew
By Fr. Robert Ratajczak SVD, Antigua

Sewing is a practical and useful skill, and it also can be a creative outlet that brings people together. Read more…

Educating Future Generations in Jamaica
By Father Bernard Latus, SVD

Catholic schools provide children with the invaluable opportunity to expand their knowledge, explore their passions, create community, and promote self-discipline through clarity of moral vision that is based on the Gospel. In many places, especially mission countries those schools still are the only chance to receive good quality education.

Diverse Pastoral Team Serves Multicultural Parish
Based on article made by SVD Vocations Team

Our missionaries strive to live in intercultural harmony both within the society and on mission with those from other cultures. We call it, “Prophetic Dialogue,” by what we mean interacting respectfully with people from other cultures and traditions. Welcoming, understanding and accepting the rich cultural diversity of its members and people we serve.

From Peace Corp to Missionary Life
Written by Theresa Carson, Techny

Affinity for the marginalized led Divine Word priest to serve in three countries.

The Many Roles We Play
Frater Martin Herrera SVD - Bolivia

Martin is a Chicago Province SVD seminarian completing his oversees pastoral training. Currently developing his missionary skills in Bolivia, he wants to share with us few words about his experience.
Young adults with candles

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