Fr. Heinz Kulüke SVD in the Philippines with children at slums on Cebu Island

Mission Support

Fr. Heinz Kulüke SVD in the Philippines with children at slums on Cebu Island.

We May Not All Be Called to Be Missionaries

But we are called to support those who do the work of God.

Very few people are called to be missionaries. It can be a difficult choice to leave everything and everyone behind and follow God’s call halfway around the world. It’s easy to think, “I could never do that,” and simply leave the work to the priests and brothers who are. But you are called to more than that! You are a part of our story and you help impact lives.

Jesus taught us that whoever gave these disciples so much as a cup of cold water, would not want for their reward. And so, it is with you that our missionaries can give their life in service. If there is no partnership, no family of supporters, we cannot complete the work that calls us.

How you can help

Whether tending to the spiritual needs or physical needs of the poor, our missionaries need your financial support to continue their work.

Through donations, mass offerings, estate gifts, annuities, and matching gifts, we invite you to participate directly in our missionary work among those who most need our assistance and give thanks to those missionaries who return home after a life of service.

The revenue we receive from these sources is essential to supporting the efforts of more than 240 priests, brothers, seminarians, and novices throughout the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. While it is a costly undertaking, we trust in the generosity of our supporters and the providence of God to help sustain us. When you respond with a gift, we believe in the depth of our hearts that you are responding to promptings of the Holy Spirit.

St. Francis taught us that it is in giving that we receive. We believe your generosity returns a gift to you. It forges a bond between you and God, and between you and our community of missionaries. We are blessed to have you consider a donation to the Society of the Divine Word and be part of our missionary family. Thank you!

Father Viet Hoang visiting a sick woman in Paraguay

How to Help

Learn how you can help at the following links:

Young adults with candles

Donate Today!

Your offering to Divine Word helps our missionaries bring the Gospel of Christ to the poor and forgotten around the world.

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Serving the needs of vulnerable communities and proclaiming the Gospel throughout the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. 
Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 36-2183817

Mailing Address

Society of the Divine Word
Development Department
P.O. Box 577
Techny, IL 60082-0577

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