Saints by accident
Many specialized firefighter units were called to the burning oil shaft, but none of them managed to get close enough to extinguish the fire due to intense heat. Only the local Volunteer Fire Brigade succeeded. Firefighters, ready to act, sprang out of the car. During the action some were seriously injured, but after a short time the fire was extinguished. The owner organized a great ceremony. In thanks for extinguishing the fire, he gave the heroes a substantial check as a sign of gratitude. When a journalist asked the commander where the money will be spent, he replied without thinking: “First of all, we must fix the brakes on our fire truck.”
We used to say 'in the wrong place, at the wrong time' to describe unlucky coincidences that influence what happened or someone's deeds. The opposite could happen as well -- our good deeds were not intentional because we were under the pressure to do good.
Let's not be saints by accident but deliberately. Let our good deeds to be a conscious choice, not a pure coincidence.
“For if you love those who love you... what do you do more than others? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48